Tuesday, March 30, 2010

An Ode to the sea..

It being a day-off, after my afternoon nap, I thought of strolling along the beach--especially during the sunset. So that I can witness the setting sun getting merged in the deep sea.
Whilst roaming around the beach, I started recollecting the day I was afraid of water & gradually I started liking it. I remember at the age of 5, we went to Puri- a beach resort, also famed for it being a city for pilgrimage. I was afraid when my father took me to the sea for dips but the fear later went away & then I could learn swimming. Then so many times I have visited any beach resort, bathed in the sea--but didn't get afraid--learnt to love it. Sometimes, I feel I have come from the sea--I am born in Pisces ascendant sign-Fishes. I am the fish of the sea, my origin is the sea & my destruction is in the sea too [sometimes in the plate of five star hotels& restaurants!!!].I wanted to take a bath today also, but I didn't carry any other clothes or a towel for myself...so I hope to take a bath soon...

I have never written a poem in my life, but today's powerful feelings, made me write one. Wordsworth said poetry is the overflow of powerful feelings, so is my little Ode to the sea...[Never mind if the poem is senseless to you!!!!]

An Ode to the Sea

Once ago I was afraid of the sea,
but then I loved the sea
And the sea loved me.

I was frightened, I ran away,
but you embraced me
with your heart to follow your waves.

I could never think that
I would come over & over to you again.
I am made of you & a part of you,
Only you know my pain.

You have been crying & roaring for ages,
No one could understand--
what are you looking for ages.

The sun rises from you,
And it sets in you too.
You are the source of everything
And you are the destiny.

The fishes in you joyfully play,
They dance, they jump, they swim--
All your way!!

The blue water, can it be blue??
It is the sky, that lends the color to you.
From distance, you are blue, but when I am closer,
I find the colorless you.

You dont take anything--they say,
For you are born to give & give--good or bad.
Be it the pearls that glitters a neck
Or millions of lives which you take away.

Now I stand by your side,
And I look at you. I am mesmerised,
I am puzzled & I am baffled
By your beauty, by your serenity
And your everlasting eternity!!!

E. & O.E.
Gaurav Ghosh.
Dubai, March 30, 2010.

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