Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Me, Myself & I--Part 4

I was born in the sign of Pisces[not the moon/sun sign I am talking about, but rising sign/ascendant sign of Sidereal Zodiac], which symbolises two fish, curled  & trying to touch each other.I assume that you have seen how this sign is representated.
This sign is highly symbolic--it is the last sign of the zodiac, the end sign. But is it the end of the beginning or beginning of the end? Once this sign is over, again a new sign starts, a new cycle. People say, that these two fishes try to touch each other, but never succeed. They represent opposites in life...Black & white, good & evils, Ups & Downs...& so on & so forth.
This sign resembles pretty my character...full of opposites. Yes, I am full of opposites within myself...which you can never imagine. For me, there is no set limit boundary, no taboo. I do what I want to do...Be it sex on one hand or being too religious & devoted. Yes, I say what I did, what I do & what I will...no hypocrisy. My life is an open book...but don't judge it by the cover page!!!
Sometimes I love to talk...talk anything...whether it makes sense or not[Come on..in school, my report card always used to have "most talkative student in the class"]n sometimes, I prefer silence. Specially when 100s of things are going in my mind+lot of work+tension. Seldom I express my anger. I may get angry on whatever you say, when I have 100s of things in my mind, but I will not express it. Expression is better than keeping it inside, what do you think?I used to get angry on almost everything, if things are not going my way. However, I was taught by a person who has influenced & inspired me. He told me, "When you know you are getting angry, only then you can control yourself". So true!!!In any case, displaying anger & getting angry leads you nowhere.

I am little more demanding also. I expect lot from people the way I treat them...family members, friends, colleagues, relatives....but I forget that all people are not same. Different people, different views may be :)..a thing I need to change & make myself *adaptable*.

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