Tuesday, April 20, 2010

On Movies, Televisions....

I was a television buff, when I was *unemployed*, i.e. prior the period of work. There has never been a moment, that I could live without TV. No matter how many people tried to convince that television is an "Idiot Box", it is a "Non-Sense Box" or "Boob Tube"...their explanations & 100 terms didn't work out with me. My most favorite were the Hindu Mythological Tv serials, when I was young, then got addicted to sports channels, Mtv, n dozens of channels, which fits my specifications & then Discovery Travel & living channel. Often, I used to indulge into Bengali soaps n serials, with my mom & gradually, I became addicted to them.If I missed one episode, I would ask my mother "What was shown today???". Such was my addiction...
Regarding movies..I think the first movie I saw in a theater was "E.T.".."Extra-terrestrial", by Stephen Spielberg, when I was 3-4 years old. I dont remember, but thats what my mom told me. I am never a movie buff & not a big fan of watching movies. I am pretty selective about movies, like many other things...As a matter of fact, I would love to watch all the movies of my favorite actors & actresses, again, it should have some material in it..If it has nothing...I would rather do some better business!!
Genre...well, I love comedy movies, mythological, suspense thrillers etc. Also romantic movies. Not necessarily that if I see a movie, I will have to like it. However, if I like a movie, I would love to see it over & over again. For example, Titanic, I have seen a lot of times...so was "The Da Vinci Code". I like these two movies amongst many others, like "The Reader", & I love to see all these over & over again. When we had the indigenous Indian channels, in mid of 90s, I remember, our national channel used to telecast some old classic English movies, specially on the weekend nights--I tried not to miss those ones..
Hindi movies, perhaps I have seen a lot. I am also pretty much selective about Hindi movies also, I always prefer not to see Shahrukh Khan's movies, since I dont like him. Let me be straight. There may be millions of fans of Shahrukh Khan, but I dont like him. I would rather see a movie by Amitabh Bachchan or by Amir Khan.Perhaps, the last Hindi movie I saw in a theater, was Ghajini. Hindi art films are better than the commercial ones.
Bengali movies--I prefer ones by Satyajit Ray--he did some real good art films. Of late, Bengal movies are "funky" type..not my taste!!

As I said, I am not a movie buff--sometimes, I may see movies in a theater everday or every week...or every month...n sometimes..may be once in a year. Television...I have somewhat lost interest, except News channels & Culinary shows...as rest of the time, I am typing something or the other in my laptop. Either chatting with a friend, new recipes, maintaining my blog...or sometimes, just entering the webaddress or watching a movie... :)

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