Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cooking...Thai Again....

I haven't written for the last one week...I was busy, hectic schedule, tired...less sleep, too much work+pressure, mental tensions..tensions at work..& what not..I was totally stressed out!!!
At last..I got sometime today to write...& also cook Thai..
I think I cooked Thai food..in December of 2008..Since then..only a couple of Ala carte orders at work..Thai vegetable curries & stuff..but never a full course Thai meal..
Fortunately, in Dubai, we got a Pastry Chef, who is Thai. It inspired me, to get my basics of Thai Cuisine *rechecked* by her, since she is Thai.
So what did I cook??Well...the menu was thoughtfully prepared...I cooked Jasmine Rice, Chicken in Burmese Curry, Pork Curry with little Spinach, Stir-fried vegetables [Pad Pak Ruam Nit] & Dessert??It was Sangkaya.
After the meal...I asked our *pastry chef* to give me a written feedback about the food [A habit, which I have developed in course of time, to get the feedback documented, instead of keeping it verbal!!]
Here it is "Very Very tasty & yummy, it is Thai flavour, very delicious. Thank you so much for inviting us to come & taste your food. Well done!!!"
Well, when such a feedback comes from a Thai citizen, I should work hard for betterment...!!!What do you think???
Recipes...later..now I am tired to type....tomorrow is my off...Lets see what shall I do...

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