Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eggs...Eggs...n Eggs again!!!

My friend Rishav was telling me a day before, "Boss..update your blog". I said, "I will". True, I haven't written for a I was busy & when I was getting time, I was rather concentrating on taking care of myself, cleaning my room[now it looks less messy than before!!!], ironing my clothes[they were lying around..], my wrists[they are giving me hardtime] ....even I haven't cooked *good* for myself for long. Apart from all these "non-sense", I have been pretty busy too..which deterred me from writing & keeping my blog updated.
Rishav also had a request, which was pending for a while--it was a post on Eggs. Like Rishav, there are many people who are Eggetarians. Eggs of course, is a wonderful source of nutrition & nutritionists & dietecians advise that "Egg is a complete food". Undoubtedly--Protein in the form of amino acids, fats, Vitamins etc are there in an Egg.[Life starts from an egg too!!]
Apart from cooking the eggs for breakfast, there are numerous preparations from one country to another. Foe example, in Kolkata or anywhere, if you dont have anything...boil some eggs hard. Shell them & deep fry the eggs & lightly simmer in a gravy & you get "Egg Curry". Aandaa Bhurji is the Indian Scrambled Eggs whilst the Mumbai Version is "Aloo Akuri", which means an addition of Potatoes & served with Paratha.
Quite contrary by the original meaning, "Poached Eggs" in the repertoire of Bengal's kitchen, means "Fried Eggs". My mom always used to serve these "poached eggs" to me, in the form of fried eggs--till I found out the meaning of "Poached Eggs"!!!
Boiled eggs are very versatile...truly. You can have them as it is, or chop them coarsely or neatly & mix them with mayonnaise & some assorted aromatics, onion, celery, leek for example or even shaved fennel bulb, some mustard & then mix all together. egg-salad  for lunch...toss in some greens to make it full of proteins, iron etc. Also use it as a spread for your sandwich. A better sandwich than what you have for your "omelette sandwich". In culinary classes we were taught "Oeuf Farci" in our first year. It is nothing but stuffed eggs, with assorted stuffings of course!! Devilled Eggs, what you call in English. Boil the eggs hard, peel & cut into half. Scoop out the yolk & keep it aside. Mash the yolks & mix with mayonnaise, chopped bell-peppers, chopped parsley, basil, olives or even cooked meat & pipe them in the hollow egg-whites. Garnish & got a nice appetiser!!
When I think of Fried eggs, I can only imagine them in between two slices of bread & getting treated like a Sandwich, unless you are interested in Huevos Rancheros. You know what it is???Well..if you, ignore this part & move to the following para & those who don't, keep on reading it. Huevos, yes thats what you call "eggs" in Spanish[Quite akin to its Italian equivalent "Uova"] cooked in ranch style-which implies it has to be in some rustic style. Ideally, served with corn tortilla[of course, this is so Mexican!!] & tomato-chilli sauce. You must have this with lots of gusto!!!However, this egg-preparation is from Mexico, not from Spain!!
Moving onto scrambled eggs or "Brouille"[this how you pronounce in French] or "Ruhreier"[this is German!!] I always love it well-done, no matter I consider myself as a Continental chef or Italian chef[After all, I am Indian though I joke with my colleague at work claiming that "I am Italian"!!]. The Aanda Bhurji[Aanda for eggs!!!]in its own Indian style is perfect for anytime meal, served with some paratha. All you need some onions, some tomatoes, some garlic, some chillies according to the hotness desired, a pinch of cumin & loads of chopped coriander....!!!! Also some indian masalas, as usual...cumin powder, coriander powder, chilli powder & turmeric powder. And eggs of course!!!! Heat some oil in a pan, temper with cumin seeds, chopped garlic n chopped chilli. Add in the chopped onions, tomatoes & cook till the oil leaves the masala.Add in the powdered masalas & keep on cooking them until the oil leaves the masalas. Pour in whisked eggs[as much as you can eat!!!]& keep on stirring them, until they get kind of *overcooked*. Adjust salt & add in freshly chopped coriander. Eat it right away with paratha!!

Omelettes...well..many..many. What fascinates me is the omelette -salad of Italy. Make a flat omelette, preferably not-too thick one & cut them into thin strips & dress with some fresh tomato sauce...n then start shouting... Bella...Bella..

I think...enough of eggs today...I am yet to write on Thai Recipes....till then.. A plus tard

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