Sunday, November 14, 2010

The love story of Neil...Part I

[This is just another cooked up story--basically a fictitious character, Neil sharing an imaginary conversation of his love story with the blogger. Any incidents, character resembling with real,should be considered purely co-incidental!! Read in your own risk...blogger will be least responsible...]
"Gaurav,now I have mixed emotions--I feel nice & I am feeling hurt also, after all this incidents that took place", Neil was telling me yesterday.
"Hmmm.., "with my usual tone, I added, "What are the incidents,if you can briefly tell me---you being so close to me, keep on hiding things for me....", I complained.
"Well Gaurav, I should have told you long back, since I was thinking positive--in between I lost interest in that girl & finally some funny incidents know I dont know what to say....well, it happened all last October, 2009..when I came to this place, .......(Neil continues his story)
Umm..well, Neil, a smart chap of 25 is from Auckland, i.e. from New Zealand & has moved to Kent, for professional reasons, leaving his mother, sibling in his hometown. Neil in spite of being smart, is shy, sometimes crazy..sometimes funny, sometimes too serious[though he claims, he is never serious] & one more without which he'd remain incomplete...talkative!!!

Neil found this excellent opportunity as a software developer, Sr.Software developer for the DFG Inc. & started working from October 2009.Neil being a dog person[i.e. friendly], came across this girl,who was beautiful then[Neil now says he was blind then....lols]. Her name....Melissa Bacher, a German girl. Neil for no reason, hates German girls, he was blinded by her beauty."Yes, I dont know, what happened to me then, I overlooked all her flaws--I liked her as a human being..not as per statistics!!", which he told me & I believed him.

Anyways, his likeness for her increased in the coming days & it took a lot of courage for him to ask her out[Note, I already said he is shy!!!]. On the first case, she rejected outright by giving some false excuses. Neil felt, "I tried & failed...but I didn't fail to try..may be next time".
Neil then asked her face to face, to which Melissa said, she may, but will let him know about the time & place. Neil was not in control of himself, but was controlled by the girl[yes, he likes her...but she..well, we'll judge that later, as the story moves on...]
Melissa is not new in this place, she has been working there as Sr. Software Engineer for a couple of years or so, and she knows all the places around where they can hang out for an evening. After all a guy has asked a girl out...
On the stipulated day, they went out on a date. Neil recalls the day, "It was December 28, 2009, we went to the theater to see this movie.....". Melissa did some little shopping, whilst Neil purchased some books[Neil's alltime favorite!!!], followed by the movie & then dinner together in a nearby Italian restaurant[And Neil loves Italian food, whilst Melissa is little skeptical about it!!!!].
Neil obviously felt better after this date, since it was his first date at a new place with a new girl. His previous dates & blind dates, in his own country were all disastrous, as per him. Well, Neil suddenly felt this girl is a kinda crack,"You know Gaurav, we went together the previous day & the following day, she is like she doesn't even know, as if I am like another stranger".
Before going out on another date[Neil tried to hurry & express the magic words to the german lady, "Iche liebe diche",], Melissa suddenly fell ill.Co-incidentally,Melissa used to stay just few doors away from that of Neil's. Neil thought of visiting her personally & take care of her needs, but Neil was thinking whether it would be right or he tried to "take care" of her by texting. But that doesn't help much. Melissa stopped replying, & Neil was feeling guilty, "I wish I visited her then....", Neil lamented.Neil went to visit her personally when she resumed at work & dropped her to her apartment & asking if she needed anything more. Melissa is cunning & asked if Neil can buy her some food..& Neil did it whole heartedly. Neil used to think, "Hmmm..she likes me...I think so..."...

After a couple of weeks, Neil stopped talking to her & tried to see, if she is interested. She tried to talk to him, but Neil was least interested to talk to her[Why such pretence???]. Melissa perhaps was planning something else, & finally Melissa was asking him out. Neil, felt, well..."Hmm...she likes me..."
Again they went...but it seemed their options are limited in a city like Kent. They just repeated the same thing--movie, eating together, & light shopping...
The following day, perhaps Neil's blackday in his life...He got involved in a bad scandal at work & Neil got Melissa for support. "I cannot forget that day, but inspite of all wrong doings by Melissa later, I am still grateful to her, for providing all mental support that day," Neil comments.
Neil's condition was poor for a couple of days, since the scandal was haunting him day & night. By the way, Neil always used to think that another Sr. Software Engineer, Keith has got some affair with Melissa. Keith from Wellington, New Zealand. And oneday, his suspicion was correct."Well, why do you think so???", I asked Neil.
Neil replied, "Oneday I asked Melissa out, after I returned from work. Melissa was already out with Keith & was asking me, if I can join them.I joined them in the nearby theater & then we're deciding which movie to see. The movie that Keith proposed, I already saw that with Melissa, so I wanted to see the other one. Melissa said, "I dont mind seeing that movie again." It was too much for I decided to walk away outright.....".

In due course, Neil was not able to look into these "fine details", but thought that Melissa used to like her [poor Neil!!!] and the day came when Melissa thought of visiting her ailing mother in Frankfurt. Neil assumed that Melissa will not return back & asked her out for a dinner. Melissa just pretended that she was busy & rejected the dinner right away...

In a couple of months, she came back from holidays, whilst Neil got a new boss, Abraham. Neil loves to share his details with everyone, even his boss too. Abraham borrowed his ears to him[Abraham gets turned on by German women, though he has no interest in Melissa, an initial confession!!]Well, everything was going fine....until, oneday Neil fell down from the stairs & fractured his leg. Abraham told Melissa about it, but Melissa showed little interest on what had happened. Then, Neil could understand whether Melissa really liked her not...and by the grace of God, Neil recovered pretty fast & at work, Melissa asked her, "Hey, how is your leg?", Neil just replied, "Yeah its ok", Melissa told her co-worker,"Neil is so arrogant".
Is Neil really arrogant, who I know for years. Well, it depends on the person, he is with. If the person is nice, Neil is super nice, if the person has arrogance, Neil knows how can he display his arrogance.

Things kept on continuing, when it was Neil's turn to visit his family, back in Auckland. His trip was very short though, when he did some real heavy dating back in his country, of course with some beauties but unfortunately, he had to resume early!!But this time, Neil had little interest for Melissa..."Neil has changed,"Melissa was complaining to her co-worker. Yes, Neil couldn't put himself enough for granted. Melissa asked her out, Neil just gave her company....and thats it...!!!He had no intention of spending time together for long hours....hopefully Melissa understood it. Again, Melissa called her on a small party at her place, Neil just went there as a "guest", not as a friend or anything else, he attended & wrapped up soon!!! Neil completely lost interest in Melissa..."If Melissa is interested, she would come to me & if she is destined for me", Neil was telling.

In the meanwhile, Melissa felt her present place doesn't have much opportunities & thought of moving elsewhere, Beijing. She told Neil only once, whilst Neil just wanted her to leave anywhere but Kent. Through confirmed sources Neil got to know, Melissa has put down her papers, still, he pretended as if he doesn't know about it, until Melissa told her. Finally, the day came when Melissa left for good. Neil didn't want to be a part of it, her farewell and God assisted him in fulfilling his wish, when he was not informed about her farewell. Inside, Neil felt a little hurt, but it was too little to be measured. Melissa headed towards Beijing, China.  "I never felt better like this before, but certain events about which I got to know, I was feeling a little bad...", Neil told me.
"What was it, after Melissa left?", I asked.
"You know, I was pretty much close to my boss, who knew everything about me. I dont know, but I got to know that he expressed his interest in Melissa & they slept onenight....", it was worth-seeing Neil's face when he was uttering these words.
"Hmmm...well, can't do anything...nor I can do. She is gone for your good, for your betterment. She was not looking for a partner of you--even if she had, you were thrown away long back. She was looking for someone who could pay her some attention and thats it. Whenever, you succeeded in that, i.e. paying her attention, her mission was accomplished!!! Good that she didn't become a part of your life, else, your life would have definitely worsened. But dont chase her..."I said.
"You are right Gaurav....but now I am having mixed emotions. Anyways, these days I keep distance from my boss & such events, incidents will help to maintain the same distance or even more incidents. But what pisses me off, is that practise what you preach..or do what you say. He told me, he finds Melissa lazy, dislikes her, but what he did, was ultimately opposite.......", Neil went to fetch some water for himself.

Hopefully, the story ends here..Neil will definitely not miss Melissa. This was a great experience, but now Neil has stopped asking girls out & neither he believes anyone[I hope Neil trusts me!!!! :)]Girls like Melissa are almost everywhere, they are like leaves of fall, found everywhere. But a true gem, like diamond is precious and rare. Melissa just played with Neil's heart [or love] for few months & in the end, she also insulted him...Neil, being completely blinded by love, couldn't do anything either. "God will take care of everything, "Neil used to say. Definitely, God will take care..he will punish & reward judging on people's action.
And Keith??He will miss Melissa & may be, he will chase her to Beijing. Abraham...such men should never be trusted, but now Neil wants a way out..where there will be no Abraham, no Keith, no Melissa. Only Neil...sounds like Utopia!!!
All I can pray to God that oneday, Neil will find someone, who will understand Neil, who will know Neil's value & love him for what he is-not for what he has....

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