Sunday, April 11, 2010

100 truths about me...

1. Dating status: single
2. Nickname(s): GG, Guddu, Ghosh, Dada
3. Eye color: Looks like black..but its brown actually
4.Male or female:Male, obviously....
5. Elementary School:Lycee
6. Middle School: Same
7. High School:Hirendra Leela Patranavis School [B.H.S.]
8. Hair color:Black
9. Long or short:Ultra short
10. Loud or Quiet music:Quiet
11. Sweats or Jeans:Jeans
12. Phone or Camera:Phone
13.Health Freak?Sometimes, specially when my tummy comes out...
14. Drink or Smoke:Drink
15. Do you have a crush on someone:Yep...
20. Been in a mansion:Nope
21. Been in a car accident::Nope


23.First piercing:None...
24. First best friend(s):Sritama when I was in nursery
25. First award:Cricket, for being the captain of winning team
27. First hug:Dont remember...
28. First heartbreak:hmmm...


29. Last person you talked to in person:Papa, my room partner
30. Last person you texted:Noel
31. Last person you were on the phone with:My mom
32. Last food you ate:Khichri
33. Last text?Pick up the store tomorrow
34. What was the last song you heard on the radio: Dont remember..
36. Last person you hugged:Ali


37. Food: Bengali, Italian
40. Sport:Cricket
41. Movie:So many...but to name a few...The Da Vinci Code, Sholay, The Reader, Silsila
42. Colors:White, Blue, Yellow
43. Book: Great Expectations
44. Class: Cooking!!![thats so obvious!!]

45. [y] Went to a different country.
46. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [y] Lost someone who meant a lot.
48. [y] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] Had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [y] Hated someone.
52. [x] Having or had a baby.
53. [y] Did something you regretted
54. [y] Broke a promise.
55. [y] Been on a plane.
56. [y] Pretended to be happy.
57. [y] Met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] Pretended to be sick.
59. [y] Been to a different state.
60. [y] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked
61. [y] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [y] Ran a mile (walking counts).
63. [y] Beach with your best friend(s).
64. [y] Got into an argument with your friends.
65. [y] Stayed single a whole year [N still too...]
66. [X] Did your own piercing.


67.Eating: Khichri
68. Drinking:Nothing
69. Listening to?Nothing
70. Talking to:Chatting rather with Nilanjana
71. Plans for today?Time to sleep
72. Waiting:Yes...for Nilanjana to reply
73. Want kids:Not now...
74. Want to get married: not now...
75. To who: my soulmate...
76. Wearing:Ts n Shorts..


77. Shorter or taller:Same...
78. Eye color:It doesn't matter
79. Dark hair or light:in between
80. Smarter or dumber?Smart...I am smarter...
81. Hook-up or relationship:Relationship
82. Looks or personality:Personality


83. Lost glasses/​​contacts:​​Neva...
84. Broken a bone:Yes...
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense:Nope
86. Killed somebody:Uh noooo
87. Broken someone's heart:Nah, dont think so...
88. Been arrested:Nah
89. Cried when someone died:Yeah--so many people passed away, first I cried when my mother's father passed away, when I was 4.


90.God:I do!! He is my pillar ...
92. Love at first sight:Yes....
93: Lust at first sight:Yes
94. Santa Claus:Used to ^_^
95. Sex on the first date:Yes...
96. Kiss on the first date:Yep...
97. Is there someone you hate right now:Hm...yupp
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life:Yes..I am...but craving for betterment!!
99. Who do you like:Its a public platform...cant disclose :)
100. Post as 100 Truth:Yes..... sure.. :)

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