Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Menus...

Its been almost a month, that I haven't written anything in this blog---plenty of reasons, as I was pre-occupied with work, health is with ups & downs, mind is somewhere else & less interest in writing something in my blog.
Thanksgiving is approaching---exactly 30 days from today, i.e. on November 25.This festival generally commemorates harvest, primarily in US & Canada.Traditionally, it is time to give thanks for the harvest & express gratitude in general.Despite, it being a religious festival, it has now turned to a secular one.
Traditional & generally, turkey is eaten on Thanksgiving specially in US & Canada-a huge roasted turkey acts as the centrepiece on this day, often known as "Turkey Day".However, I am deviating from the traditions & proposing a new menu[definitely, I will be cooking it & posting the pictures with the recipes!!]. A simple three-course menu, with touches from all around the world...definitely, worth trying when the foods are ultimately cooked...here we go.....
Mushroom & Bean Soup
Wild Mushroom, Broad beans & truffle oil
[Kinda british stuff..but damn good. Specially the earthy mushrooms with fava beans]
Honey-glazed Chinese five-spiced duck
Sauce Bigarade, Chestnut puree, Grilled Polenta, Sweet & Sour artichokes
[Its a blend of many cuisine--five-spice from China, Sauce Bigarade from France, a classical accompaniment for roast duck, chestnut puree from Europe, Grilled Polenta from Italy & Sweet & Sour artichokes is a blend of Italian & Chinese kitchen]
Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Cheesecake
[Sweet Potato Pie, Pumpkin Pie are traditional desserts for Thanksgiving. How about making a cheesecake of these two???]

Well, I am not stopping here....after exactly in 1 month from Thanksgiving, is the day Jesus Christ was born & thus universal festival "Christmas Day". This year I am deviating a little from my generalised Italian cuisine & focussing on other cuisines, like German, Spanish & Thai for example.
This year's menu is a little different, with a blend of Italian & German Cuisine & also the touch of tradition. Here it is....
Cappuccino al Funghi
Cappuccino of Forest Mushrooms
Risotto con frutta di mare
Risotto with "fruits of the sea", shellfish foam
Gefullter Schweinebauch
Stuffed roasted pork belly, with Rhineland stuffing, warm potato salad & Sweet bavarian mustard
Selection of Desserts
Bavarian Cream and Forest Fruit Semifreddo

Buona giornata!!!

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