Thursday, December 9, 2010


I remember cooking at home, since I was a child--I had this innate interest of cooking--for friends, for relatives, family members..always free!!!As I said, becoming a chef, was by chance..per chance...& sheer clash of luck & destiny...
Mostly, my childhood & adulthood trials at home, was comprised of making cakes---I still smell those freshly made cakes...with pure ingredients...with lots of butter...eggs..Ummm...& other times, I remember, my mother told she would leave me, if I dont listen to her.
 I said, "Thats ok..I will cook for myself..." & the moment she left the room[pretending, as if leaving the house...], I went to the kitchen & started cutting potato & gourd, for making a curry...& inevitably, I cut my thumb[I was 4 yrs then].
However, in the years to come, thanks to the cable tv service, I was fortunate to see the weekly culinary shows by Indian celebrity chef, Sanjeev Kapoor. Behind one successful man, people say is an unsuccessful woman--I add, they have 100 stories about themselves. People used to tell Sanjeev Kapoor, earns this much n that much...But I didn't care...I used to like his cooking. My mother is also a great home. Her cooking has never inspired to be a culinary professional, as it was always limited to Bengali kitchen & sometimes, some fancy Indian-Chinese cuisine.However, being a bengali added to that, our roots are from present-day Bangladesh, food tastes better, when we cook...than by others. A privilege, a gift...whatever you may say.
In the years to come, I was introduced to Discovery Channel[not travel & living then...] & I used to love the show, "Inntimate Escapes", aired everyday, showcasing the resorts & hotels across the Continent & also hinted the culinary masterpieces. The first thing, I tried at home was Pasta, freshly made at home. I was 13 years then & perhaps since journey started in the kitchen, in the kitchen at home, if not in a proper restaurant/professionals' kitchen.I started cooking at home, specially on weekend--mostly, it was Indian-cuisine oriented. In the midst of this, a kitchen disaster--Chicken Do-pyaza[meaning, onions added twice--once in the beginning & in the end]. I forgot to buy yoghurt & I didn't have enough masalas. My mother advised me to use tomato, in place of yoghurt. The end result...well, it was little below disaster & in the end, I had to hog them all...
After joining the hotel management institute, I was introduced to the world of chefs--our topics of discussion were Gordon Ramsay[famous for saying the word "fuck" or "fucking"...], Anthony Bourdain[Famed for Kitchen confidential & No reservations] & a handful of Indian masterchefs, Chef Imtiaz Qureshi being a prime example. During my days of training, I saw Chef Qureshi. In 2005, he was drawing a handsome salary of Rs.800K, per month[I dont know how much truth was added to it, but I believed it!!!]. He neither knew proper english & often it is said, he doesn't know how to write his name. Famous for using profanities, he literally never cared anyone, not even the GM of the hotel. I recollect one story, writing here for your sake. The GM of a certain hotel told him, after tasting the biryani, "Chef, the mutton is not good...", Chef Qureshi after a little thought, "Abey, "and after a profanity in hindi, "you gave me a fucked up goat & you are asking for a better biryani..fuck off..".At the age of 78, with same level of passion, dedication & his love for going around the country & cooking for food festivals....yes, he truly inspires me. A man, with zero education, who even doesn't know how much ginger he is putting in a food, as he would say, "Andaz", by assumption, by taste. I used to observe him from the butchery, where I did my training mostly & secretly observe him. He was also famous in kicking the ass of Executive Chefs & Sous Chefs--wherever he used to go for food festivals. It's so obvious from the Grand Masterchef, having a little flag of India, on his chef's jacket.

Though, we gaze at the salary they earn a month, we often overlook, how much passion, talent they possess & how much time they spent to reach this position, for example, Gordon Ramsay. A soccer player, before taking up Culinary as a profession, now almost rules the Culinary empire. At any given time, he is a rich chef, in the chefdom. With having so many restaurants around the world, even in Dubai[which Anthony Bourdain, will say a "Fucking desert"]. I heard he used to stay at work, round the clock, sleeping only 4-6 hrs a of the day at work. Using the word "Fucking" or "Fuck"everytime, may not be an inspiration, but yes, his dedication, his passion, his excellence & creativity will definitely inspire...hardtime, bigtime!!!!

In spite of being a british, one of the elegant gentleman in the Chefdom, can be Gary Rhodes[I am sure, he swears very rare]. Known for his simplicity, he inspires me to keep food simple, yet having difference amongst others [that doesn't mean cooking shit!!!].

I am not a bigtime fan of molecular gastronomy[and Ferran Adria no more uses this term], which is solely based on chemicals--but if we discard the chemical factor, how about using the techniques. Thomas Keller definitely rules the Chefdom in USA. With three star restaurants, he is simply amazing. Its difficult to put him in words, but his techniques are simply par excellence. If all the chefs are using the same chemical as Chef Ferran is is like going out with the same old girl friend...over & over again....

Inspirations are never limited in the world of culinary...for me..I am my own inspiration at the end of the day..especially the days, when I was least motivated--frustrated, depressed, overworked..tired  ...& over-stressed. I just think of those days..when I did 17 hours a day...worked with consistency, with no signs of being tired...Yes, I worked excellent sometimes, then fallen down..rested for a while & then bounced back again. Yes...I did it all....and there were days, when I was just cooking for the sake of guests & nothing helped me to boost up my spirits....and I can foresee the days...when people will see me as their inspiration...

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