Yes, one more year come to close--a year, where my level of frustration didn't know any limits [i.e. no ceiling...]--I got upset at things, at people for end number of times. I got angry too...but limited myself from blabbering when I am angry[no wonder, my BP is not in control]..but then when I couldn't control myself-I had to blast out...but later, I felt sorry, for allowing my emotions to vent out.
I have been pissed off this year, than any other year--to be honest. The year started off well...but till Feb. 28th, 2010. March 1st, 2010, a monday--was really a dark day or "black day" as you may want to call it. My blog was too much for someone--I just saved my ass from being terminated..however, things moved on. Work, sleep, cooking, casual conversations, casual shopping & eating out--all were going on till May 29, 2010, when I cut my finger in an electric slicer at work. I felt really shitty or I was in "deep shit", when that happened to me--barely, I could cook, type, eat or write--n some people just made fun of this pitiful condition---their excuse was to make me laugh, when I was crying out of pain--couldn't sleep at night--fucktards!!
In due course, I recovered..pretty fast though & went to India on vacation for just 20 days.The vacation was ok...but it was nice to see those friends, who just pretended to be friend & bite me from back...& it was nice to see those friends..who I have not seen for a while...& who I never talked to in my life before...& met them after a decade!! classique at home..for friends, family & relatives...altogether a different feeling.
But I had to come back to Dubai..& made certain resolutions, with which I abided by & I was successful. Fortunately, I changed my kitchen from breakfast to lobby lounge[at least got to cook something than cutting fruits!!] & in my off time, casual experiments--my inspirations being a handful of famous chefs!!
I have changed my outlook completely--those people who dont fall in my category--doesn't matter. I will just simply avoid them. If someone alleges me of something and if it is not true-I just dont care. I dont want them to be a part of life anymore-fuck off!!! Similarly, if someone's behaviour is not appropriate[or doesn't fall in the level of my acceptance] just get off!!! Life is beautiful without you...Perhaps, I have created enemies like this..but I dont mind.
This year perhaps I tried many languages together, but when it came to actual practice, i.e. speaking to the guests, I mixed it up. For example, saying the word "Da" to German-"Da" is a Russian word for "Yes" & the like. Russian, Italian, French--I seemed to try all...German was difficult for me, except "Spiegeleier", "Ruhreier", "Danke Schon", "Bitte Schon" etc.
I seem to hate those people, who say something & practise the opposite. For example, if I say, "I dont like women" & instead, I am a doesn't make any sense when I say something..right?I found out a couple of these...will keep on finding such tribes...& just kick them off!!And sometimes, the true face of people...who can bite you from behind, but when they interact with you, face-to-face, they pretend they are not complicated at all..
Its good to see the year has come to close---but will 2011 be for good??Honestly, I haven't achieved anything this year---not even a single shit!!Just I am getting frustrated, depressed everyday...just with anxious eyes I am looking at the door...the door of 2011, the one will be opened on January 1st, Saturday.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
It is going to be a little fishy on New Year...
"Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,(Should old acquaintance be forgot)
an nivir brocht ti mynd?(and never brought to mind)
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,(Should old acquaintance be forgot)
an ald lang syn?"(an old long since)
--This is a pretty old song--sung mostly when the clock strikes 12 midnight, ushering in the new year!! A scottish song by tradition[& you can make it out from the archaic form of English], for your sake, I put the english rendition in parenthesis.[You know, when I was writing it, I could hear someone singing the song next to my ears....]
Its Sunday today...December 19th, 2010. We still got 12 days of this year to complete & then move forward to 2011. Yesterday, I was planning a little menu, of what I may serve on New Year...for dinner. Its just a small menu, a very small three course, carrying all European flavours in the plate...& you may guess, it is going to be fishy...really fishy!!!
So here you go....
Pretty simple..aint it???
an nivir brocht ti mynd?(and never brought to mind)
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,(Should old acquaintance be forgot)
an ald lang syn?"(an old long since)
--This is a pretty old song--sung mostly when the clock strikes 12 midnight, ushering in the new year!! A scottish song by tradition[& you can make it out from the archaic form of English], for your sake, I put the english rendition in parenthesis.[You know, when I was writing it, I could hear someone singing the song next to my ears....]
Its Sunday today...December 19th, 2010. We still got 12 days of this year to complete & then move forward to 2011. Yesterday, I was planning a little menu, of what I may serve on New Year...for dinner. Its just a small menu, a very small three course, carrying all European flavours in the plate...& you may guess, it is going to be fishy...really fishy!!!
So here you go....
Creme de carrotte
Bacon bits & orange air
Poisson Clamart
Pan fried Sea Bass, green pea mousse, Butter-fondant potato, peperonata & sicilian pesto
Negra Arroz con leche
Wild creamed rice with saffron
Pretty simple..aint it???
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Chick's Affair....New Year's eve
In about 3 weeks, we'll be done with the year 2010 & another year, 2011 will usher in lots of hopes, expectations, love & so on & so forth. Added to all these, we all make the cliched "New year resolution"[barely, of which will be ever followed..!], but we'll keep on filling our stomach with end number of goodies...and when we have foodies around...chefs are always busy in thinking how to tickle their taste buds[I can talk about food..but when eat comes to eating, I am rarely that interested...just some simple food pls!!].
As usual, I am proposing a new menu for the New Year's Eve[it falls on Friday & this year also started on a friday]. I have had too much of Italian fare and now..I will listen to my heart, my soul, who is craving for some simple good French affair, with a touch of Asia. Yes. Pretty much simple for New Year's eve & I dont mind going back to the basics--a good poulet roti, accompaned by sauce de pain. Desser can be something more simple--creme caramel. Whilst for soup------a simple form of puree soup, using winter squash--butternut or pumpkin soup.
I am fully aware that people start craving for the good, old turkey[& I hate turkey], but chicken is much tastier than turkey. Here is this thumbrule for chicken---which is a versatile white meat--who can be overcooked pretty easily, than fish.
Use a good marination--even for grilled chicken. Since, chicken doesn't have any taste of its own, so use herbs,spices--thyme, garlic, rosemary, sage---don't use all..else, it will be too robust for the palate. Use a lot of oil for marination & baste with clarified when you are roasting chicken. It results in a good shine, a crispy skin...& a juicy meat, tasting which you can say nothing but "yummy.."
I dont like stuffing my roast chicken--but its optional for you...from Sage-Chestnut to Apple-Walnut...options are endless. Make sure, you cook for stuffing separately..obviously due to cross-contamination & hygiene factors.
Without beating around the bush, here is my four course menu for the New Year's Eve.
Need a demonstration???I'd love to do it for you....just a call away... :)
Buon Apetito!!!
As usual, I am proposing a new menu for the New Year's Eve[it falls on Friday & this year also started on a friday]. I have had too much of Italian fare and now..I will listen to my heart, my soul, who is craving for some simple good French affair, with a touch of Asia. Yes. Pretty much simple for New Year's eve & I dont mind going back to the basics--a good poulet roti, accompaned by sauce de pain. Desser can be something more simple--creme caramel. Whilst for soup------a simple form of puree soup, using winter squash--butternut or pumpkin soup.
I am fully aware that people start craving for the good, old turkey[& I hate turkey], but chicken is much tastier than turkey. Here is this thumbrule for chicken---which is a versatile white meat--who can be overcooked pretty easily, than fish.
Use a good marination--even for grilled chicken. Since, chicken doesn't have any taste of its own, so use herbs,spices--thyme, garlic, rosemary, sage---don't use all..else, it will be too robust for the palate. Use a lot of oil for marination & baste with clarified when you are roasting chicken. It results in a good shine, a crispy skin...& a juicy meat, tasting which you can say nothing but "yummy.."
I dont like stuffing my roast chicken--but its optional for you...from Sage-Chestnut to Apple-Walnut...options are endless. Make sure, you cook for stuffing separately..obviously due to cross-contamination & hygiene factors.
Without beating around the bush, here is my four course menu for the New Year's Eve.
Puree de Citrouille
Puree of Pumpkin, scented with lemon grass & nutmeg foam
Salade Nicoise ala Chinoise
Pickled eggs, cherry tomato, sesame-crusted tuna & soy-sesame dressing
Poulet Roti Forestiere
Roasted chicken, wild mushroom fricasse, grilled baby leeks & steamed jasmine rice
Creme Caramel au citron
Coconut foam
Need a demonstration???I'd love to do it for you....just a call away... :)
Buon Apetito!!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I remember cooking at home, since I was a child--I had this innate interest of cooking--for friends, for relatives, family members..always free!!!As I said, becoming a chef, was by chance..per chance...& sheer clash of luck & destiny...
Mostly, my childhood & adulthood trials at home, was comprised of making cakes---I still smell those freshly made cakes...with pure ingredients...with lots of butter...eggs..Ummm...& other times, I remember, my mother told she would leave me, if I dont listen to her.
I said, "Thats ok..I will cook for myself..." & the moment she left the room[pretending, as if leaving the house...], I went to the kitchen & started cutting potato & gourd, for making a curry...& inevitably, I cut my thumb[I was 4 yrs then].
However, in the years to come, thanks to the cable tv service, I was fortunate to see the weekly culinary shows by Indian celebrity chef, Sanjeev Kapoor. Behind one successful man, people say is an unsuccessful woman--I add, they have 100 stories about themselves. People used to tell Sanjeev Kapoor, earns this much n that much...But I didn't care...I used to like his cooking. My mother is also a great home. Her cooking has never inspired to be a culinary professional, as it was always limited to Bengali kitchen & sometimes, some fancy Indian-Chinese cuisine.However, being a bengali added to that, our roots are from present-day Bangladesh, food tastes better, when we cook...than by others. A privilege, a gift...whatever you may say.
In the years to come, I was introduced to Discovery Channel[not travel & living then...] & I used to love the show, "Inntimate Escapes", aired everyday, showcasing the resorts & hotels across the Continent & also hinted the culinary masterpieces. The first thing, I tried at home was Pasta, freshly made at home. I was 13 years then & perhaps since journey started in the kitchen, in the kitchen at home, if not in a proper restaurant/professionals' kitchen.I started cooking at home, specially on weekend--mostly, it was Indian-cuisine oriented. In the midst of this, a kitchen disaster--Chicken Do-pyaza[meaning, onions added twice--once in the beginning & in the end]. I forgot to buy yoghurt & I didn't have enough masalas. My mother advised me to use tomato, in place of yoghurt. The end result...well, it was little below disaster & in the end, I had to hog them all...
After joining the hotel management institute, I was introduced to the world of chefs--our topics of discussion were Gordon Ramsay[famous for saying the word "fuck" or "fucking"...], Anthony Bourdain[Famed for Kitchen confidential & No reservations] & a handful of Indian masterchefs, Chef Imtiaz Qureshi being a prime example. During my days of training, I saw Chef Qureshi. In 2005, he was drawing a handsome salary of Rs.800K, per month[I dont know how much truth was added to it, but I believed it!!!]. He neither knew proper english & often it is said, he doesn't know how to write his name. Famous for using profanities, he literally never cared anyone, not even the GM of the hotel. I recollect one story, writing here for your sake. The GM of a certain hotel told him, after tasting the biryani, "Chef, the mutton is not good...", Chef Qureshi after a little thought, "Abey, "and after a profanity in hindi, "you gave me a fucked up goat & you are asking for a better biryani..fuck off..".At the age of 78, with same level of passion, dedication & his love for going around the country & cooking for food festivals....yes, he truly inspires me. A man, with zero education, who even doesn't know how much ginger he is putting in a food, as he would say, "Andaz", by assumption, by taste. I used to observe him from the butchery, where I did my training mostly & secretly observe him. He was also famous in kicking the ass of Executive Chefs & Sous Chefs--wherever he used to go for food festivals. It's so obvious from the Grand Masterchef, having a little flag of India, on his chef's jacket.
Though, we gaze at the salary they earn a month, we often overlook, how much passion, talent they possess & how much time they spent to reach this position, for example, Gordon Ramsay. A soccer player, before taking up Culinary as a profession, now almost rules the Culinary empire. At any given time, he is a rich chef, in the chefdom. With having so many restaurants around the world, even in Dubai[which Anthony Bourdain, will say a "Fucking desert"]. I heard he used to stay at work, round the clock, sleeping only 4-6 hrs a of the day at work. Using the word "Fucking" or "Fuck"everytime, may not be an inspiration, but yes, his dedication, his passion, his excellence & creativity will definitely inspire...hardtime, bigtime!!!!
In spite of being a british, one of the elegant gentleman in the Chefdom, can be Gary Rhodes[I am sure, he swears very rare]. Known for his simplicity, he inspires me to keep food simple, yet having difference amongst others [that doesn't mean cooking shit!!!].
I am not a bigtime fan of molecular gastronomy[and Ferran Adria no more uses this term], which is solely based on chemicals--but if we discard the chemical factor, how about using the techniques. Thomas Keller definitely rules the Chefdom in USA. With three star restaurants, he is simply amazing. Its difficult to put him in words, but his techniques are simply par excellence. If all the chefs are using the same chemical as Chef Ferran is is like going out with the same old girl friend...over & over again....
Inspirations are never limited in the world of culinary...for me..I am my own inspiration at the end of the day..especially the days, when I was least motivated--frustrated, depressed, overworked..tired ...& over-stressed. I just think of those days..when I did 17 hours a day...worked with consistency, with no signs of being tired...Yes, I worked excellent sometimes, then fallen down..rested for a while & then bounced back again. Yes...I did it all....and there were days, when I was just cooking for the sake of guests & nothing helped me to boost up my spirits....and I can foresee the days...when people will see me as their inspiration...
Mostly, my childhood & adulthood trials at home, was comprised of making cakes---I still smell those freshly made cakes...with pure ingredients...with lots of butter...eggs..Ummm...& other times, I remember, my mother told she would leave me, if I dont listen to her.
I said, "Thats ok..I will cook for myself..." & the moment she left the room[pretending, as if leaving the house...], I went to the kitchen & started cutting potato & gourd, for making a curry...& inevitably, I cut my thumb[I was 4 yrs then].
However, in the years to come, thanks to the cable tv service, I was fortunate to see the weekly culinary shows by Indian celebrity chef, Sanjeev Kapoor. Behind one successful man, people say is an unsuccessful woman--I add, they have 100 stories about themselves. People used to tell Sanjeev Kapoor, earns this much n that much...But I didn't care...I used to like his cooking. My mother is also a great home. Her cooking has never inspired to be a culinary professional, as it was always limited to Bengali kitchen & sometimes, some fancy Indian-Chinese cuisine.However, being a bengali added to that, our roots are from present-day Bangladesh, food tastes better, when we cook...than by others. A privilege, a gift...whatever you may say.
In the years to come, I was introduced to Discovery Channel[not travel & living then...] & I used to love the show, "Inntimate Escapes", aired everyday, showcasing the resorts & hotels across the Continent & also hinted the culinary masterpieces. The first thing, I tried at home was Pasta, freshly made at home. I was 13 years then & perhaps since journey started in the kitchen, in the kitchen at home, if not in a proper restaurant/professionals' kitchen.I started cooking at home, specially on weekend--mostly, it was Indian-cuisine oriented. In the midst of this, a kitchen disaster--Chicken Do-pyaza[meaning, onions added twice--once in the beginning & in the end]. I forgot to buy yoghurt & I didn't have enough masalas. My mother advised me to use tomato, in place of yoghurt. The end result...well, it was little below disaster & in the end, I had to hog them all...
After joining the hotel management institute, I was introduced to the world of chefs--our topics of discussion were Gordon Ramsay[famous for saying the word "fuck" or "fucking"...], Anthony Bourdain[Famed for Kitchen confidential & No reservations] & a handful of Indian masterchefs, Chef Imtiaz Qureshi being a prime example. During my days of training, I saw Chef Qureshi. In 2005, he was drawing a handsome salary of Rs.800K, per month[I dont know how much truth was added to it, but I believed it!!!]. He neither knew proper english & often it is said, he doesn't know how to write his name. Famous for using profanities, he literally never cared anyone, not even the GM of the hotel. I recollect one story, writing here for your sake. The GM of a certain hotel told him, after tasting the biryani, "Chef, the mutton is not good...", Chef Qureshi after a little thought, "Abey, "and after a profanity in hindi, "you gave me a fucked up goat & you are asking for a better biryani..fuck off..".At the age of 78, with same level of passion, dedication & his love for going around the country & cooking for food festivals....yes, he truly inspires me. A man, with zero education, who even doesn't know how much ginger he is putting in a food, as he would say, "Andaz", by assumption, by taste. I used to observe him from the butchery, where I did my training mostly & secretly observe him. He was also famous in kicking the ass of Executive Chefs & Sous Chefs--wherever he used to go for food festivals. It's so obvious from the Grand Masterchef, having a little flag of India, on his chef's jacket.
Though, we gaze at the salary they earn a month, we often overlook, how much passion, talent they possess & how much time they spent to reach this position, for example, Gordon Ramsay. A soccer player, before taking up Culinary as a profession, now almost rules the Culinary empire. At any given time, he is a rich chef, in the chefdom. With having so many restaurants around the world, even in Dubai[which Anthony Bourdain, will say a "Fucking desert"]. I heard he used to stay at work, round the clock, sleeping only 4-6 hrs a of the day at work. Using the word "Fucking" or "Fuck"everytime, may not be an inspiration, but yes, his dedication, his passion, his excellence & creativity will definitely inspire...hardtime, bigtime!!!!
In spite of being a british, one of the elegant gentleman in the Chefdom, can be Gary Rhodes[I am sure, he swears very rare]. Known for his simplicity, he inspires me to keep food simple, yet having difference amongst others [that doesn't mean cooking shit!!!].
I am not a bigtime fan of molecular gastronomy[and Ferran Adria no more uses this term], which is solely based on chemicals--but if we discard the chemical factor, how about using the techniques. Thomas Keller definitely rules the Chefdom in USA. With three star restaurants, he is simply amazing. Its difficult to put him in words, but his techniques are simply par excellence. If all the chefs are using the same chemical as Chef Ferran is is like going out with the same old girl friend...over & over again....
Inspirations are never limited in the world of culinary...for me..I am my own inspiration at the end of the day..especially the days, when I was least motivated--frustrated, depressed, overworked..tired ...& over-stressed. I just think of those days..when I did 17 hours a day...worked with consistency, with no signs of being tired...Yes, I worked excellent sometimes, then fallen down..rested for a while & then bounced back again. Yes...I did it all....and there were days, when I was just cooking for the sake of guests & nothing helped me to boost up my spirits....and I can foresee the days...when people will see me as their inspiration...
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mother of all nourishment...Soups...
This blog is not a culinary school, or whatever, who will teach you what soup is, how is it made of & lots of fundas related to soups. So lets make it clear that Soup is the mother of all nourishment, provided its made with time, with patience, with right ingredients & served in right temperature....
It is winter now in the Northern Hemisphere & a good soup is a real comfort, like the same comfort you get in the arms of your lover.Broadly, classified as thick, thin & regional soups, the warm soups are always special during winter, whilst during summers one would definitely prefer light soups & cold soups--examples can be Gazpacho, Minestrone, Broths & a lot of variations. The calling for winter is more hearty, thick soups, can be Cream soups, Puree soups, Bisques and the likes!!
I vaguely remember, my childhood experience of having soup at home & in the restaurants. At home, it was a meal for me during fever, generally consisted of potatoes, beans, eggs & peppered water. Since, we used to frequent to Chinese restaurants, the soups would generally be & not limited to Sweet Corn soup with Chicken & I always used to make it palatable, by adding a generous portion of Tomato Ketchup--yes, that was my condiment for everything...perhaps, I despised it when it came to desserts.
Post-joining the hotel management thing, I learnt to make soups, when I tasted the Consomme--a basic, difficult & easy thin soup!!!! Apart from seafood bisque, creme de tomate, puree de lentils, Zuppa Minestrone & a hell lot of soups. During our culinary classes, in the college, a three course menu, would mostly feature a soup. By now, I may perfect the consistency of a cream soup, or a puree soup, but then, it was difficult for me to get the right consistency.Sometimes too thick...& sometimes too thin & all sorts of game.
I am not a fan of a soup, bigtime!!! But yes, in a chilly winter I get some comfort, if I am served with a hearty Cream of Chicken Soup or the coffee influenced "Cappuccino of Mushroom Soup", or whatever. The soup I hate the most can be broths--I may have a longtime affair with Italian[I wonder, till when it will last], but I dont like Minestrone--its both red [comes from tomato] & green[comes from the addition of pesto] version.By the way, every region has got their own minestrone. Seafoods are my alltime favorite--if served a soup with generous portion of seafood & cooked rightly, I wont definitely say no...
Making a good soup at home is not a big deal...really no big deal. All you need are the ingredients in the pure form, and a good mood, about which I will talk later.
I am sharing one of my favorite recipes of soups, it is "Cappuccino of Mushrooms & Mung beans"--because it is nourishing, healthy & perfect for a chilly evening....
All you need to make around 4 portions
Mushroom-100 gm[mix wild mushrooms, to get an earthy flavour]
Oil-20 ml
Mung beans[husk removed]-50 gm
Onion-50 gm
Garlic-2 cloves
Bay leaves- 1 no
Leek-1/2 of a stick
Celery-1/2 stick
Black peppercorns-a few
Carrot-1/2, peeled
Seasoning- as required
Cream-50 ml
Vegetable Stock/Chicken Stock/Hot water- 200 ml
Frozen butter- 25 gm
How to make the soup..
1.Wash the lentils & soak them for 1/2 hour to 1 hr. Quarter the mushrooms & saute them in oil with half of the leek, celery, onion & garlic--all finely chopped, till there is a nice, earthy aroma. Season & keep aside.
2. Meanwhile, boil the lentils with the left over of onion, leek, celery, garlic & also pop-in the carrot, rougly chopped-in stock/water--whatever using.
3. Make a sachet of bayleaf, with blackpepper corns & drop in the boiling lentils & remove after the lentil is boiled & discard.
4. Add in the mushrooms & cook till it becomes soft & make a fine puree afterwards. Adjust with additional stock/water if required & check the seasoning also.
5. Finish with cream & frozen butter & use a hand blender for making the foam--reserve the foam separately.
6.Once ready to serve, pour the soups in soup cups/bowls/espresso cups & garnish with the foam & serve with breadsticks...
Addl. Notes:
You can use butter beans, goes pretty well..or red lentils.
Now you may ask why I said, you need to have a good mood. Well, Beethoven got the answer, "Only the pure in heart can make a good soup. .. :)"
Bon Apetit!!!
It is winter now in the Northern Hemisphere & a good soup is a real comfort, like the same comfort you get in the arms of your lover.Broadly, classified as thick, thin & regional soups, the warm soups are always special during winter, whilst during summers one would definitely prefer light soups & cold soups--examples can be Gazpacho, Minestrone, Broths & a lot of variations. The calling for winter is more hearty, thick soups, can be Cream soups, Puree soups, Bisques and the likes!!
I vaguely remember, my childhood experience of having soup at home & in the restaurants. At home, it was a meal for me during fever, generally consisted of potatoes, beans, eggs & peppered water. Since, we used to frequent to Chinese restaurants, the soups would generally be & not limited to Sweet Corn soup with Chicken & I always used to make it palatable, by adding a generous portion of Tomato Ketchup--yes, that was my condiment for everything...perhaps, I despised it when it came to desserts.
Post-joining the hotel management thing, I learnt to make soups, when I tasted the Consomme--a basic, difficult & easy thin soup!!!! Apart from seafood bisque, creme de tomate, puree de lentils, Zuppa Minestrone & a hell lot of soups. During our culinary classes, in the college, a three course menu, would mostly feature a soup. By now, I may perfect the consistency of a cream soup, or a puree soup, but then, it was difficult for me to get the right consistency.Sometimes too thick...& sometimes too thin & all sorts of game.
I am not a fan of a soup, bigtime!!! But yes, in a chilly winter I get some comfort, if I am served with a hearty Cream of Chicken Soup or the coffee influenced "Cappuccino of Mushroom Soup", or whatever. The soup I hate the most can be broths--I may have a longtime affair with Italian[I wonder, till when it will last], but I dont like Minestrone--its both red [comes from tomato] & green[comes from the addition of pesto] version.By the way, every region has got their own minestrone. Seafoods are my alltime favorite--if served a soup with generous portion of seafood & cooked rightly, I wont definitely say no...
Making a good soup at home is not a big deal...really no big deal. All you need are the ingredients in the pure form, and a good mood, about which I will talk later.
I am sharing one of my favorite recipes of soups, it is "Cappuccino of Mushrooms & Mung beans"--because it is nourishing, healthy & perfect for a chilly evening....
All you need to make around 4 portions
Mushroom-100 gm[mix wild mushrooms, to get an earthy flavour]
Oil-20 ml
Mung beans[husk removed]-50 gm
Onion-50 gm
Garlic-2 cloves
Bay leaves- 1 no
Leek-1/2 of a stick
Celery-1/2 stick
Black peppercorns-a few
Carrot-1/2, peeled
Seasoning- as required
Cream-50 ml
Vegetable Stock/Chicken Stock/Hot water- 200 ml
Frozen butter- 25 gm
How to make the soup..
1.Wash the lentils & soak them for 1/2 hour to 1 hr. Quarter the mushrooms & saute them in oil with half of the leek, celery, onion & garlic--all finely chopped, till there is a nice, earthy aroma. Season & keep aside.
2. Meanwhile, boil the lentils with the left over of onion, leek, celery, garlic & also pop-in the carrot, rougly chopped-in stock/water--whatever using.
3. Make a sachet of bayleaf, with blackpepper corns & drop in the boiling lentils & remove after the lentil is boiled & discard.
4. Add in the mushrooms & cook till it becomes soft & make a fine puree afterwards. Adjust with additional stock/water if required & check the seasoning also.
5. Finish with cream & frozen butter & use a hand blender for making the foam--reserve the foam separately.
6.Once ready to serve, pour the soups in soup cups/bowls/espresso cups & garnish with the foam & serve with breadsticks...
Addl. Notes:
You can use butter beans, goes pretty well..or red lentils.
Now you may ask why I said, you need to have a good mood. Well, Beethoven got the answer, "Only the pure in heart can make a good soup. .. :)"
Bon Apetit!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My seven months stint in Chennai...
"At last the Sun rises in South..."
This is what I wrote when I got an employment opportunity in ITC Chola Sheraton, in Chennai--a populous city of South India. I remember visiting Chennai first [the then Madras] in 1997 with my father on our way to Bangalore-we stayed there for 6-7 hours & then proceeded to Bangalore--we explored only a few places in our stay of the limited time, like the Marina Beach, few restaurants etc.
During my employment there, I met a few good people, one of them being N. Thangapandi--who was my colleague, roommate & a good friend--with who I shared all my stories.Again, working with someone who was too complex for me...the exe. chef. He is one of the tough guys I have ever worked with & on the other hand, he can also stab you from behind. Anthony Bourdain said, "This industry makes assholes--which is our chief export...". He is so true...Long shifts were customary here, with working with high fever [Fortunately, I have never taken a single sick leave for the past 2 years of my employment-good God's grace!!!] or sometimes, being called over to shift, when another colleague messed up some guest's food, whose preference I knew better than anyone else. This was a pain....
I remember, another guest, who was really a hard nut to crack--A german guest, if I can recall, who started abusing when he got his lamb steak well-done. "I want it bloody rare....", he said, "I want beef--not interested in lamb, pork or wutever....". I said, " will be done...tomorrow for sure..."
It was a testing day for me...& successfully I passed in that examination & since then people used to tell me, "Chef, your best friend has checked in again...", whenever he used to come back to stay in our hotel. Once I served him black angus beef, as usual cooked rare, he was so happy that he praised me to skies & offered, if I could join him for a steakhouse, if he plans to open one. I was definitely flattered!!!
In between, I did so many overtimes & a couple of months without a single weekly day off, I was too tired & wanted to visit my hometown, accumulating all my day offs, comp offs for about a week. I gave a surprise visit to my mom & it was on her birthday!!!! And she assumed that I resigned from my job & came back to kolkata...Poor Gaurav.
Going back to Chennai after vacation was painful, as it was becoming difficult for me to adjust there, since I was not in a mood & this heightened when the Exe. Chef told me, in front of everyone, "I can run this bloody continental kitchen, without you...". My contribution to this hotel is over--I'd rather search for jobs elsewhere--such thoughts were lingering over & over again,when he once told me again, "You dont know anything...", I kept quiet. It is his chance to speak & my only option was to listen to him...I was trying for opportunity overseas.
Again I visited the coastal regions, taking all the pending weekly offs, specially, Rameswaram, Kanyakumari & Trivandram--after which my birthday was celebrated by the kitchen employees. It was really fun, when I was bathed with cream, cake, milk & eggs.....
The first offer came from Crowne Plaza, Bahrain, offering a meagre position & meagre salary too. I was interested but the chef over there, was getting too crazy....I was wondering, how crazy will he be, when I actually join him....I started trying for Ritz Carlton, Dubai...& when I got the Visa for Dubai, the Exe. Chef of Crowne plaza, started calling me...but I didn't pick up the phone. He wanted me to join him asap--I told him bluntly, "Every company has some rules, which I should abide by--I need to serve 30 days notice to my present employer. For some quick gain, I cannot ditch my present employer. What if I do the same thing to him??", he never bothered to revert back.
My resignation was like a slap on the executive chef's face, who didn't think that I would be able to leave his company--"Well, I cannot stop you from going...", was his only response, when he signed my resignation. When I gave resignation for the first time, for Crowne Plaza, he refused saying, "You have bright future in this company..." & wutever, so called excuses.
I left Chennai on October 14th, for which I bought tickets 3 months before, considering I'd visit home for Diwali. Well, the planning came to work. Yes, I cried when I left Chennai, specially, the places I would miss--it gave me an opportunity to visit Tirupati twice, explore the Southern coastal regions, my frequent trips to Mylapore..the pure south indian foods, a colleague, who used to supply my joint, when I was too tired & too much bored...
"After you complete 24, you will go to the place of your choice", was the prediction by Nadi astrologers. And I moved to Dubai after I completed. Co-incidence?Destiny?I have always worked near the coast/sea..Mumbai, Chennai & now Dubai. Next???? God knows.... :)
This is what I wrote when I got an employment opportunity in ITC Chola Sheraton, in Chennai--a populous city of South India. I remember visiting Chennai first [the then Madras] in 1997 with my father on our way to Bangalore-we stayed there for 6-7 hours & then proceeded to Bangalore--we explored only a few places in our stay of the limited time, like the Marina Beach, few restaurants etc.
Again I visited Chennai in early 2008, for some interviews, however, stayed there for 2 days & visited only a few places--Ramakrishna Math in Mylapore, Chennai and Vivekanandar Illam[House of Swami Vivekananda], apart from the beach. However, in this short visit, what striked me the most was that people dont speak much Hindi. So I had to communicate with people using broken english, & some time tits & bits of Hindi.***
After my career Sun rose in South, I had to relocate to Chennai...Aah...Chennai..home for pure dosas & medu vadas [& I like them so much.... ]. Since my accommodation[provided by the company] was close to my work, so I never had to spend more than 10 minutes walking to the work. However, the demerit was, if some guy is not on duty because of some reasons, I was being called for & no matter how long shift it is going to be. I have had longest shifts there--from 7AM till 12 midnight..& the following day from 7 am again...again some other week, 6 am till 10:30 pm...across the week...n sometimes, 12 midnight till 3 pm...throughout 1-2 weeks. Since, it was a proper western kitchen, I had the hands-on experience of making brown sauce, demi glace--in bulk. Also bolognese & many other stuff. I used to prefer morning shift, since I wanted to make the foods for the lunch buffet...n then back evening. Sometimes, a small trip to Mylapore for the Giri trading bookstore followed by a visit to Ramakrishna Ashrama.On the ekadashi days, I tried either to take a day off or morning shift, so that I could attend the Ramanam in Ramakrishna Mission & the lovely halwa at the end of the Ramanam distributed amongst devotees as prasad.During my employment there, I met a few good people, one of them being N. Thangapandi--who was my colleague, roommate & a good friend--with who I shared all my stories.Again, working with someone who was too complex for me...the exe. chef. He is one of the tough guys I have ever worked with & on the other hand, he can also stab you from behind. Anthony Bourdain said, "This industry makes assholes--which is our chief export...". He is so true...Long shifts were customary here, with working with high fever [Fortunately, I have never taken a single sick leave for the past 2 years of my employment-good God's grace!!!] or sometimes, being called over to shift, when another colleague messed up some guest's food, whose preference I knew better than anyone else. This was a pain....
I remember, another guest, who was really a hard nut to crack--A german guest, if I can recall, who started abusing when he got his lamb steak well-done. "I want it bloody rare....", he said, "I want beef--not interested in lamb, pork or wutever....". I said, " will be done...tomorrow for sure..."
It was a testing day for me...& successfully I passed in that examination & since then people used to tell me, "Chef, your best friend has checked in again...", whenever he used to come back to stay in our hotel. Once I served him black angus beef, as usual cooked rare, he was so happy that he praised me to skies & offered, if I could join him for a steakhouse, if he plans to open one. I was definitely flattered!!!
In between, I did so many overtimes & a couple of months without a single weekly day off, I was too tired & wanted to visit my hometown, accumulating all my day offs, comp offs for about a week. I gave a surprise visit to my mom & it was on her birthday!!!! And she assumed that I resigned from my job & came back to kolkata...Poor Gaurav.
Going back to Chennai after vacation was painful, as it was becoming difficult for me to adjust there, since I was not in a mood & this heightened when the Exe. Chef told me, in front of everyone, "I can run this bloody continental kitchen, without you...". My contribution to this hotel is over--I'd rather search for jobs elsewhere--such thoughts were lingering over & over again,when he once told me again, "You dont know anything...", I kept quiet. It is his chance to speak & my only option was to listen to him...I was trying for opportunity overseas.
Again I visited the coastal regions, taking all the pending weekly offs, specially, Rameswaram, Kanyakumari & Trivandram--after which my birthday was celebrated by the kitchen employees. It was really fun, when I was bathed with cream, cake, milk & eggs.....
The first offer came from Crowne Plaza, Bahrain, offering a meagre position & meagre salary too. I was interested but the chef over there, was getting too crazy....I was wondering, how crazy will he be, when I actually join him....I started trying for Ritz Carlton, Dubai...& when I got the Visa for Dubai, the Exe. Chef of Crowne plaza, started calling me...but I didn't pick up the phone. He wanted me to join him asap--I told him bluntly, "Every company has some rules, which I should abide by--I need to serve 30 days notice to my present employer. For some quick gain, I cannot ditch my present employer. What if I do the same thing to him??", he never bothered to revert back.
My resignation was like a slap on the executive chef's face, who didn't think that I would be able to leave his company--"Well, I cannot stop you from going...", was his only response, when he signed my resignation. When I gave resignation for the first time, for Crowne Plaza, he refused saying, "You have bright future in this company..." & wutever, so called excuses.
I left Chennai on October 14th, for which I bought tickets 3 months before, considering I'd visit home for Diwali. Well, the planning came to work. Yes, I cried when I left Chennai, specially, the places I would miss--it gave me an opportunity to visit Tirupati twice, explore the Southern coastal regions, my frequent trips to Mylapore..the pure south indian foods, a colleague, who used to supply my joint, when I was too tired & too much bored...
"After you complete 24, you will go to the place of your choice", was the prediction by Nadi astrologers. And I moved to Dubai after I completed. Co-incidence?Destiny?I have always worked near the coast/sea..Mumbai, Chennai & now Dubai. Next???? God knows.... :)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Cooking Sous-vide & cooking slow..Part I
Sous-vide cooking...
When I first read this title, after coming to Dubai[Not many chefs profess this method in India--so I was unaware of this term!!!] I was really intrigued. "Sous" which means "Under" & "Vide", vaccum. Cooking in vaccum..but how is that possible?In due course, I came across the book by the owner of "The French Laundry" in CA & "Per Se" in NYC, Chef Thomas Keller, "Cooking Under pressure", thus relating to the same concept, i.e. Sous Vide.
Practising at home...
Well, trying anything new is my innate nature. Cooking sous vide, which I have never practised as of now, I thought of trying it today for my dinner...for my belated thanksgiving dinner. For thanksgiving, I planned to cook duck for the main course, however, I changed my mind & moved to pork belly, a fatty cut, generally used for rendering fat or cut for bacon, lard etc. Pork is a meat, which becomes dry pretty easily, specially if roasted, however, authorities claim that if you soak it in brine for 2-3 hours, the resultant meat is tender. about cooking pork belly sous vide for my thanksgiving???
Yesterday evening, after coming back from work, I portioned out the pork belly [which was already thawed] and then proceeded towards making my jus. Few of the merits of cooking meat sous-vide is that you dont lose any of the flavours. Secondly, the natural flavour of the meat is more pronounced & finally due to slow cooking, chances of overcooking the food is less.Tough cuts, like brisket/cartella, topside, short-rib etc can be cooked taking the advantage of this cooking...rather anything can be cooked using the sous vide method.
Limitations can be equipment. Yes, if you dont have a temperature controlling device, it is difficult to keep a steady temperature of say 54 Deg C or 65 Deg C.Remember, the thumbrule, your ultimate goal is the internal temperature of doneness, which is your preference. Meats like pork, chicken are always well-done, on the other hand, lamb, beef, as per your preference.
Since I dont have a vaccum pack machine, ziplock bags are the only option for me. After my jus was prepared, I put the pork belly in individual ziplock bags, followed by a ladle of jus & generous sprinkle of fleur de sel[Seasalt from Brittany, France] & crushed pepper, with a sprig of thyme & little bits of cinnamon stick....and the bag is locked!!!
Now time for them to be cooked at 70 Deg C, for 7-8 hours. Keeping the temperature low is necessary, as at no cost, I would like to overcook my food!!!I had a thermometer, which helped me to monitor the temperature of the water. So I went to sleep, at 2 am, leaving them to be cooked sous vide overnight for 7-8 hours.
I took off the pork belly from the bag & put them in a hot pan, fat side down, to make the skin crisp & also heat it through. In the meanwhile, the gelee is heated in a saucepan for making the corresponding sauce. I heated the pork belly through & briefly cook in the oven for 10 minutes & then it goes to the plate. The result..well, can only be described by the one who has eaten it. It was remarkably tender, even though, it look like roasted/grilled. None of the pork flavour, i.e. umami was sacrificed due to the cooking. You may also want to takes time, but it is worth the time.
When I first read this title, after coming to Dubai[Not many chefs profess this method in India--so I was unaware of this term!!!] I was really intrigued. "Sous" which means "Under" & "Vide", vaccum. Cooking in vaccum..but how is that possible?In due course, I came across the book by the owner of "The French Laundry" in CA & "Per Se" in NYC, Chef Thomas Keller, "Cooking Under pressure", thus relating to the same concept, i.e. Sous Vide.
Practising at home...
Well, trying anything new is my innate nature. Cooking sous vide, which I have never practised as of now, I thought of trying it today for my dinner...for my belated thanksgiving dinner. For thanksgiving, I planned to cook duck for the main course, however, I changed my mind & moved to pork belly, a fatty cut, generally used for rendering fat or cut for bacon, lard etc. Pork is a meat, which becomes dry pretty easily, specially if roasted, however, authorities claim that if you soak it in brine for 2-3 hours, the resultant meat is tender. about cooking pork belly sous vide for my thanksgiving???
Yesterday evening, after coming back from work, I portioned out the pork belly [which was already thawed] and then proceeded towards making my jus. Few of the merits of cooking meat sous-vide is that you dont lose any of the flavours. Secondly, the natural flavour of the meat is more pronounced & finally due to slow cooking, chances of overcooking the food is less.Tough cuts, like brisket/cartella, topside, short-rib etc can be cooked taking the advantage of this cooking...rather anything can be cooked using the sous vide method.
Limitations can be equipment. Yes, if you dont have a temperature controlling device, it is difficult to keep a steady temperature of say 54 Deg C or 65 Deg C.Remember, the thumbrule, your ultimate goal is the internal temperature of doneness, which is your preference. Meats like pork, chicken are always well-done, on the other hand, lamb, beef, as per your preference.
Since I dont have a vaccum pack machine, ziplock bags are the only option for me. After my jus was prepared, I put the pork belly in individual ziplock bags, followed by a ladle of jus & generous sprinkle of fleur de sel[Seasalt from Brittany, France] & crushed pepper, with a sprig of thyme & little bits of cinnamon stick....and the bag is locked!!!
Now time for them to be cooked at 70 Deg C, for 7-8 hours. Keeping the temperature low is necessary, as at no cost, I would like to overcook my food!!!I had a thermometer, which helped me to monitor the temperature of the water. So I went to sleep, at 2 am, leaving them to be cooked sous vide overnight for 7-8 hours.
I got up at 10 am & found them to be in pretty same temperature & took them off the hot water bath[i.e. the filled zip lock bags!!!] & put them in chilled water for easy cooling. The result was a well-done pork, with gelee like sauce.Next is finishing them for plating/presentation.Sunday, November 21, 2010
Five months in the financial hub of India...Mumbai...
"Ae dil hai mushkil, jeena yahan,
zara hatke, zara bachke yeh hai bambai meri jaan....."
This is a very popular song on the financial capital of India, Mumbai and the song carries this note that living in Mumbai is a little difficult as you have to be careful in my dear city Mumbai.
I first visited Mumbai in January 2008 for a couple of days but didn't know to join the biggest hotel in the country, Grand Hyatt Mumbai[soon it will be 2nd biggest hotel, as ITC Grand Chola opens in Chennai] I would have to move there.
It was the first time, that I had to stay away from home, for professional reasons, so first & foremost, I had to look out for a place, to live. Mumbai is one of the most expensive cities in the country so finding an accommodation was difficult, with the limited salary I had[back then, it was around US$130 a month!!!]. So after a lot of runaround, I was able to find one, that too on the compulsion of a friend[or another fake friend????]I started living in that apartment, with limited facilities. The rent being close to US$ 90, was too much for me, since I had other expenses like, food[food is served to employees on duty!!], internet[another addiction], cell phone...less expenses for conveyance, since I had my accommodation next to my hotel.
Work was going nice along, else long hours at work..from 12 hrs to 14-16 hrs in any given day. From 7 pm[i.e. from 6:30 pm] till 8 am the following morning & then at 2:30 pm the same day...yes, the schedule was this hectic, but I managed to perform...though my sous chef used to shout extra to me than anyone else. Why????Well, the excuse was "You can do better...."
Fortunately, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, in Khar was located pretty close to my place;whereas, I used to stay in Santa Cruz East, & the Ashrama was in Khar West. Somtimes, I used to take an auto, sometimes, half-bus, half-on foot...or sometimes, on foot..there, I used to find solace, some emotional support, mental peace, when I used to frequent that place. Seldom, I failed attending the Ramanam Sankirtan on Ekadashi days, followed by the prasad which generally used to comprise, Jalebi[my favourite] & some fruits. But perhaps, than any place else, one would either find me at work...or sometimes at home..
With 3 offs in 15 days, life was in control...never to extremes. I remember, with two days off at a stretch, I went to visit Nasik, Shirdi & Shani Shingnapur--pretty famous places for pilgrimage from Mumbai. Though the journey was hectic, as most of the times, I was sleeping, in the bus or train, but enjoyed it to the fullest...and I love to travel....
Food was pretty much ok--since my accomodation didn't have facilities of cooking, most of the times, I used to buy food from outside.Generally on my day offs, my meal was simple egg curry with some chapati[around 50 cents!!] or Mixed Noodles[75 cents] or ChannaMasala-Roti[50 cents!!!]
Boozing was absolutely No-No in these months...since I was concentrating more on work, more on saving money[despite my intentions, I seldom could, so my mom used to send me money from Kolkata...such a pitiful situation...]
In the meanwhile, I got an employment offer from Atlantis the palm, Dubai when I had to put my resignation. I was happy & excited to get rid of the expensive Mumbai, but the old saying goes perfect...Man proposes but God disposes....God had different plans for me...I came back just five celebrate Diwali at home, whilst trip to Dubai was deferred due to recession...
After Mumbai, I moved to Chennai, in between, I was without job for four months, on which I will write soon....
zara hatke, zara bachke yeh hai bambai meri jaan....."
This is a very popular song on the financial capital of India, Mumbai and the song carries this note that living in Mumbai is a little difficult as you have to be careful in my dear city Mumbai.
I first visited Mumbai in January 2008 for a couple of days but didn't know to join the biggest hotel in the country, Grand Hyatt Mumbai[soon it will be 2nd biggest hotel, as ITC Grand Chola opens in Chennai] I would have to move there.
It was the first time, that I had to stay away from home, for professional reasons, so first & foremost, I had to look out for a place, to live. Mumbai is one of the most expensive cities in the country so finding an accommodation was difficult, with the limited salary I had[back then, it was around US$130 a month!!!]. So after a lot of runaround, I was able to find one, that too on the compulsion of a friend[or another fake friend????]I started living in that apartment, with limited facilities. The rent being close to US$ 90, was too much for me, since I had other expenses like, food[food is served to employees on duty!!], internet[another addiction], cell phone...less expenses for conveyance, since I had my accommodation next to my hotel.
Work was going nice along, else long hours at work..from 12 hrs to 14-16 hrs in any given day. From 7 pm[i.e. from 6:30 pm] till 8 am the following morning & then at 2:30 pm the same day...yes, the schedule was this hectic, but I managed to perform...though my sous chef used to shout extra to me than anyone else. Why????Well, the excuse was "You can do better...."
Fortunately, Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, in Khar was located pretty close to my place;whereas, I used to stay in Santa Cruz East, & the Ashrama was in Khar West. Somtimes, I used to take an auto, sometimes, half-bus, half-on foot...or sometimes, on foot..there, I used to find solace, some emotional support, mental peace, when I used to frequent that place. Seldom, I failed attending the Ramanam Sankirtan on Ekadashi days, followed by the prasad which generally used to comprise, Jalebi[my favourite] & some fruits. But perhaps, than any place else, one would either find me at work...or sometimes at home..
With 3 offs in 15 days, life was in control...never to extremes. I remember, with two days off at a stretch, I went to visit Nasik, Shirdi & Shani Shingnapur--pretty famous places for pilgrimage from Mumbai. Though the journey was hectic, as most of the times, I was sleeping, in the bus or train, but enjoyed it to the fullest...and I love to travel....
Food was pretty much ok--since my accomodation didn't have facilities of cooking, most of the times, I used to buy food from outside.Generally on my day offs, my meal was simple egg curry with some chapati[around 50 cents!!] or Mixed Noodles[75 cents] or ChannaMasala-Roti[50 cents!!!]
Boozing was absolutely No-No in these months...since I was concentrating more on work, more on saving money[despite my intentions, I seldom could, so my mom used to send me money from Kolkata...such a pitiful situation...]
In the meanwhile, I got an employment offer from Atlantis the palm, Dubai when I had to put my resignation. I was happy & excited to get rid of the expensive Mumbai, but the old saying goes perfect...Man proposes but God disposes....God had different plans for me...I came back just five celebrate Diwali at home, whilst trip to Dubai was deferred due to recession...
After Mumbai, I moved to Chennai, in between, I was without job for four months, on which I will write soon....
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The love story of Neil...Part I
[This is just another cooked up story--basically a fictitious character, Neil sharing an imaginary conversation of his love story with the blogger. Any incidents, character resembling with real,should be considered purely co-incidental!! Read in your own risk...blogger will be least responsible...]
"Gaurav,now I have mixed emotions--I feel nice & I am feeling hurt also, after all this incidents that took place", Neil was telling me yesterday.
"Hmmm.., "with my usual tone, I added, "What are the incidents,if you can briefly tell me---you being so close to me, keep on hiding things for me....", I complained.
"Well Gaurav, I should have told you long back, since I was thinking positive--in between I lost interest in that girl & finally some funny incidents know I dont know what to say....well, it happened all last October, 2009..when I came to this place, .......(Neil continues his story)
Umm..well, Neil, a smart chap of 25 is from Auckland, i.e. from New Zealand & has moved to Kent, for professional reasons, leaving his mother, sibling in his hometown. Neil in spite of being smart, is shy, sometimes crazy..sometimes funny, sometimes too serious[though he claims, he is never serious] & one more without which he'd remain incomplete...talkative!!!
Neil found this excellent opportunity as a software developer, Sr.Software developer for the DFG Inc. & started working from October 2009.Neil being a dog person[i.e. friendly], came across this girl,who was beautiful then[Neil now says he was blind then....lols]. Her name....Melissa Bacher, a German girl. Neil for no reason, hates German girls, he was blinded by her beauty."Yes, I dont know, what happened to me then, I overlooked all her flaws--I liked her as a human being..not as per statistics!!", which he told me & I believed him.
Anyways, his likeness for her increased in the coming days & it took a lot of courage for him to ask her out[Note, I already said he is shy!!!]. On the first case, she rejected outright by giving some false excuses. Neil felt, "I tried & failed...but I didn't fail to try..may be next time".
Neil then asked her face to face, to which Melissa said, she may, but will let him know about the time & place. Neil was not in control of himself, but was controlled by the girl[yes, he likes her...but she..well, we'll judge that later, as the story moves on...]
Melissa is not new in this place, she has been working there as Sr. Software Engineer for a couple of years or so, and she knows all the places around where they can hang out for an evening. After all a guy has asked a girl out...
On the stipulated day, they went out on a date. Neil recalls the day, "It was December 28, 2009, we went to the theater to see this movie.....". Melissa did some little shopping, whilst Neil purchased some books[Neil's alltime favorite!!!], followed by the movie & then dinner together in a nearby Italian restaurant[And Neil loves Italian food, whilst Melissa is little skeptical about it!!!!].
Neil obviously felt better after this date, since it was his first date at a new place with a new girl. His previous dates & blind dates, in his own country were all disastrous, as per him. Well, Neil suddenly felt this girl is a kinda crack,"You know Gaurav, we went together the previous day & the following day, she is like she doesn't even know, as if I am like another stranger".
Before going out on another date[Neil tried to hurry & express the magic words to the german lady, "Iche liebe diche",], Melissa suddenly fell ill.Co-incidentally,Melissa used to stay just few doors away from that of Neil's. Neil thought of visiting her personally & take care of her needs, but Neil was thinking whether it would be right or he tried to "take care" of her by texting. But that doesn't help much. Melissa stopped replying, & Neil was feeling guilty, "I wish I visited her then....", Neil lamented.Neil went to visit her personally when she resumed at work & dropped her to her apartment & asking if she needed anything more. Melissa is cunning & asked if Neil can buy her some food..& Neil did it whole heartedly. Neil used to think, "Hmmm..she likes me...I think so..."...
After a couple of weeks, Neil stopped talking to her & tried to see, if she is interested. She tried to talk to him, but Neil was least interested to talk to her[Why such pretence???]. Melissa perhaps was planning something else, & finally Melissa was asking him out. Neil, felt, well..."Hmm...she likes me..."
Again they went...but it seemed their options are limited in a city like Kent. They just repeated the same thing--movie, eating together, & light shopping...
The following day, perhaps Neil's blackday in his life...He got involved in a bad scandal at work & Neil got Melissa for support. "I cannot forget that day, but inspite of all wrong doings by Melissa later, I am still grateful to her, for providing all mental support that day," Neil comments.
Neil's condition was poor for a couple of days, since the scandal was haunting him day & night. By the way, Neil always used to think that another Sr. Software Engineer, Keith has got some affair with Melissa. Keith from Wellington, New Zealand. And oneday, his suspicion was correct."Well, why do you think so???", I asked Neil.
Neil replied, "Oneday I asked Melissa out, after I returned from work. Melissa was already out with Keith & was asking me, if I can join them.I joined them in the nearby theater & then we're deciding which movie to see. The movie that Keith proposed, I already saw that with Melissa, so I wanted to see the other one. Melissa said, "I dont mind seeing that movie again." It was too much for I decided to walk away outright.....".
In due course, Neil was not able to look into these "fine details", but thought that Melissa used to like her [poor Neil!!!] and the day came when Melissa thought of visiting her ailing mother in Frankfurt. Neil assumed that Melissa will not return back & asked her out for a dinner. Melissa just pretended that she was busy & rejected the dinner right away...
In a couple of months, she came back from holidays, whilst Neil got a new boss, Abraham. Neil loves to share his details with everyone, even his boss too. Abraham borrowed his ears to him[Abraham gets turned on by German women, though he has no interest in Melissa, an initial confession!!]Well, everything was going fine....until, oneday Neil fell down from the stairs & fractured his leg. Abraham told Melissa about it, but Melissa showed little interest on what had happened. Then, Neil could understand whether Melissa really liked her not...and by the grace of God, Neil recovered pretty fast & at work, Melissa asked her, "Hey, how is your leg?", Neil just replied, "Yeah its ok", Melissa told her co-worker,"Neil is so arrogant".
Is Neil really arrogant, who I know for years. Well, it depends on the person, he is with. If the person is nice, Neil is super nice, if the person has arrogance, Neil knows how can he display his arrogance.
Things kept on continuing, when it was Neil's turn to visit his family, back in Auckland. His trip was very short though, when he did some real heavy dating back in his country, of course with some beauties but unfortunately, he had to resume early!!But this time, Neil had little interest for Melissa..."Neil has changed,"Melissa was complaining to her co-worker. Yes, Neil couldn't put himself enough for granted. Melissa asked her out, Neil just gave her company....and thats it...!!!He had no intention of spending time together for long hours....hopefully Melissa understood it. Again, Melissa called her on a small party at her place, Neil just went there as a "guest", not as a friend or anything else, he attended & wrapped up soon!!! Neil completely lost interest in Melissa..."If Melissa is interested, she would come to me & if she is destined for me", Neil was telling.
In the meanwhile, Melissa felt her present place doesn't have much opportunities & thought of moving elsewhere, Beijing. She told Neil only once, whilst Neil just wanted her to leave anywhere but Kent. Through confirmed sources Neil got to know, Melissa has put down her papers, still, he pretended as if he doesn't know about it, until Melissa told her. Finally, the day came when Melissa left for good. Neil didn't want to be a part of it, her farewell and God assisted him in fulfilling his wish, when he was not informed about her farewell. Inside, Neil felt a little hurt, but it was too little to be measured. Melissa headed towards Beijing, China. "I never felt better like this before, but certain events about which I got to know, I was feeling a little bad...", Neil told me.
"What was it, after Melissa left?", I asked.
"You know, I was pretty much close to my boss, who knew everything about me. I dont know, but I got to know that he expressed his interest in Melissa & they slept onenight....", it was worth-seeing Neil's face when he was uttering these words.
"Hmmm...well, can't do anything...nor I can do. She is gone for your good, for your betterment. She was not looking for a partner of you--even if she had, you were thrown away long back. She was looking for someone who could pay her some attention and thats it. Whenever, you succeeded in that, i.e. paying her attention, her mission was accomplished!!! Good that she didn't become a part of your life, else, your life would have definitely worsened. But dont chase her..."I said.
"You are right Gaurav....but now I am having mixed emotions. Anyways, these days I keep distance from my boss & such events, incidents will help to maintain the same distance or even more incidents. But what pisses me off, is that practise what you preach..or do what you say. He told me, he finds Melissa lazy, dislikes her, but what he did, was ultimately opposite.......", Neil went to fetch some water for himself.
And Keith??He will miss Melissa & may be, he will chase her to Beijing. Abraham...such men should never be trusted, but now Neil wants a way out..where there will be no Abraham, no Keith, no Melissa. Only Neil...sounds like Utopia!!!
All I can pray to God that oneday, Neil will find someone, who will understand Neil, who will know Neil's value & love him for what he is-not for what he has....
"Gaurav,now I have mixed emotions--I feel nice & I am feeling hurt also, after all this incidents that took place", Neil was telling me yesterday.
"Hmmm.., "with my usual tone, I added, "What are the incidents,if you can briefly tell me---you being so close to me, keep on hiding things for me....", I complained.
"Well Gaurav, I should have told you long back, since I was thinking positive--in between I lost interest in that girl & finally some funny incidents know I dont know what to say....well, it happened all last October, 2009..when I came to this place, .......(Neil continues his story)
Umm..well, Neil, a smart chap of 25 is from Auckland, i.e. from New Zealand & has moved to Kent, for professional reasons, leaving his mother, sibling in his hometown. Neil in spite of being smart, is shy, sometimes crazy..sometimes funny, sometimes too serious[though he claims, he is never serious] & one more without which he'd remain incomplete...talkative!!!
Neil found this excellent opportunity as a software developer, Sr.Software developer for the DFG Inc. & started working from October 2009.Neil being a dog person[i.e. friendly], came across this girl,who was beautiful then[Neil now says he was blind then....lols]. Her name....Melissa Bacher, a German girl. Neil for no reason, hates German girls, he was blinded by her beauty."Yes, I dont know, what happened to me then, I overlooked all her flaws--I liked her as a human being..not as per statistics!!", which he told me & I believed him.
Anyways, his likeness for her increased in the coming days & it took a lot of courage for him to ask her out[Note, I already said he is shy!!!]. On the first case, she rejected outright by giving some false excuses. Neil felt, "I tried & failed...but I didn't fail to try..may be next time".
Neil then asked her face to face, to which Melissa said, she may, but will let him know about the time & place. Neil was not in control of himself, but was controlled by the girl[yes, he likes her...but she..well, we'll judge that later, as the story moves on...]
Melissa is not new in this place, she has been working there as Sr. Software Engineer for a couple of years or so, and she knows all the places around where they can hang out for an evening. After all a guy has asked a girl out...
On the stipulated day, they went out on a date. Neil recalls the day, "It was December 28, 2009, we went to the theater to see this movie.....". Melissa did some little shopping, whilst Neil purchased some books[Neil's alltime favorite!!!], followed by the movie & then dinner together in a nearby Italian restaurant[And Neil loves Italian food, whilst Melissa is little skeptical about it!!!!].
Neil obviously felt better after this date, since it was his first date at a new place with a new girl. His previous dates & blind dates, in his own country were all disastrous, as per him. Well, Neil suddenly felt this girl is a kinda crack,"You know Gaurav, we went together the previous day & the following day, she is like she doesn't even know, as if I am like another stranger".
Before going out on another date[Neil tried to hurry & express the magic words to the german lady, "Iche liebe diche",], Melissa suddenly fell ill.Co-incidentally,Melissa used to stay just few doors away from that of Neil's. Neil thought of visiting her personally & take care of her needs, but Neil was thinking whether it would be right or he tried to "take care" of her by texting. But that doesn't help much. Melissa stopped replying, & Neil was feeling guilty, "I wish I visited her then....", Neil lamented.Neil went to visit her personally when she resumed at work & dropped her to her apartment & asking if she needed anything more. Melissa is cunning & asked if Neil can buy her some food..& Neil did it whole heartedly. Neil used to think, "Hmmm..she likes me...I think so..."...
After a couple of weeks, Neil stopped talking to her & tried to see, if she is interested. She tried to talk to him, but Neil was least interested to talk to her[Why such pretence???]. Melissa perhaps was planning something else, & finally Melissa was asking him out. Neil, felt, well..."Hmm...she likes me..."
Again they went...but it seemed their options are limited in a city like Kent. They just repeated the same thing--movie, eating together, & light shopping...
The following day, perhaps Neil's blackday in his life...He got involved in a bad scandal at work & Neil got Melissa for support. "I cannot forget that day, but inspite of all wrong doings by Melissa later, I am still grateful to her, for providing all mental support that day," Neil comments.
Neil's condition was poor for a couple of days, since the scandal was haunting him day & night. By the way, Neil always used to think that another Sr. Software Engineer, Keith has got some affair with Melissa. Keith from Wellington, New Zealand. And oneday, his suspicion was correct."Well, why do you think so???", I asked Neil.
Neil replied, "Oneday I asked Melissa out, after I returned from work. Melissa was already out with Keith & was asking me, if I can join them.I joined them in the nearby theater & then we're deciding which movie to see. The movie that Keith proposed, I already saw that with Melissa, so I wanted to see the other one. Melissa said, "I dont mind seeing that movie again." It was too much for I decided to walk away outright.....".
In due course, Neil was not able to look into these "fine details", but thought that Melissa used to like her [poor Neil!!!] and the day came when Melissa thought of visiting her ailing mother in Frankfurt. Neil assumed that Melissa will not return back & asked her out for a dinner. Melissa just pretended that she was busy & rejected the dinner right away...
In a couple of months, she came back from holidays, whilst Neil got a new boss, Abraham. Neil loves to share his details with everyone, even his boss too. Abraham borrowed his ears to him[Abraham gets turned on by German women, though he has no interest in Melissa, an initial confession!!]Well, everything was going fine....until, oneday Neil fell down from the stairs & fractured his leg. Abraham told Melissa about it, but Melissa showed little interest on what had happened. Then, Neil could understand whether Melissa really liked her not...and by the grace of God, Neil recovered pretty fast & at work, Melissa asked her, "Hey, how is your leg?", Neil just replied, "Yeah its ok", Melissa told her co-worker,"Neil is so arrogant".
Is Neil really arrogant, who I know for years. Well, it depends on the person, he is with. If the person is nice, Neil is super nice, if the person has arrogance, Neil knows how can he display his arrogance.
Things kept on continuing, when it was Neil's turn to visit his family, back in Auckland. His trip was very short though, when he did some real heavy dating back in his country, of course with some beauties but unfortunately, he had to resume early!!But this time, Neil had little interest for Melissa..."Neil has changed,"Melissa was complaining to her co-worker. Yes, Neil couldn't put himself enough for granted. Melissa asked her out, Neil just gave her company....and thats it...!!!He had no intention of spending time together for long hours....hopefully Melissa understood it. Again, Melissa called her on a small party at her place, Neil just went there as a "guest", not as a friend or anything else, he attended & wrapped up soon!!! Neil completely lost interest in Melissa..."If Melissa is interested, she would come to me & if she is destined for me", Neil was telling.
In the meanwhile, Melissa felt her present place doesn't have much opportunities & thought of moving elsewhere, Beijing. She told Neil only once, whilst Neil just wanted her to leave anywhere but Kent. Through confirmed sources Neil got to know, Melissa has put down her papers, still, he pretended as if he doesn't know about it, until Melissa told her. Finally, the day came when Melissa left for good. Neil didn't want to be a part of it, her farewell and God assisted him in fulfilling his wish, when he was not informed about her farewell. Inside, Neil felt a little hurt, but it was too little to be measured. Melissa headed towards Beijing, China. "I never felt better like this before, but certain events about which I got to know, I was feeling a little bad...", Neil told me.
"What was it, after Melissa left?", I asked.
"You know, I was pretty much close to my boss, who knew everything about me. I dont know, but I got to know that he expressed his interest in Melissa & they slept onenight....", it was worth-seeing Neil's face when he was uttering these words.
"Hmmm...well, can't do anything...nor I can do. She is gone for your good, for your betterment. She was not looking for a partner of you--even if she had, you were thrown away long back. She was looking for someone who could pay her some attention and thats it. Whenever, you succeeded in that, i.e. paying her attention, her mission was accomplished!!! Good that she didn't become a part of your life, else, your life would have definitely worsened. But dont chase her..."I said.
"You are right Gaurav....but now I am having mixed emotions. Anyways, these days I keep distance from my boss & such events, incidents will help to maintain the same distance or even more incidents. But what pisses me off, is that practise what you preach..or do what you say. He told me, he finds Melissa lazy, dislikes her, but what he did, was ultimately opposite.......", Neil went to fetch some water for himself.
Hopefully, the story ends here..Neil will definitely not miss Melissa. This was a great experience, but now Neil has stopped asking girls out & neither he believes anyone[I hope Neil trusts me!!!! :)]Girls like Melissa are almost everywhere, they are like leaves of fall, found everywhere. But a true gem, like diamond is precious and rare. Melissa just played with Neil's heart [or love] for few months & in the end, she also insulted him...Neil, being completely blinded by love, couldn't do anything either. "God will take care of everything, "Neil used to say. Definitely, God will take care..he will punish & reward judging on people's action. And Keith??He will miss Melissa & may be, he will chase her to Beijing. Abraham...such men should never be trusted, but now Neil wants a way out..where there will be no Abraham, no Keith, no Melissa. Only Neil...sounds like Utopia!!!
All I can pray to God that oneday, Neil will find someone, who will understand Neil, who will know Neil's value & love him for what he is-not for what he has....
Sunday, November 7, 2010
In search of the perfect bolognese
I think I made the first pasta at home[real fresh homemade pasta] in 1999, when I was in Std. 8, 11 years before. The sauce was similar to aglio-olio peperoncino, however, I was craving for some good sauce.
After joining the hotel managment institute, I was keen to known about different cuisines & Italian cuisine was one of interests[Perhaps, I can talk more on Italian cuisine, than Indian cuisine] and one fine day, I was doing a research on how many sauces are there for pasta, traditional ones & then the contemporary ones.
Bolognese or the meat ragu caught my attention.In simplest terms, it is a meat sauce, originates from the Bologna, from the gastronomic province of Italy--Emilia Romagna.Emilia Romagna is so important that almost all famed Italian products are from here--Balsamic Vinegar from Modena, Parmiggiano Reggiano & Prosciutto di Parma from Parma & so is Ragu alla Bologna & Mortadella from Bologna.
Once I joined training, a part of the hotel management, I asked a chef on how to make a good Bolognese sauce, & he gave a recipe...which had a lot of tomatoes. The basic mirepoix, including carrots[in Italy, you say soffritto!!!]+200 gm of tomato puree+450 gm of minced meat[ideally beef], +herbs like basil etc, +1/2 cup red wine.
I tried this at home obviously, initially using minced chicken & later with minced mutton, but the sauce had a more tomato flavour in it.
While doing a little research both in the books & internet, I came across two versions of Ragu--Bolognese & Napolitana. In 1982, the recipe of Bolognese was registered & for your sake, I am putting it here.
300 g beef cartella (thin beef skirt)
150 g pancetta, dried
50 g carrot
50 g celery stalk
50 g onion
5 spoons tomato sauce or 20 g triple tomato extract
1 cup (250 mL) whole milk
Half cup white or red wine, dry and not frizzante
Salt and pepper, to taste.
The pancetta, cut into little cubes and chopped with a mezzaluna chopping knife, is melted in a saucepan; the vegetables, once again well chopped with the mezzaluna, are then added and everything is left to stew softly. Next the ground beef is added and is left on the stovetop, while being stirred constantly, until it sputters. The wine and the tomato cut with a little broth are added and everything left to simmer for around two hours, adding little by little the milk and adjusting the salt and black pepper. Optional but advisable is the addition of the panna di cottura of a litre of whole milk at the end of the cooking.
Strictly, following the recipe, I made it at home & the result was heavenly...only the flavour of meat, with a little hint of soffritto & tomato. The Neapolitan version, is little more tomato-ey & addition of herbs like basilico etc. If you want to make it little zesty..why not put some fresh orange juice or some finely chopped orange pulp??You will never be taken aback with the result....
Perhaps, outside Italy, this is more popular than anywhere else, also known as Spaghetti Bolognese around the world. I have seen people ordering Spaghetti Bolognese with delight, but ideally, bolognese is eaten with fresh pasta, which will hold the sauce. Prime examples can be tagliatelle, fettuccine, or even lasagne. The Neapolitan version, which has more tomato in it, seems to fit for Spaghetti. Even penne or fusilli is good with bolognese.
This much for now...Buon apetito!!!
After joining the hotel managment institute, I was keen to known about different cuisines & Italian cuisine was one of interests[Perhaps, I can talk more on Italian cuisine, than Indian cuisine] and one fine day, I was doing a research on how many sauces are there for pasta, traditional ones & then the contemporary ones.
Bolognese or the meat ragu caught my attention.In simplest terms, it is a meat sauce, originates from the Bologna, from the gastronomic province of Italy--Emilia Romagna.Emilia Romagna is so important that almost all famed Italian products are from here--Balsamic Vinegar from Modena, Parmiggiano Reggiano & Prosciutto di Parma from Parma & so is Ragu alla Bologna & Mortadella from Bologna.
Once I joined training, a part of the hotel management, I asked a chef on how to make a good Bolognese sauce, & he gave a recipe...which had a lot of tomatoes. The basic mirepoix, including carrots[in Italy, you say soffritto!!!]+200 gm of tomato puree+450 gm of minced meat[ideally beef], +herbs like basil etc, +1/2 cup red wine.
I tried this at home obviously, initially using minced chicken & later with minced mutton, but the sauce had a more tomato flavour in it.
In the meanwhile, I was on restricted diet, due to high purine level in my blood, so during my employment in Grand Hyatt, I never had the opportunity to try their version of the bolognese. When I moved to Chennai & started working in Chola Sheraton, I had first experience of making a lot of sauces, bolognese being one of them. The sauce was more tomato-ey, than meaty. Oneday the exe.chef was asking me whether it is minced by machine or minced by hand. I said, "Yes, chef...the meat is minced by machine."He replied, "For bolognese, you should use meat, minced by hand[or manual mince]...."---
Coming to Dubai, I restarted eating beef, but obviously in moderation. The other day I was browsing through my italian cuisine notes, books & came across, the addition of milk/cream in the basic bolognese. Strikingly, one the recipe says using two meats, beef & additional meat can be pork, specially pork sausage meat.I knew it long back that North Italians use more of cream, milk, butter[i.e. abundance of dairy products..North Italians are rich], whilst down South, Olive oil is preferred, in mostly poor man's cucina povera.While doing a little research both in the books & internet, I came across two versions of Ragu--Bolognese & Napolitana. In 1982, the recipe of Bolognese was registered & for your sake, I am putting it here.
300 g beef cartella (thin beef skirt)
150 g pancetta, dried
50 g carrot
50 g celery stalk
50 g onion
5 spoons tomato sauce or 20 g triple tomato extract
1 cup (250 mL) whole milk
Half cup white or red wine, dry and not frizzante
Salt and pepper, to taste.
The pancetta, cut into little cubes and chopped with a mezzaluna chopping knife, is melted in a saucepan; the vegetables, once again well chopped with the mezzaluna, are then added and everything is left to stew softly. Next the ground beef is added and is left on the stovetop, while being stirred constantly, until it sputters. The wine and the tomato cut with a little broth are added and everything left to simmer for around two hours, adding little by little the milk and adjusting the salt and black pepper. Optional but advisable is the addition of the panna di cottura of a litre of whole milk at the end of the cooking.
Strictly, following the recipe, I made it at home & the result was heavenly...only the flavour of meat, with a little hint of soffritto & tomato. The Neapolitan version, is little more tomato-ey & addition of herbs like basilico etc. If you want to make it little zesty..why not put some fresh orange juice or some finely chopped orange pulp??You will never be taken aback with the result....
Perhaps, outside Italy, this is more popular than anywhere else, also known as Spaghetti Bolognese around the world. I have seen people ordering Spaghetti Bolognese with delight, but ideally, bolognese is eaten with fresh pasta, which will hold the sauce. Prime examples can be tagliatelle, fettuccine, or even lasagne. The Neapolitan version, which has more tomato in it, seems to fit for Spaghetti. Even penne or fusilli is good with bolognese.
This much for now...Buon apetito!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
And here I complete 1 year in Dubai...
I still remember October 31, 2009....I got up around 5 am in the morning, to do some final touches for luggage, as I got a flight from Kolkata to Mumbai that very day, around 9 am. It was a Saturday...& after having a light breakfast, I left for the airport, with my eyes filled with tears....again leaving home...
It was Saturday & generally Bengalis are reluctant to leave for a journey on Saturday[connected to Saturn, planet of poverty & depression] & Tuesday[connected with Mars, planet of violence], but I did--since I am not that superstitious...
On my way to airport, I was contemplating on when shall I come back to India on vacation etc & whether, I have taken my essentials with me or not. After a smooth check-in process, in the Kolkata airport, I headed towards the lounge to catch my flight to Mumbai.
The flight arrived a little late, to Mumbai, where my father & one of my ex-colleagues from Grand Hyatt, Mumbai came to receive me.We rented a room in a hotel nearby--for me it was few hours, as I had to catch my flight to Dubai at 6:40 pm, the same day. After having a light lunch, I went to Grand Hyatt Mumbai, to relive the old memories & also few colleagues. I left Grand Hyatt, with some little chit-chat & then back to hotel....& then I had to leave for the airport.
In the international airport,another of my ex-colleague from ITC Chola, Thangapandi, came to see me & then after a formal goodbye to alll...I went inside the airport for immigration process. It was lengthy, but I was on time....& finally, I stepped in the aircraft....I still had some 30 minutes to go...when I talked to my mom...
After delighting from the flight, I headed towards the arrivals for "Eye-scan" & then to passport controls for the entry stamp on the passport....& finally towards the marriott counter, to see who has come to receive me. I was surprised to see that they didn't have any info that I was coming & added to that, they knew that I was supposed to come in the morning. In any case, they told me to wait..I was observing the people getting down in the airport, & those who were roaming around. Yes, with only 20% Emiratis, this city is the hub of expatriates. People say Dubai is another Mumbai, but Mumbai has a long way to go....
After about 1 hour in the airport, a colleague came to receive me from the airport & was waiting for someone else also, who was supposed to start with me in the same company from the following day....and finally when I reached my new was almost midnight. I was hungry, but reluctant to have any food...
Since, I love to deal with people, I also got a better understanding of people all around the world, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, people from UK, Russia, Philippines, Germany, France & a lot..& also helped me to have keen interest in learning the lingo of others...French, Italian, tit-bits of Sinhalese, Tagalog, Indonesian & of late...Russian..also I made a few bunch of friends, & few of them cared to be both in my good & bad times...
Though sometimes, it gets boring staying alone & feeling lonely...but now I feel better alone, ever since, I have inculcated the habit of are generally spent in cleaning room, cooking & then may be a short trip to Dubai Mall, the largest mall in the world, for watching a movie, groceries or window shopping...or may be..sleeping throughout the day...
In the midst of this one year, I went home once, for 20 days,but this small vacation has been pretty meaningful...when I got to know people better...met Ruchira, a school friend, who I never talked to when we were in same school & saw her after 10 years...also another one who pretended to be friend, turned to be something else, an opportunist...!!Badly I wanted to open my cafe this vacation, but shortage of time, didn't allow it to happen...Hopefully, someday soon....
Also this was the first time, I celebrated my birthday after a real longtime, & invited few of my have dinner with me, & almost all came except a few...I was happy to see that...
It was Saturday & generally Bengalis are reluctant to leave for a journey on Saturday[connected to Saturn, planet of poverty & depression] & Tuesday[connected with Mars, planet of violence], but I did--since I am not that superstitious...
On my way to airport, I was contemplating on when shall I come back to India on vacation etc & whether, I have taken my essentials with me or not. After a smooth check-in process, in the Kolkata airport, I headed towards the lounge to catch my flight to Mumbai.
The flight arrived a little late, to Mumbai, where my father & one of my ex-colleagues from Grand Hyatt, Mumbai came to receive me.We rented a room in a hotel nearby--for me it was few hours, as I had to catch my flight to Dubai at 6:40 pm, the same day. After having a light lunch, I went to Grand Hyatt Mumbai, to relive the old memories & also few colleagues. I left Grand Hyatt, with some little chit-chat & then back to hotel....& then I had to leave for the airport.
In the international airport,another of my ex-colleague from ITC Chola, Thangapandi, came to see me & then after a formal goodbye to alll...I went inside the airport for immigration process. It was lengthy, but I was on time....& finally, I stepped in the aircraft....I still had some 30 minutes to go...when I talked to my mom...
In about 3 hours, the flight arrived its destination...perhaps, to me it was the city of dreams, "Dubai...", a city which was nothing but a desert, but now it is one of the most expensive cities to live in this planet...The local time was 8:35 pm, 90 minutes less than Indian Standard Time.After delighting from the flight, I headed towards the arrivals for "Eye-scan" & then to passport controls for the entry stamp on the passport....& finally towards the marriott counter, to see who has come to receive me. I was surprised to see that they didn't have any info that I was coming & added to that, they knew that I was supposed to come in the morning. In any case, they told me to wait..I was observing the people getting down in the airport, & those who were roaming around. Yes, with only 20% Emiratis, this city is the hub of expatriates. People say Dubai is another Mumbai, but Mumbai has a long way to go....
After about 1 hour in the airport, a colleague came to receive me from the airport & was waiting for someone else also, who was supposed to start with me in the same company from the following day....and finally when I reached my new was almost midnight. I was hungry, but reluctant to have any food...
Over this one year, I have learnt a lot of things in Dubai...personal matters & also professional matters. Firstly, I came across a lot of people, people hailing from different cultures, nations, background & always it compelled to think matters in a macro-level, when in India, we think in the micro-level. The clientele here is also international, where locals can be considered as the minorities. This is also my first employment in a resort hotel, apart from it being my first international experience.Since, I love to deal with people, I also got a better understanding of people all around the world, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans, people from UK, Russia, Philippines, Germany, France & a lot..& also helped me to have keen interest in learning the lingo of others...French, Italian, tit-bits of Sinhalese, Tagalog, Indonesian & of late...Russian..also I made a few bunch of friends, & few of them cared to be both in my good & bad times...
Though sometimes, it gets boring staying alone & feeling lonely...but now I feel better alone, ever since, I have inculcated the habit of are generally spent in cleaning room, cooking & then may be a short trip to Dubai Mall, the largest mall in the world, for watching a movie, groceries or window shopping...or may be..sleeping throughout the day...
In the midst of this one year, I went home once, for 20 days,but this small vacation has been pretty meaningful...when I got to know people better...met Ruchira, a school friend, who I never talked to when we were in same school & saw her after 10 years...also another one who pretended to be friend, turned to be something else, an opportunist...!!Badly I wanted to open my cafe this vacation, but shortage of time, didn't allow it to happen...Hopefully, someday soon....
Also this was the first time, I celebrated my birthday after a real longtime, & invited few of my have dinner with me, & almost all came except a few...I was happy to see that...
People often ask me, "How long do you intend to stay in Dubai???", I say, "I follow His plans--I dont plan any & I dont intend any. He is making plans for me, I am His mere follower"....
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Menus...
Its been almost a month, that I haven't written anything in this blog---plenty of reasons, as I was pre-occupied with work, health is with ups & downs, mind is somewhere else & less interest in writing something in my blog.
Thanksgiving is approaching---exactly 30 days from today, i.e. on November 25.This festival generally commemorates harvest, primarily in US & Canada.Traditionally, it is time to give thanks for the harvest & express gratitude in general.Despite, it being a religious festival, it has now turned to a secular one.
Traditional & generally, turkey is eaten on Thanksgiving specially in US & Canada-a huge roasted turkey acts as the centrepiece on this day, often known as "Turkey Day".However, I am deviating from the traditions & proposing a new menu[definitely, I will be cooking it & posting the pictures with the recipes!!]. A simple three-course menu, with touches from all around the world...definitely, worth trying when the foods are ultimately we go.....
Well, I am not stopping here....after exactly in 1 month from Thanksgiving, is the day Jesus Christ was born & thus universal festival "Christmas Day". This year I am deviating a little from my generalised Italian cuisine & focussing on other cuisines, like German, Spanish & Thai for example.
This year's menu is a little different, with a blend of Italian & German Cuisine & also the touch of tradition. Here it is....
Thanksgiving is approaching---exactly 30 days from today, i.e. on November 25.This festival generally commemorates harvest, primarily in US & Canada.Traditionally, it is time to give thanks for the harvest & express gratitude in general.Despite, it being a religious festival, it has now turned to a secular one.
Traditional & generally, turkey is eaten on Thanksgiving specially in US & Canada-a huge roasted turkey acts as the centrepiece on this day, often known as "Turkey Day".However, I am deviating from the traditions & proposing a new menu[definitely, I will be cooking it & posting the pictures with the recipes!!]. A simple three-course menu, with touches from all around the world...definitely, worth trying when the foods are ultimately we go.....
Mushroom & Bean Soup
Wild Mushroom, Broad beans & truffle oil
[Kinda british stuff..but damn good. Specially the earthy mushrooms with fava beans]
Honey-glazed Chinese five-spiced duck
Sauce Bigarade, Chestnut puree, Grilled Polenta, Sweet & Sour artichokes
[Its a blend of many cuisine--five-spice from China, Sauce Bigarade from France, a classical accompaniment for roast duck, chestnut puree from Europe, Grilled Polenta from Italy & Sweet & Sour artichokes is a blend of Italian & Chinese kitchen]
Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Cheesecake
[Sweet Potato Pie, Pumpkin Pie are traditional desserts for Thanksgiving. How about making a cheesecake of these two???]
Well, I am not stopping here....after exactly in 1 month from Thanksgiving, is the day Jesus Christ was born & thus universal festival "Christmas Day". This year I am deviating a little from my generalised Italian cuisine & focussing on other cuisines, like German, Spanish & Thai for example.
This year's menu is a little different, with a blend of Italian & German Cuisine & also the touch of tradition. Here it is....
Cappuccino al Funghi
Cappuccino of Forest Mushrooms
Risotto con frutta di mare
Risotto with "fruits of the sea", shellfish foam
Gefullter Schweinebauch
Stuffed roasted pork belly, with Rhineland stuffing, warm potato salad & Sweet bavarian mustard
Selection of Desserts
Bavarian Cream and Forest Fruit Semifreddo
Buona giornata!!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Festive season....
The third quarter is about to end up in a couple of days [alcoholics, please dont get me wrong...] & lies the festive season ahead--Bengali's Annual Festival, Durga Puja [though Bengalis have festival round the year] & followed by Diwali, Christmas & the new year & another year....
As usual, I will miss home, during this period, as I have not stayed with my family during Durga Puja, since 2008 & this year possibilities are remote, unless God wants so...
I am busy with menu planning for my own[yes, for my very own.....]Thanksgiving[who to thank to???], Christmas[Coz, every year I do so....]& new year may be...apart from weekly trials on my day offs...
This is it..keep on checking my blog, as it will be updated from time to time...weekly, if not daily....
Buona Giornata!!!
As usual, I will miss home, during this period, as I have not stayed with my family during Durga Puja, since 2008 & this year possibilities are remote, unless God wants so...
I am busy with menu planning for my own[yes, for my very own.....]Thanksgiving[who to thank to???], Christmas[Coz, every year I do so....]& new year may be...apart from weekly trials on my day offs...
This is it..keep on checking my blog, as it will be updated from time to time...weekly, if not daily....
Buona Giornata!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Interview ... :P
1.If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
I being a male, it will remain unchanged
2. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes...I was. Its a day off..
3. What’s something that can always make you feel better? When did you need it last?
Honest feedback of people about me & my cooking. Yesterday, got good feedback from guests.
4. What are you excited for?
Planning to visit US next year...*fingers crossed*
5. What were you doing yesterday?
Working in the morning..n then groceries in the evening.
6. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Hot chocolate
7. Have a best friend(s)?
Yes...I do.
8. Are you scared to fall in love?
Fall??or Rise???Yes, I am scared...I get hurt easily... :(
9. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Can be...
10. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
My colleague
11.What do you want right now?
12. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Dont mostly, I take pictures of food.
13. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?
14. When was the last time you cried?
Whilst leaving home on July 31st, 2010
15. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes..mostly with my mother
16. Do you find it hard to trust others?
Yes...pretty often these days...when ppl pretend to be friends & finally cheat on you..
17. I bet you miss somebody right now..
May be...
18. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
Yes...I am perfect!!: )
19. Tell me what's on your mind.
A 1000 things....
20. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
A new season is approaching...followed by a new year...will usher in new hopes & surprises
21. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
When I was 3-4 cousin sister's clothes
22. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
I chat with him....dont talk to him..
23. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
24. How's your heart?
Difficult to put it in words...but oneday it will become gold... :)
25. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?
26. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
Dont know....
27. What are you planning on doing after this?
28. When will your next kiss take place?
Dont know...
29. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
30. Who do you not get along with?
Many of my relatives & ppl who are not my cup of tea...
31. What are you wearing right now?
Shorts n Tees
32. Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
Sometimes, I think so..
33. How did you feel when you woke up?
34. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
35. Do you crack your knuckles?
When I have nothing to do..
36. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
Sleeping probably
37. Who's the first B in your contacts?
Babloo mashi
38. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
39. Last awkward moment?
Gossips about me...yesterday
40. Are you afraid of the dark?
41. Do you have good vision?
42. Have you ever tripped someone?
43. Have you ever slapped someone?
44. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?
45. Can you go out in public looking like you do?
46. Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
Depends on my mood
47. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
48.Do you miss the way things used to be?
Change is the only constant
49. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
50. Want someone back in your life?
51. Will tomorrow be better than today?
Why not today??
52.Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
53. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
Dont know
54. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
the former..
55. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?
I being a male, it will remain unchanged
2. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes...I was. Its a day off..
3. What’s something that can always make you feel better? When did you need it last?
Honest feedback of people about me & my cooking. Yesterday, got good feedback from guests.
4. What are you excited for?
Planning to visit US next year...*fingers crossed*
5. What were you doing yesterday?
Working in the morning..n then groceries in the evening.
6. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Hot chocolate
7. Have a best friend(s)?
Yes...I do.
8. Are you scared to fall in love?
Fall??or Rise???Yes, I am scared...I get hurt easily... :(
9. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Can be...
10. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
My colleague
11.What do you want right now?
12. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Dont mostly, I take pictures of food.
13. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?
14. When was the last time you cried?
Whilst leaving home on July 31st, 2010
15. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes..mostly with my mother
16. Do you find it hard to trust others?
Yes...pretty often these days...when ppl pretend to be friends & finally cheat on you..
17. I bet you miss somebody right now..
May be...
18. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
Yes...I am perfect!!: )
19. Tell me what's on your mind.
A 1000 things....
20. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
A new season is approaching...followed by a new year...will usher in new hopes & surprises
21. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
When I was 3-4 cousin sister's clothes
22. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
I chat with him....dont talk to him..
23. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
24. How's your heart?
Difficult to put it in words...but oneday it will become gold... :)
25. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?
26. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
Dont know....
27. What are you planning on doing after this?
28. When will your next kiss take place?
Dont know...
29. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
30. Who do you not get along with?
Many of my relatives & ppl who are not my cup of tea...
31. What are you wearing right now?
Shorts n Tees
32. Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
Sometimes, I think so..
33. How did you feel when you woke up?
34. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
35. Do you crack your knuckles?
When I have nothing to do..
36. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
Sleeping probably
37. Who's the first B in your contacts?
Babloo mashi
38. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
39. Last awkward moment?
Gossips about me...yesterday
40. Are you afraid of the dark?
41. Do you have good vision?
42. Have you ever tripped someone?
43. Have you ever slapped someone?
44. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?
45. Can you go out in public looking like you do?
46. Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
Depends on my mood
47. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
48.Do you miss the way things used to be?
Change is the only constant
49. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
50. Want someone back in your life?
51. Will tomorrow be better than today?
Why not today??
52.Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
53. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
Dont know
54. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
the former..
55. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?
Monday, September 6, 2010
Making Sushi..
I didn't know what it was before my senior told me in my first year. I was like "Ok..I will figure it out in due course". In my second year, I had the interest about knowing the global cuisines--Greek, German, Portuguese & Spanish, Japanese,Thai[my professor also insisted me on knowing Chinese, Mongolian, Korean too!!!]
"Sushi" & "Sashimi"--these are two terms often discussed in newspapers, magazines, journals, food columns etc. People would often confuse the difference between the two. Once, a person told me, "Sushi is all about raw fish"--he was verily wrong. Let's understand the concept of "Sushi" & "Sashimi".
"Sushi"--in simple terms is soured-rice[obviously, by the addition of vinegar]. Japanese short-grained, glutinous white rice is used & mixed with sake or rice vinegar once the rice is cooked. An array of toppings and fillings are used, often a portion of this rice is put on a sheet of seaweed, called "Nori"[this is edible].The toppings, fillings range from vegetarian to meats, seafood, omelette etc.
"Sashimi"--simply put, raw fish & garnishes, obviously with the traditional accompaniments, like pickled ginger, soy sauce & wasabi.
I didn't know that I will have to learn making sushi, until my boss insisted me on learning this Sushi, or I can put it in other words, "Learnt on compulsion".The colleague who used to make Sushi, was going on vacation,so who will make in his absence. The sushi chef, had issues in joining at that time, so I had to learn it. With an injured index finger[the one before the middle finger...], making sushi in the inital days was difficult[the index finger plays a bigrole for making sushi..if you are right handed ], but learning something new was fun. Overcooked rice, undercooked rice..n perfect rice. I was like playing with the rice most of the times...but as a Sushi master, one must know how to cook the rice perfectly. Washing the rice for about 10 times & soaking in water cooks the rice faster & also u need less water, whilst washing it for 10 times & then putting the rice in the rice cooker, will definitely take some time to cook, however, it has the capability to absorb a lot of cooked vinegar.
Making the california rolls[heavily influenced by Californians may be, an influence Japanese chefs could not resist...]were easier than making the Nigirisushi[pronounced as Nigirizushi], specially making the tuna nigiri[maguru, bluefin tuna], salmon nigiri[sake nigiri]& cooked prawns[ama ebi nigiri] & then eel[unagi] & japanese omelette[tamagu]...
Making wasabi...
Oneday I saw something green in colour & I asked my colleague, "Is that pesto cream cheese?" & he said,"Yes..". It was so green I was stunned by the colour of the pesto cream cheese & wanted to taste it....& the result was disastrous....It was wasabi....the kick, the sharpness...can't put it in words... goes one more attribute to my repertoire...I can make sushi... :)
"Sushi" & "Sashimi"--these are two terms often discussed in newspapers, magazines, journals, food columns etc. People would often confuse the difference between the two. Once, a person told me, "Sushi is all about raw fish"--he was verily wrong. Let's understand the concept of "Sushi" & "Sashimi".
"Sushi"--in simple terms is soured-rice[obviously, by the addition of vinegar]. Japanese short-grained, glutinous white rice is used & mixed with sake or rice vinegar once the rice is cooked. An array of toppings and fillings are used, often a portion of this rice is put on a sheet of seaweed, called "Nori"[this is edible].The toppings, fillings range from vegetarian to meats, seafood, omelette etc.
"Sashimi"--simply put, raw fish & garnishes, obviously with the traditional accompaniments, like pickled ginger, soy sauce & wasabi.
I didn't know that I will have to learn making sushi, until my boss insisted me on learning this Sushi, or I can put it in other words, "Learnt on compulsion".The colleague who used to make Sushi, was going on vacation,so who will make in his absence. The sushi chef, had issues in joining at that time, so I had to learn it. With an injured index finger[the one before the middle finger...], making sushi in the inital days was difficult[the index finger plays a bigrole for making sushi..if you are right handed ], but learning something new was fun. Overcooked rice, undercooked rice..n perfect rice. I was like playing with the rice most of the times...but as a Sushi master, one must know how to cook the rice perfectly. Washing the rice for about 10 times & soaking in water cooks the rice faster & also u need less water, whilst washing it for 10 times & then putting the rice in the rice cooker, will definitely take some time to cook, however, it has the capability to absorb a lot of cooked vinegar.
Making the california rolls[heavily influenced by Californians may be, an influence Japanese chefs could not resist...]were easier than making the Nigirisushi[pronounced as Nigirizushi], specially making the tuna nigiri[maguru, bluefin tuna], salmon nigiri[sake nigiri]& cooked prawns[ama ebi nigiri] & then eel[unagi] & japanese omelette[tamagu]...
Making wasabi...

When the old stock of wasabi[i.e. the powdered wasabi hydrated] used to finish, I had the task of preparing the wasabi. Initially, I didn't know how to stop crying, sneezing whilst preparing wasabi, but gradually, I tried this trick...keeping my face away ......
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Cook your steak...
Since I hail from a hindu family[ family members...] having a steak in a restaurant[forget about cooking at home...]& later flaunting about it at seriously a taboo. Yes, hindus are not supposed to eat beef[i.e. cow's meat!!]due to religious reasons. So I didn't eat it, since my father would not allow us to have beef outside, when we used to go out for dinner every sundays or weekends, when I was a student.
Post-joining the hotel management institute, we were supposed to taste everything[I dare not to eat snake, rat, insects & human flesh!!!]The so-called strict hindus wouldn't eat beef, but I was interested in tasting the first preparation I made with beef, i.e. Consomme & next was Tournedos ala portugaise. Tournedo, a cut from the tenderloin of beef, grilled & cooked, well-done in a tomato based sauce with peppers.However, it was bland for me, however, ever since I started visiting "Olypub" a popular resto-bar in the most happening place of "Kolkata", aka Calcutta, I always used to have Chateaubriand, a popular cut of the tenderloin, which was served with some fries & some grilled onions...if I can recollect. It was always served well-done,[well, Indian beef, should always be eaten well-done!!!]
Frequent visits to Olypub, added by daily consumption of red meat in the form of Lamb Biryani, increased the protein level in my blood & thus high uric acid, resulted in multiple control red meat!!!!
Well,from 2006 till end quarter of 2009, I didn't eat beef. Yes...for a long, long time. Excuse I used to give is that "I am a Hindu" or sometimes more subtle,"For obvious reasons, I dont eat beef...medical grounds!!!".
I had Angus beef during my service in Chennai. It was Irish Black Angus, perhaps, it was Sirloin part, that we got in the hotel. Though I restrained myself from eating for a long-time, but the colour of the meat was irresistible!!!So, one fine night, I took the courage of taking one out of the chiller & cooking for myself & yes, cooked medium done. By the way, I have seen guests having rare done & when the plate comes to the kitchen, it is neat & clean..not even a drop of blood...Anyways...seasoning..simple salt & pepper..& no sauce. Taste..well, beyond words to describe. People say about Kobe beef..need to try it next....
Coming to Dubai..well, I didn't have for several months, though the meat available here is of superior quality...yes, all chilled & imported from Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, USA, & also from India & Pakistan. Though, I used to give the same excuse, but one fine day, I bought some 200 gm of Australian Rib-eye steak & then it became a habit...a weekly ritual on my day off. Few friends, were stunned to see that I have started eating spite of the restrictions.
Now today, after a long time[after 1 month I guess...], cooked a steak for quenching this "hunger", since I was craving to have a steak, of recent..badly!!!I got this wonderful meat, NZ Rib-eye steak this thursday from Spinneys Supermarket & cooked it to my satisfaction.
Rule No.1--->Let your steak be in room temperature. I mean in raw form...else, the heat will never reach inside, unless you are going to have a 500 gm steak, well-done, which means you will have to finish it off in the oven, specially a cut from tenderloin.
Rule No.2--->Season with crushed black pepper & salt only on one side. That means, salt on the presentation side & the other side can be seasoned when you are cooking your steak.
Rule No.3--->If you are grilling in a pan, let it be very hot...yes, very, very hot, put a spoon of oil & then put the steak. You will hear when it sizzles.
I like my steak, burger...medium done. Rest all meat, including lamb...must be well-done!!!
So today's menu....[Just another blasphemic act... lols...]
Post-joining the hotel management institute, we were supposed to taste everything[I dare not to eat snake, rat, insects & human flesh!!!]The so-called strict hindus wouldn't eat beef, but I was interested in tasting the first preparation I made with beef, i.e. Consomme & next was Tournedos ala portugaise. Tournedo, a cut from the tenderloin of beef, grilled & cooked, well-done in a tomato based sauce with peppers.However, it was bland for me, however, ever since I started visiting "Olypub" a popular resto-bar in the most happening place of "Kolkata", aka Calcutta, I always used to have Chateaubriand, a popular cut of the tenderloin, which was served with some fries & some grilled onions...if I can recollect. It was always served well-done,[well, Indian beef, should always be eaten well-done!!!]
Frequent visits to Olypub, added by daily consumption of red meat in the form of Lamb Biryani, increased the protein level in my blood & thus high uric acid, resulted in multiple control red meat!!!!
Well,from 2006 till end quarter of 2009, I didn't eat beef. Yes...for a long, long time. Excuse I used to give is that "I am a Hindu" or sometimes more subtle,"For obvious reasons, I dont eat beef...medical grounds!!!".
I had Angus beef during my service in Chennai. It was Irish Black Angus, perhaps, it was Sirloin part, that we got in the hotel. Though I restrained myself from eating for a long-time, but the colour of the meat was irresistible!!!So, one fine night, I took the courage of taking one out of the chiller & cooking for myself & yes, cooked medium done. By the way, I have seen guests having rare done & when the plate comes to the kitchen, it is neat & clean..not even a drop of blood...Anyways...seasoning..simple salt & pepper..& no sauce. Taste..well, beyond words to describe. People say about Kobe beef..need to try it next....
Coming to Dubai..well, I didn't have for several months, though the meat available here is of superior quality...yes, all chilled & imported from Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, USA, & also from India & Pakistan. Though, I used to give the same excuse, but one fine day, I bought some 200 gm of Australian Rib-eye steak & then it became a habit...a weekly ritual on my day off. Few friends, were stunned to see that I have started eating spite of the restrictions.
Now today, after a long time[after 1 month I guess...], cooked a steak for quenching this "hunger", since I was craving to have a steak, of recent..badly!!!I got this wonderful meat, NZ Rib-eye steak this thursday from Spinneys Supermarket & cooked it to my satisfaction.
Rule No.1--->Let your steak be in room temperature. I mean in raw form...else, the heat will never reach inside, unless you are going to have a 500 gm steak, well-done, which means you will have to finish it off in the oven, specially a cut from tenderloin.
Rule No.2--->Season with crushed black pepper & salt only on one side. That means, salt on the presentation side & the other side can be seasoned when you are cooking your steak.
Rule No.3--->If you are grilling in a pan, let it be very hot...yes, very, very hot, put a spoon of oil & then put the steak. You will hear when it sizzles.
I like my steak, burger...medium done. Rest all meat, including lamb...must be well-done!!!
So today's menu....[Just another blasphemic act... lols...]
Grilled Rib-eye steak
Fondant Potato, Grilled Tomato, Redwine-Balsamic Reduction
Fondente al cioccolato
Gelato al Pistacchio
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Life vacation....
Life has different phases...birth, death, marriage...n so many...but for me...everyday is a new day..a new phase, a day full of hopes, wishes, deeds & so on & so forth.
Leaving home after vacation was a little emotional for me...I dont know why do I cry whilst leaving home. I was mentally prepared a week before my vacation was about to end...but I couldn't control my emotions whilst leaving home. What is the reason??Attachment???Hmmm....I easily get attached to like-minded people...but sometimes its too much. I need to resist from such *attachments* unless, I will have to invite some disasters in my life & so-called *friends* who uses me & in the end echeat on me..something, I need to change in myself very soon...being selective of friends...even an enemy is better than such a friend. has pretty changed after coming back to Dubai. Now..I am trying to be little more calm, get less hyper, less reactive ..n many many things...LESS!!!
Again I am trying to be more focussed now...remember Chef Shetty "Focus karo..tum chef ho,", which I have been losing before going on vacation...but now..its time. Opportunities like this come less..why not???To focus on other stuff...entire life is there...but right now...its the career. Some of the well-wishers advised my parents on me marrying someone...but I am not desperate neither interested now...the soil beneath me must be strong enough....
At home...met my old astrologer...he is really old enough...really....n he said many stuffs about me....well, I can foresee a lot of things....but I have given myself 2 years time....either make...or break!!! I dont wish to live long...though my astrologer assures a wealthy & healthy long life...I just want to live a couple of years...n then I want "Maa to break my chains & make me free....."
Leaving home after vacation was a little emotional for me...I dont know why do I cry whilst leaving home. I was mentally prepared a week before my vacation was about to end...but I couldn't control my emotions whilst leaving home. What is the reason??Attachment???Hmmm....I easily get attached to like-minded people...but sometimes its too much. I need to resist from such *attachments* unless, I will have to invite some disasters in my life & so-called *friends* who uses me & in the end echeat on me..something, I need to change in myself very soon...being selective of friends...even an enemy is better than such a friend. has pretty changed after coming back to Dubai. Now..I am trying to be little more calm, get less hyper, less reactive ..n many many things...LESS!!!
Again I am trying to be more focussed now...remember Chef Shetty "Focus karo..tum chef ho,", which I have been losing before going on vacation...but now..its time. Opportunities like this come less..why not???To focus on other stuff...entire life is there...but right now...its the career. Some of the well-wishers advised my parents on me marrying someone...but I am not desperate neither interested now...the soil beneath me must be strong enough....
At home...met my old astrologer...he is really old enough...really....n he said many stuffs about me....well, I can foresee a lot of things....but I have given myself 2 years time....either make...or break!!! I dont wish to live long...though my astrologer assures a wealthy & healthy long life...I just want to live a couple of years...n then I want "Maa to break my chains & make me free....."
Sunday, August 8, 2010
On the way back to Dubai...
Yes...I had to come back to Dubai...well, 20 days were pretty short...but thats how I wanted it to be..
Leaving home has always been a little emotional moment...when I was about to leave home, I touched my mother's feet...n she started crying..n seeing her..I also started crying...
Well...the vacation was filled with bitter-sweet memories...mostly, bitter I guess, less *sweet* memories..but, anyways, I cooked a lot for my friends, relatives, & family...
I left on time ...but with little worries, since, I did web check-in.But alas, on reaching the airport, I got to know that the flight scheduled at 1:45 pm from Kolkata to Mumbai is delayed by 1 hr. Gosh..thats bad...since I dont like sitting in the airport for hours, unless, it has some fun stuff...or something nice to check out.It was a cloudy day+it has been raining since last night, can be one of the major reasons for the flights operating late. Anyways, after boarding the aircraft, I was again feeling emotional..[I dont know when will I get over it...]. It takes around 2:30 hrs from Kolkata to Mumbai & since the flight departed from Kolkata at 1500 hrs, approx., it's arrival time will be 1730 hrs..n then the flight to Dubai is scheduled at 1850 hrs....well,I like taking risks..but it was too risky this time. If the flight arrives late to Mumbai..then what happens????
Keeping my fingers crossed...after having the meal in the Jet, I fell asleep...
I got up when the flight was shaking a bit...yes, lots of clouds around, which made the visibility almost zero & the journey pretty rough. It was almost 1700 hrs & I was praying to God..let it reach on time. Else....
Finally, I got down at 1745 hrs & proceeded to Jet Airways counter for further assistance, since I will have to move from Domestic Terminal to International terminal. Fortunately, they had coach service & unfortunately, it took 15 minutes. Once I entered the international terminal, there was a long queue for the immigration. It was 1815 hours.And it was getting dramatic..when I was standing in a long queue....
When I was about to go to the immigration officer with my boarding pass & passport, I approached a ground staff of Jet Airways, if he can expedite the process, he suggested me visiting his team leader, who is sitting somewhere else..
I left the queue & went to the team leader, & to my awe, she was not even willing to assist me, initally. The excuse she was trying to give me that you need to report before 75 minutes of departure. Umm..well, it was not my fault...its your airlines that arrived late to Mumbai....not I!!..Usually, I dont get hard with women, but this time, I was strong n dominant!!!And finally, she got my checked-in baggages from aircraft & handed over to me & booked me a seat for Dubai, but by Air India.It was scheduled to leave at 20:30 hrs.I hurried upto board the aircraft & the flight left at 2100 hrs....
I was pissed off due to all these delays, however, enjoyed watching a movie on my way back to Dubai, "Karthick calling Karthick".It was a kind of a thriller...
Finally, at 23:15 hrs, my feet touched the land of Dubai again....n after passport controls, I headed to the Dubai Duty Free directly...yes, I need alcohol. It is more due to cooking than drinking and then collecting my checked-in baggage...back to my 2nd Dubai....
Oh on the following day...gotto sleep 100 hrs.
Leaving home has always been a little emotional moment...when I was about to leave home, I touched my mother's feet...n she started crying..n seeing her..I also started crying...
Well...the vacation was filled with bitter-sweet memories...mostly, bitter I guess, less *sweet* memories..but, anyways, I cooked a lot for my friends, relatives, & family...
I left on time ...but with little worries, since, I did web check-in.But alas, on reaching the airport, I got to know that the flight scheduled at 1:45 pm from Kolkata to Mumbai is delayed by 1 hr. Gosh..thats bad...since I dont like sitting in the airport for hours, unless, it has some fun stuff...or something nice to check out.It was a cloudy day+it has been raining since last night, can be one of the major reasons for the flights operating late. Anyways, after boarding the aircraft, I was again feeling emotional..[I dont know when will I get over it...]. It takes around 2:30 hrs from Kolkata to Mumbai & since the flight departed from Kolkata at 1500 hrs, approx., it's arrival time will be 1730 hrs..n then the flight to Dubai is scheduled at 1850 hrs....well,I like taking risks..but it was too risky this time. If the flight arrives late to Mumbai..then what happens????
Keeping my fingers crossed...after having the meal in the Jet, I fell asleep...
I got up when the flight was shaking a bit...yes, lots of clouds around, which made the visibility almost zero & the journey pretty rough. It was almost 1700 hrs & I was praying to God..let it reach on time. Else....
Finally, I got down at 1745 hrs & proceeded to Jet Airways counter for further assistance, since I will have to move from Domestic Terminal to International terminal. Fortunately, they had coach service & unfortunately, it took 15 minutes. Once I entered the international terminal, there was a long queue for the immigration. It was 1815 hours.And it was getting dramatic..when I was standing in a long queue....
When I was about to go to the immigration officer with my boarding pass & passport, I approached a ground staff of Jet Airways, if he can expedite the process, he suggested me visiting his team leader, who is sitting somewhere else..
I left the queue & went to the team leader, & to my awe, she was not even willing to assist me, initally. The excuse she was trying to give me that you need to report before 75 minutes of departure. Umm..well, it was not my fault...its your airlines that arrived late to Mumbai....not I!!..Usually, I dont get hard with women, but this time, I was strong n dominant!!!And finally, she got my checked-in baggages from aircraft & handed over to me & booked me a seat for Dubai, but by Air India.It was scheduled to leave at 20:30 hrs.I hurried upto board the aircraft & the flight left at 2100 hrs....
I was pissed off due to all these delays, however, enjoyed watching a movie on my way back to Dubai, "Karthick calling Karthick".It was a kind of a thriller...
Finally, at 23:15 hrs, my feet touched the land of Dubai again....n after passport controls, I headed to the Dubai Duty Free directly...yes, I need alcohol. It is more due to cooking than drinking and then collecting my checked-in baggage...back to my 2nd Dubai....
Oh on the following day...gotto sleep 100 hrs.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Indian cuisine with a western touch...
Jipsa was craving for my cooking ...for long...n finally, she got to taste food from my hand. I was planning a special menu for her,something unique that she has had, but she will have it differently. But when I am cooking for her, my aunt will also be able to taste the *experience* & so my family members...
It was a very simple fare...very light ...& yet was elegant. Who didn't have Lentil Soup???Well..this time, this is with an Indian touch, but prepared as you do in a western kitchen[Remember, when I put ginger in mushroom soup, chef George asked me, "So is this with an Indian touch???"...I just smiled].
Well..this lentil soup, rather cream of mung beans, was definitely cooked for the indian palate--it had carrot, leek, celery, mascarpone in it...and same time, it had onion, cumin, garlic...n a dash of olive oil. Yes..the soup was delicious[Unfortunately..I didn't taste it..I relied on their feedback].
Moving on to the next know it..Chicken Tikka. You must have eaten this ...or its siblings..Kababs...what I tried this time, is a little innovative. Grilled Chicken Tikka...I didn't use any tandoor for cooking it,but it retained all the textures of what a Kabab looks like. What I did, I used a Chicken breast & applied the marinade as you do for Tikka & grilled them in a hot plate & finish off in the oven..n for the smokey flavour??Well...burn some woodchips beneath, while it is being cooked in the oven--the smoke will impart some smokey aroma in the chicken. Sauce???How about the famous makhni gravy[Yes, the same gravy used for numerous dishes...Murg Makhni, Murg Tikka Masala, Butter Chicken etc] being put in its refined form...Makhni sauce.
This time a different mashed potato...hint of cumin ...quite akin to our own kitchen's Aloo-Jeera & some shahi subzi..but alas...with Mushroom, Zucchini & Carrots!!!I hope it was decent... time for desserts. Few of my friends claim that when it comes to desserts...I am the best...perhaps, its because of my long term relationship with sugar, pastry & my sweet-tooth. I thought of doing a rasgulla cheesecake or gulabjamun terrine...but changed my mind...Rice-pudding Mousse???Yes..I told my mom to make some we make at home...& call it as "Payesh"...n then I converted it into a vegan version of Mousse..of course..with some decent addition of Mascarpone & a little hint of cinnamon. Jipsa couldn't recognise it to be "Payesh"...n it was served with some forest fruit coulis....[All this took place yesterday]...
And today...I cooked Mutton Biryani again..this is my favorite out of North Indian cuisine & perhaps it is next to my love for Bengali foods...& one & only...Italian.As usual it was good...[thank one praised me to skies...thus pampering my ego..over n over again...:) ]& finished with Phirni..a rice pudding with rice-flour, milk & again..a generous addition of Mascarpone.
Since, Sunday...I have been doing a lot of cooking..apart from cooking my own breakfast..but I am now in a departure mood...I will have to leave this Saturday..."Maa..break my chains & let me free..."!!!
It was a very simple fare...very light ...& yet was elegant. Who didn't have Lentil Soup???Well..this time, this is with an Indian touch, but prepared as you do in a western kitchen[Remember, when I put ginger in mushroom soup, chef George asked me, "So is this with an Indian touch???"...I just smiled].
Well..this lentil soup, rather cream of mung beans, was definitely cooked for the indian palate--it had carrot, leek, celery, mascarpone in it...and same time, it had onion, cumin, garlic...n a dash of olive oil. Yes..the soup was delicious[Unfortunately..I didn't taste it..I relied on their feedback].
Moving on to the next know it..Chicken Tikka. You must have eaten this ...or its siblings..Kababs...what I tried this time, is a little innovative. Grilled Chicken Tikka...I didn't use any tandoor for cooking it,but it retained all the textures of what a Kabab looks like. What I did, I used a Chicken breast & applied the marinade as you do for Tikka & grilled them in a hot plate & finish off in the oven..n for the smokey flavour??Well...burn some woodchips beneath, while it is being cooked in the oven--the smoke will impart some smokey aroma in the chicken. Sauce???How about the famous makhni gravy[Yes, the same gravy used for numerous dishes...Murg Makhni, Murg Tikka Masala, Butter Chicken etc] being put in its refined form...Makhni sauce.
This time a different mashed potato...hint of cumin ...quite akin to our own kitchen's Aloo-Jeera & some shahi subzi..but alas...with Mushroom, Zucchini & Carrots!!!I hope it was decent... time for desserts. Few of my friends claim that when it comes to desserts...I am the best...perhaps, its because of my long term relationship with sugar, pastry & my sweet-tooth. I thought of doing a rasgulla cheesecake or gulabjamun terrine...but changed my mind...Rice-pudding Mousse???Yes..I told my mom to make some we make at home...& call it as "Payesh"...n then I converted it into a vegan version of Mousse..of course..with some decent addition of Mascarpone & a little hint of cinnamon. Jipsa couldn't recognise it to be "Payesh"...n it was served with some forest fruit coulis....[All this took place yesterday]...
And today...I cooked Mutton Biryani again..this is my favorite out of North Indian cuisine & perhaps it is next to my love for Bengali foods...& one & only...Italian.As usual it was good...[thank one praised me to skies...thus pampering my ego..over n over again...:) ]& finished with Phirni..a rice pudding with rice-flour, milk & again..a generous addition of Mascarpone.
Since, Sunday...I have been doing a lot of cooking..apart from cooking my own breakfast..but I am now in a departure mood...I will have to leave this Saturday..."Maa..break my chains & let me free..."!!!
Sunday cooking.....
This is not an ordinary Sunday…sorry, not an ordinary Sunday lunch, but something special…very special. It is again Italian lunch—Viva Italia!!!
Now, moving on to the main course, I was in a dilemma—fish??or meat???Well..if meat then options are endless, since I can’t serve beef[Hindus are not supposed to eat beef—don’t talk about me—I am just a blasphemer!!!] & mutton---then I will have to make a stew…not grilled or something..similarly, for pork, specially when swine flue has resurfaced in Kolkata. So the only option I was left with was chicken. Grilled chicken…simple & classy. Served with mashed potato & ratatouille. Samrat didn’t like the risotto much & said, “I like this better than the risotto”.
Time for desserts…rounding off the meal with a sweet note. I prepared another Italian Classic—Panna cotta- [not latte panna cotta]. This is quite akin to the crème caramel—the difference is it is without eggs & no steaming!! Instead, it is stabilised with the help of gelatin, free of eggs….& I created my own version [or variation..whatever, you would like to call it]. I flavoured the Panna cotta[which means, cooked cream] with Bailey’s Irish cream liqeuer. Yes, it was nice—not the regular vanilla flavoured & I served it with forest fruits compote. Simple & Sexy—like me!!! ;)
Samrat liked it better than the main course—which I told him, before he had his share of desserts….
Yes, I cooked after 2 weeks…since during the vacation, I was reluctant to cook—rather rely on mom to cook whatever, she wants me to eat..seldom eating out…
I have some heavy cooking challenge coming in a day or two…in one it will be pure Indian meal..Mutton Biryani, for my aunt who has come down from California on vacation & loves to eat Mutton Biryani…& in other one, it will be for another aunt..who has been craving for my cooking…n for them..I have something special in mind…kinda fusion cuisine…Indian food ala Francaise…difficult to digest???Just watch out…
Recipes???send me mails…
Till then…
Buon Appetito!!
[Written on July 25th, 2010]
I have been longing to cook something for my friends, family members & relatives, ever since I came to India for my vacation. Though I have been disappointed by the conduct of a couple of people, but at last, I took this stupendous task of cooking for 7 people. I got some ingredients from Dubai, specially frozen porcini mushrooms, frozen forest fruits, pecorino romano, grana padano, mascarpone—either not available in Calcutta or the price is sky high!!!!
For the first course, I prepared Risotto Al funghi—porcini risotto. It was excellent & my relatives, who didn’t have risotto in their life before, tasted it & I earned some compliments[see…people have now started pampering my ego…]. Yes, it was really creamy---thanks to mascarpone, which I popped in, instead of finishing off with cream.

Time for desserts…rounding off the meal with a sweet note. I prepared another Italian Classic—Panna cotta- [not latte panna cotta]. This is quite akin to the crème caramel—the difference is it is without eggs & no steaming!! Instead, it is stabilised with the help of gelatin, free of eggs….& I created my own version [or variation..whatever, you would like to call it]. I flavoured the Panna cotta[which means, cooked cream] with Bailey’s Irish cream liqeuer. Yes, it was nice—not the regular vanilla flavoured & I served it with forest fruits compote. Simple & Sexy—like me!!! ;)
Samrat liked it better than the main course—which I told him, before he had his share of desserts….
Yes, I cooked after 2 weeks…since during the vacation, I was reluctant to cook—rather rely on mom to cook whatever, she wants me to eat..seldom eating out…
I have some heavy cooking challenge coming in a day or two…in one it will be pure Indian meal..Mutton Biryani, for my aunt who has come down from California on vacation & loves to eat Mutton Biryani…& in other one, it will be for another aunt..who has been craving for my cooking…n for them..I have something special in mind…kinda fusion cuisine…Indian food ala Francaise…difficult to digest???Just watch out…
Recipes???send me mails…
Till then…
Buon Appetito!!
[Written on July 25th, 2010]
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Revisiting Lycee...
I have not been to Lycee for more than a year now..and today I went to Gariahat for speaking to my bank & then also to meet a couple of friends. After I was done, I was hanging around Lycee, with a question in my mind, "To go or not to go inside???". But finally, I had the courage to go inside & meet my favorite teachers.
The building of Lycee is very small, compared to the gigantic buildings around the school, which has grown over the last few years. Anyways, after asking some keepers about my favorite teacher, I went upstairs & I saw her...yes Mrs.Koely Ghosh aka Koely mam. I dont know whether she was stunned or not, but I saw her really after 8 years[well, thats long...isn't it??]& the first question she asked me was about my hair. Yes, its thinning, but despite her advice of getting artificially weaved or wutever, I expressed no interest--I rather said, "I am happy with it--hairs wanted to go & I let them" :)--and then she was asking my & my bro's whereabouts, since she knows both of us pretty well.She also recollected the blockbuster we did, "Kaun banega crorepati" in the dialect of Bangladesh...& it made me famous too[thank god..people still remember] & was telling whether we can do that again or not...but is not possible.
I remember once Koely mam threw me out of her tutorial due to my poor performances in her class..securing 7 out of 20 or 8 out of 20...awful...though she took me back in a short period of time.
Then I met Gayatri mam...who used to teach us Bengali...& apart from asking about my hair, she asked, "Have you got married??"..." early" & I brought some other topic...& then went to visit other teachers too..
I was feeling good..specially to be in contact with teachers who I saw after a real long time...& fortunately, they remember me well....
However, got a compliment from Koely mam.."You're looking great, despite your less hair"...accepted the compliment graciously... :P..she has been one of the smartest women I have seen.
Seriously, miss you lycee..the days were full of fun, since 1990 till 2002..these 12 years in Lycee..backstabbing, sitting in the last bench of the class with friends & having fun behind, first crush, first fight...flunking in mathematics...scandals, rumours & gossips...& also gifted me my best friend, Samrat. Also politics...yes...real politics for the class prefect..where I was the leader to nominate members from our group, but I never nominated myself :D.
I hope to attend some re-union of I have never attended any.
The building of Lycee is very small, compared to the gigantic buildings around the school, which has grown over the last few years. Anyways, after asking some keepers about my favorite teacher, I went upstairs & I saw her...yes Mrs.Koely Ghosh aka Koely mam. I dont know whether she was stunned or not, but I saw her really after 8 years[well, thats long...isn't it??]& the first question she asked me was about my hair. Yes, its thinning, but despite her advice of getting artificially weaved or wutever, I expressed no interest--I rather said, "I am happy with it--hairs wanted to go & I let them" :)--and then she was asking my & my bro's whereabouts, since she knows both of us pretty well.She also recollected the blockbuster we did, "Kaun banega crorepati" in the dialect of Bangladesh...& it made me famous too[thank god..people still remember] & was telling whether we can do that again or not...but is not possible.
I remember once Koely mam threw me out of her tutorial due to my poor performances in her class..securing 7 out of 20 or 8 out of 20...awful...though she took me back in a short period of time.
Then I met Gayatri mam...who used to teach us Bengali...& apart from asking about my hair, she asked, "Have you got married??"..." early" & I brought some other topic...& then went to visit other teachers too..
I was feeling good..specially to be in contact with teachers who I saw after a real long time...& fortunately, they remember me well....
However, got a compliment from Koely mam.."You're looking great, despite your less hair"...accepted the compliment graciously... :P..she has been one of the smartest women I have seen.
Seriously, miss you lycee..the days were full of fun, since 1990 till 2002..these 12 years in Lycee..backstabbing, sitting in the last bench of the class with friends & having fun behind, first crush, first fight...flunking in mathematics...scandals, rumours & gossips...& also gifted me my best friend, Samrat. Also politics...yes...real politics for the class prefect..where I was the leader to nominate members from our group, but I never nominated myself :D.
I hope to attend some re-union of I have never attended any.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Shopping in South City Mall
By now, you must be knowing that I am not a shoppaholic[btw..research shows frustrated people=shoppaholics!!!]. I just buy when I want to compulsion & secondly, when there is heavy discount going on. It is a fact, that heavy discount means clearing off old stocks & replenishing with new ones.But, I am picky when buying clothes for me...if it suits my taste..else...Naah!!!
South City Mall perhaps is the biggest mall in the Eastern part of India & it is so close to home in Calcutta. Not even 10 mins. walking distance, but I like going there catching an auto-rickshaw[remember, those tuk-tuks of Singapore???] when I am in a hurry..else...a good walk..specially for my tummy!!
I show this mall "growing up" in front of me, but my question was, will this mall be able to run the show?Never mind, the developers of this mall, also constructed four residential towers just behind the mall, a school & & some more stuff. Back in 200-, as far as I can remember, it opened & ever since then, it became a great place for me to hangout. Meet someone, date, eating, shopping, became one of my favorite places nearby!! However, above all these, it was "Spencer's Hypermarket", that actually attracted me a lot--for buying some cooking stuff...n shopping rarely.
Some good brands for the first time in the city, like Guess jeans, Marks & Spencer, n many many ones.Also Pantaloons & Shoppers' Stop started here together[these are business rivals] & the "Fame Cinemas" also, a popular multiplex, but not as popular as Inox is in the city. As you know, I love books, so Starmark also opened a giant store...books, books, n books :)
The ultimate attraction, is the food court & also few standalone restaurants in the top floor. All nice, but in 2008, I found the food court very boring--less covers & also less crowded, except on weekends, specially post-evening.
I haven't been to the city for more than 1 year & last week I went to do some shopping in Pantaloons- a mega store for clothes, with my best friend. Before buying, we met in the food court & never saw such crowd before. The food court was full...I had the Zingerburger from KFC & was chatting with Samrat over there & to our surprise, we saw a group of women, in their 60s, buying food[the fried chicken stuff!!oops..I hate it..i mean the fried chicken] from KFC & having their lunch....incredible!!!
After chatting with him for a couple of hours, I started my shopping from Pantaloons. I am never picky about clothes..what matters is the fabric...Don't wear too thick..else I will start sweating ....thin is ok...but certain fabrics, make feel warmer even before I start wearing it...& choices are boring.I bought a couple of denims, tee shirts, short shirt....n then pack up!!!
Then we started our window shopping....n finally back home..
Yes, this mall is a nice place to shop [Shop till you drop???Nooooo], almost all popular brands you will get in India, is present here...never mind the mehndiwallas, or the late, frisking has led it into a long queue...n in weekends...OMG!!!!
South City Mall perhaps is the biggest mall in the Eastern part of India & it is so close to home in Calcutta. Not even 10 mins. walking distance, but I like going there catching an auto-rickshaw[remember, those tuk-tuks of Singapore???] when I am in a hurry..else...a good walk..specially for my tummy!!
I show this mall "growing up" in front of me, but my question was, will this mall be able to run the show?Never mind, the developers of this mall, also constructed four residential towers just behind the mall, a school & & some more stuff. Back in 200-, as far as I can remember, it opened & ever since then, it became a great place for me to hangout. Meet someone, date, eating, shopping, became one of my favorite places nearby!! However, above all these, it was "Spencer's Hypermarket", that actually attracted me a lot--for buying some cooking stuff...n shopping rarely.
Some good brands for the first time in the city, like Guess jeans, Marks & Spencer, n many many ones.Also Pantaloons & Shoppers' Stop started here together[these are business rivals] & the "Fame Cinemas" also, a popular multiplex, but not as popular as Inox is in the city. As you know, I love books, so Starmark also opened a giant store...books, books, n books :)
The ultimate attraction, is the food court & also few standalone restaurants in the top floor. All nice, but in 2008, I found the food court very boring--less covers & also less crowded, except on weekends, specially post-evening.
I haven't been to the city for more than 1 year & last week I went to do some shopping in Pantaloons- a mega store for clothes, with my best friend. Before buying, we met in the food court & never saw such crowd before. The food court was full...I had the Zingerburger from KFC & was chatting with Samrat over there & to our surprise, we saw a group of women, in their 60s, buying food[the fried chicken stuff!!oops..I hate it..i mean the fried chicken] from KFC & having their lunch....incredible!!!
After chatting with him for a couple of hours, I started my shopping from Pantaloons. I am never picky about clothes..what matters is the fabric...Don't wear too thick..else I will start sweating ....thin is ok...but certain fabrics, make feel warmer even before I start wearing it...& choices are boring.I bought a couple of denims, tee shirts, short shirt....n then pack up!!!
Then we started our window shopping....n finally back home..
Yes, this mall is a nice place to shop [Shop till you drop???Nooooo], almost all popular brands you will get in India, is present here...never mind the mehndiwallas, or the late, frisking has led it into a long queue...n in weekends...OMG!!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Shukno Lonka: A review
Yesterday, I was planning to watch a movie, a bengali movie especially, since I haven't seen in one in a movie hall for ages, & secondly, in Dubai its probably impossible to see a newly released Bengali movie. I am not a die-hard fan of Bengali movies, but there are certainly movies, which are really worth-watching.
My mom was recommending "Shukno Lonka", a movie based on those side-actors who contribute in one of the insignificant supporting roles in any movie--and one of those supporting actors, get a chance to work with a famous director of Calcutta, in a lead role.
Joydeep & I went to Priya Cinema Hall[no its not a multiplex!!!] & I met him after a real longtime. The movie started on right time & it started with some glimpses of Berlin Film Festival where Mr.Joysundar Sen, an eminent film director, who hails from Calcutta is being felicitated[the role being performed by Sabyasachi Chatterji] whilst some novice actors in Calcutta are watching & abusing him[well, the movie had a little too much profanities--totally unexpected from a Bengali movie!!!] & then the story drifts to Chinu Nandi[done by Mithun Chakravarty]& his life-- he earns Rs.250 a day, when he gets to act in a movie, for a supporting role & when he doesn't get to act--nothing!!!!
The established actors of Calcutta treats Nandi with contempt till the famous bengali director, Mr. Sen selects Nandi for his upcoming bengali film,"Parashpathar"[the magic stone] as a protagonist. Certainly, Chinu Nandi was taken aback & didn't expect this--it was too much for him. He was seen praying to God, "God, I just wanted to live...nothing much". Secondly, it was the first time that the director sent a car for him, to be picked up for shooting & then dropped to his home too. The respect that he was getting, was a little too much & the money that he got for acting in the movie, he spent some of them in renting a tonga[an open coach, pulled by horse]& travel around Kolkata with his beloved wife, & share all the memories of his life--from being the supporting actor to lead role in the film industry.
Sabyasachi is an eminent actor & his acting was brilliant. Just done--as we may in culinary term, so was his acting--there was rare scope of overacting.
Debashree Roy also did well, specially when she could smell that her husband, Mr. Sen doesn't love her anymore & she was trying to figure out perhaps Mr. Sen has fallen for Isabella Farkas, an Australian film-maker & producer[performed by Emma Brown]. She was going through such a trauma that she went to the shooting spot & create a mess. Her dance was just ok, though people were praising it to skies!!!
Mithun Chakravarty also did well, in his role, as it was demanded or required.Others were good too.
Now coming to the flaws in the movie--yes everything comes with a flaw....
This movie had few problems..too much & too frequent songs. I am a lover of music, but too much of it was not good...Joydeep may argue with me those are not songs, but jingles...but it was too much. They could have edited the movie well, so that it doesn't get boring. It was good that the movie was giving us glimpses of Calcutta, but it was too much, specially travelling in the tonga throughout the night & flashback of Chinu Nandi's stories.The movie was unnecessarily lengthy--& sometimes, I was getting bored!!! :(
Cinematography, as Joydeep would say, was good. Overall rating of the movie, in a scale of 5, will 3.A must watch???Depends....
My mom was recommending "Shukno Lonka", a movie based on those side-actors who contribute in one of the insignificant supporting roles in any movie--and one of those supporting actors, get a chance to work with a famous director of Calcutta, in a lead role.
Joydeep & I went to Priya Cinema Hall[no its not a multiplex!!!] & I met him after a real longtime. The movie started on right time & it started with some glimpses of Berlin Film Festival where Mr.Joysundar Sen, an eminent film director, who hails from Calcutta is being felicitated[the role being performed by Sabyasachi Chatterji] whilst some novice actors in Calcutta are watching & abusing him[well, the movie had a little too much profanities--totally unexpected from a Bengali movie!!!] & then the story drifts to Chinu Nandi[done by Mithun Chakravarty]& his life-- he earns Rs.250 a day, when he gets to act in a movie, for a supporting role & when he doesn't get to act--nothing!!!!
The established actors of Calcutta treats Nandi with contempt till the famous bengali director, Mr. Sen selects Nandi for his upcoming bengali film,"Parashpathar"[the magic stone] as a protagonist. Certainly, Chinu Nandi was taken aback & didn't expect this--it was too much for him. He was seen praying to God, "God, I just wanted to live...nothing much". Secondly, it was the first time that the director sent a car for him, to be picked up for shooting & then dropped to his home too. The respect that he was getting, was a little too much & the money that he got for acting in the movie, he spent some of them in renting a tonga[an open coach, pulled by horse]& travel around Kolkata with his beloved wife, & share all the memories of his life--from being the supporting actor to lead role in the film industry.
Sabyasachi is an eminent actor & his acting was brilliant. Just done--as we may in culinary term, so was his acting--there was rare scope of overacting.
Debashree Roy also did well, specially when she could smell that her husband, Mr. Sen doesn't love her anymore & she was trying to figure out perhaps Mr. Sen has fallen for Isabella Farkas, an Australian film-maker & producer[performed by Emma Brown]. She was going through such a trauma that she went to the shooting spot & create a mess. Her dance was just ok, though people were praising it to skies!!!
Mithun Chakravarty also did well, in his role, as it was demanded or required.Others were good too.
Now coming to the flaws in the movie--yes everything comes with a flaw....
This movie had few problems..too much & too frequent songs. I am a lover of music, but too much of it was not good...Joydeep may argue with me those are not songs, but jingles...but it was too much. They could have edited the movie well, so that it doesn't get boring. It was good that the movie was giving us glimpses of Calcutta, but it was too much, specially travelling in the tonga throughout the night & flashback of Chinu Nandi's stories.The movie was unnecessarily lengthy--& sometimes, I was getting bored!!! :(
Cinematography, as Joydeep would say, was good. Overall rating of the movie, in a scale of 5, will 3.A must watch???Depends....
Friday, July 16, 2010
How is vacation going along?
Many colleagues who know I am on vacation, ask me this question, "How is vacation going along?" & my typical answer is so far so good. The day I landed here, it was raining[I dont seems to be a coincidence--whenever I am coming to Calcutta, its raining here]. I am not totally fond of rains, unless it is a hot & humid day when the heavy spells of shower are total relief, at least the temperature drops for sometime. But the light drizzles doesn't help much, as the humidity is high.However, too much...Aah!!!...messes up everything...
Yes, I had big plans for this vacation..many things in mind...20 days are not big enough for anything to handle carefully & smelling the sense of success in it...but I am trying my best with my limited resources & having immense courage in myself & complete faith in Almighty...
I was excited about this vacation..apart from handling something big, I wanted to visit places, like Goa, where I have never been to...but this desire seems to be too many things to take care here...n for me...banks, this n that..bla bla bla...
In family..everyone seems to be well..except a few arguments with my father, mother & my which my mother told me, "Don't come here again..."...Hmm...I was a little disappointed. If I dont come to Kolkata...where should I go??Does that mean I should not visit India during my vacation...
Hmm...disappointing :(
Yes, I had big plans for this vacation..many things in mind...20 days are not big enough for anything to handle carefully & smelling the sense of success in it...but I am trying my best with my limited resources & having immense courage in myself & complete faith in Almighty...
I was excited about this vacation..apart from handling something big, I wanted to visit places, like Goa, where I have never been to...but this desire seems to be too many things to take care here...n for me...banks, this n that..bla bla bla...
In family..everyone seems to be well..except a few arguments with my father, mother & my which my mother told me, "Don't come here again..."...Hmm...I was a little disappointed. If I dont come to Kolkata...where should I go??Does that mean I should not visit India during my vacation...
Hmm...disappointing :(
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Me, Myself & I--Part 4
I was born in the sign of Pisces[not the moon/sun sign I am talking about, but rising sign/ascendant sign of Sidereal Zodiac], which symbolises two fish, curled & trying to touch each other.I assume that you have seen how this sign is representated.
This sign is highly symbolic--it is the last sign of the zodiac, the end sign. But is it the end of the beginning or beginning of the end? Once this sign is over, again a new sign starts, a new cycle. People say, that these two fishes try to touch each other, but never succeed. They represent opposites in life...Black & white, good & evils, Ups & Downs...& so on & so forth.
This sign resembles pretty my character...full of opposites. Yes, I am full of opposites within myself...which you can never imagine. For me, there is no set limit boundary, no taboo. I do what I want to do...Be it sex on one hand or being too religious & devoted. Yes, I say what I did, what I do & what I hypocrisy. My life is an open book...but don't judge it by the cover page!!!
Sometimes I love to anything...whether it makes sense or not[Come school, my report card always used to have "most talkative student in the class"]n sometimes, I prefer silence. Specially when 100s of things are going in my mind+lot of work+tension. Seldom I express my anger. I may get angry on whatever you say, when I have 100s of things in my mind, but I will not express it. Expression is better than keeping it inside, what do you think?I used to get angry on almost everything, if things are not going my way. However, I was taught by a person who has influenced & inspired me. He told me, "When you know you are getting angry, only then you can control yourself". So true!!!In any case, displaying anger & getting angry leads you nowhere.
I am little more demanding also. I expect lot from people the way I treat members, friends, colleagues, relatives....but I forget that all people are not same. Different people, different views may be :)..a thing I need to change & make myself *adaptable*.
This sign is highly symbolic--it is the last sign of the zodiac, the end sign. But is it the end of the beginning or beginning of the end? Once this sign is over, again a new sign starts, a new cycle. People say, that these two fishes try to touch each other, but never succeed. They represent opposites in life...Black & white, good & evils, Ups & Downs...& so on & so forth.
This sign resembles pretty my character...full of opposites. Yes, I am full of opposites within myself...which you can never imagine. For me, there is no set limit boundary, no taboo. I do what I want to do...Be it sex on one hand or being too religious & devoted. Yes, I say what I did, what I do & what I hypocrisy. My life is an open book...but don't judge it by the cover page!!!
Sometimes I love to anything...whether it makes sense or not[Come school, my report card always used to have "most talkative student in the class"]n sometimes, I prefer silence. Specially when 100s of things are going in my mind+lot of work+tension. Seldom I express my anger. I may get angry on whatever you say, when I have 100s of things in my mind, but I will not express it. Expression is better than keeping it inside, what do you think?I used to get angry on almost everything, if things are not going my way. However, I was taught by a person who has influenced & inspired me. He told me, "When you know you are getting angry, only then you can control yourself". So true!!!In any case, displaying anger & getting angry leads you nowhere.
I am little more demanding also. I expect lot from people the way I treat members, friends, colleagues, relatives....but I forget that all people are not same. Different people, different views may be :)..a thing I need to change & make myself *adaptable*.
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