Sunday, March 21, 2010

Timepass or Passing the time on.....

Apart from working in the kitchen, I have a life of my own--where I rediscover myself in some other talents. When I was a kid, it was just playing on my own--sometimes, my mother would come & beat me up & then again I would start playing..
When I started growing up, found myself interested in sports--specially cricket[ Perhaps in Bengal it is widely popular, despite Bengalis are famous for their love for football/soccer].Sometimes, excelling in cricket & sometimes going through bad patch--all followed me...mostly, it was "Para Cricket"[cricket of a local club] that I used to play. Fortunately, closer to my house, there were two playgrounds where we got the opportunity to play. Sometimes people would ask me " are you a batsman or a bowler?". My typical answer, "I am an all-rounder"--I was a poor catcher though...
Prior to this, I was introduced to painting & drawing. Honestly, I am very poor in drawing & so in painting. Tried my best...but could draw only a multi-storied building in rains or else...a cottage in a village, with the rising sun in the background & a river passing by...--these are the two cliched drawings I have always done-in Schools, in competitions & so on....but later I left it...
After this, my father introduced me to "Tabla"--an Indian percussion instrument, looks like a drum, comes in a pair. One who taught me at first, was a non-sense. He had only bigtalks--when it comes to was bullshit!!!
The following one, was a very old man--he happened to be my grandfather's friend. He was teaching me well...& so was I learning pretty fast..He always stressed on continuous practice [Practice makes a man perfect!!!]--but I would never listen to him...sometimes he would tell me "Even for two minutes--that will be enough!!"..I would smile, agree to him & then forget it.. :P
Then I left that also....
Then I joined cricket coaching center, backed my passion to represent my country in international cricket. I carried on, whilst in the meanwhile, I got an interest in Occult matters--especially Numerology. I remember, I would spent hours after hours in the library, going through books by Cheiro, Benham etc & try to unfold mine & friends' future. Sometimes, few things clicked, was way off...however, left both cricket & numerology, when studies were haunting me...with EXAMS!!!
In 2002, when I passed class-10, my father gifted me a desktop, which meant that the world is open to me[qt contrary to UAE, India doesn't have restriction in cyber world]. Prior to that, only cyber cafes for net, checking mails or chatting with friends--for hours after hours, but then after school...chatting with friends for 2-3 hours became a priority. Even now, if I am in Calcutta, I would get up at 6 am..& turn on my laptop & then the chatting since that time...sometimes, my mother gets angry on me...when she finds me sitting in front of the computer & complaining that "Maa...I am hungry!!" --and food is ready!!
However, in between I got interest in "Astrology" too. To my parents, it is a "No-No"...they were totally against my interest in Occult matters, but I had strong passion for it. Since I didn't start earning by that time, I thought of taking up a professional courses in "Astrology" & learn it...but problem came from parents...
In 2004, I was desperate to learn this subject & ultimately bought a book for me, to learn the basics & since into it...even now, when I get time, I dont mind going through my horoscope or for friends....
Reading has been a good timepass for me..since years. Previously, I used to read most of the mythological books--on Hindu religion mostly. Thereafter, Vedas, Upanishads, Gita & many more books--of course for the sake of knowledge & sharing the knowledge, who is looking for it..
Learning about different cuisines has been an addition to my books *wishlist*, since I have been introduced to Hospitality.
I dont know whether to add cooking to my *timepass*, as I have been cooking for many years--even before I joined the college. My cooking disaster was "Chicken Do-pyaza"--but later I fixed turned into passion. Often I used to make burgers at home & oneday the hot oil splashed on my wrist...[the marks are still there]
Sometimes, I love to cook for myself & for friends....fortunately, they liked my food--Joydeep, Samrat, Indranil--so many times..but still crave for my cooking.. ;) I started keeping their *feedback* documented.

Rebirth--I dont want...but given a chance what would I like to have as my timepass??
My mother is an avid singer--when I was young & she would resume practising, I would stop her singing, but since 2004, I have developed an interest in music, specially Classical Music. Often, I find solace in the rhythm of Classical Music, my favorite Ragas being "Ahir Bhairav", "Kanara"[the latter being a difficult one]. I used to tell my mother "Maa, I want to learn Classical music now...", she would smile it away. Perhaps its too late to learn music...should I get another birth, I would like & love to be a patron of music!!!

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