Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Waiter & Chef--two members of Food & Beverage & their old feud...

As the title reads...it is a known fact to the members of the food industry that "Chefs" & "Waiters"--to most important members are always in their "fighting" mode throughout. A popular joke:- The chef asks the waiter, gently, "Brother do me a favour". The most obedient waiter asks the chef, "Yes chef". The chef bursts out, "Please f*** off!!".
Chefs are always in their attacking mode [Seriously, they dont get the customer in front of them to attack, else when they meet the guests, they always put their facade on] whenever they see a waiter. Even I used to do, when I was in hot kitchen. Once a waiter came to me with the order "One cream of vegetable soup please". I asked, "What??Is it in the menu????". He said,"No, but guest wants!!". I became angry, & asked, "Is he your brother or friend?" The waiter got irritated & started "How much time will it take??". I said, "F*** off, I am not making it". Unfortunately, my exe. chef was roaming around & told me "We are not in a position to say no to a guest". So I had to make...its when the waiter won the battle..
As a matter of fact, he was not an ideal chef. I always believe, an ideal chef should be one, who will always cover the ass of his team members in front of others[even if be the same kitchen deptt. but to different sections too...].I remember one small incident during my employment in Mumbai. Some waiter complained that the orange juice is mixed with water. The chef de cuisine of the concerned deptt. got to know the complaint--He scr**** all his team members in his kitchen---keeping the kitchen closed & later he covered their ass saying,"No...they didn't do anything wrong!!". Well...this should be an attribute of a chef--not a naive one, dependent on comments by waiters...!!!
Just now I recollect, a small incident I witnessed last week. Some waiter came to the main kitchen regarding a dessert order. The waiter asked the chef, "Chef, the guest is asking for his dessert." The Chef replied, "Tell him to wait". The waiter, reiterated after a couple of minutes, "Chef, the guest is again asking for his dessert". The chef now said, "Tell the guest he has to f***ing wait". The waiter got irritated on hearing the abuse. "The guest has been asking for time-to-time", the waiter got annoyed. The chef then justified, "Dont you know that this dessert takes ....minutes?". "No...I dont know, I was not told before". The Chef was also angry, he kept on saying "Tell the guest he has to wait...even if he is the President of United States..he has to wait..."

I was smiling then... :)

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