Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Last post of the first quarter..

Today is the last day of the month & also the last day of the first quarter.
The year started on a Friday, ruled by Venus[alas..I was also born on a friday!!], however, it didn't have anything special, as it was routine job.The first two months have showed little things than what this month could show.
 I still remember what happened on March 1st, 2010. I was feeling terrible that day & fortunately, I had a friend with me, who could feel & understand the traumatic condition I was passing through that day. "A friend in need is a friend indeed"--I was taught this proverb when I was in school & over & over again. Certainly I thank that friend with all my heart & *brain* for giving me company.
Secondly, I had trust in myself & in God & fortunately, I was able to come out of this situation & things improved. However, once the mirror is cracked, no matter how many times you mend or try to mend it--it will still bear the cracks. But I will never give up--how difficult it is. Life becomes difficult as it moves on & on, new scenarios, new circumstances, new people & also the *new* attitude in old people. Yes, people change--they change in a couple of minutes sometimes, sometimes it takes years, for "Change is the only constant". Once I tried explaining this to a friend who later said that people will have their own ways of explaining this quote. I gave up explaining this to him.
My connection also got screwed up in the meantime, so I took a new connection. I met my cousin here in Dubai this month & I think I met her after years now. In fact, she came here for the first time, we had a short meet in the hotel & then back to work.
Work has been tiring sometimes..sometimes long days & sometimes short. When the day has been short at work, I tried going out with friends, or sometimes, alone exploring places around or may be for a long walk. Fortunately, Dubai has less pollution than India, so walking here is really good. But alas...Summer is on, so evening, specially post Sunset is wonderful for a walk.I love walking as it doesn't cost anything & secondly, it keeps me healthy, specially when my tummy is coming out.[I am always afraid to be pot-bellied!!]

When I was young, I used to complain to my mother, "Maa, those guys keep on bullying me". My mother would say, "What happens when you grow up? When you grow up, you will find these are nothing. Life becomes more complex then...". Now I see what she said was true. When I was young, I always wanted grow up...but now..."What the hell I used to think???".

Tomorrow is the April Fool's day & the second quarter. I am sure this quarter will be pretty eventful, for me..if not for all!!!
Au revoir....

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