Tuesday, April 20, 2010

On Movies, Televisions....

I was a television buff, when I was *unemployed*, i.e. prior the period of work. There has never been a moment, that I could live without TV. No matter how many people tried to convince that television is an "Idiot Box", it is a "Non-Sense Box" or "Boob Tube"...their explanations & 100 terms didn't work out with me. My most favorite were the Hindu Mythological Tv serials, when I was young, then got addicted to sports channels, Mtv, n dozens of channels, which fits my specifications & then Discovery Travel & living channel. Often, I used to indulge into Bengali soaps n serials, with my mom & gradually, I became addicted to them.If I missed one episode, I would ask my mother "What was shown today???". Such was my addiction...
Regarding movies..I think the first movie I saw in a theater was "E.T.".."Extra-terrestrial", by Stephen Spielberg, when I was 3-4 years old. I dont remember, but thats what my mom told me. I am never a movie buff & not a big fan of watching movies. I am pretty selective about movies, like many other things...As a matter of fact, I would love to watch all the movies of my favorite actors & actresses, again, it should have some material in it..If it has nothing...I would rather do some better business!!
Genre...well, I love comedy movies, mythological, suspense thrillers etc. Also romantic movies. Not necessarily that if I see a movie, I will have to like it. However, if I like a movie, I would love to see it over & over again. For example, Titanic, I have seen a lot of times...so was "The Da Vinci Code". I like these two movies amongst many others, like "The Reader", & I love to see all these over & over again. When we had the indigenous Indian channels, in mid of 90s, I remember, our national channel used to telecast some old classic English movies, specially on the weekend nights--I tried not to miss those ones..
Hindi movies, perhaps I have seen a lot. I am also pretty much selective about Hindi movies also, I always prefer not to see Shahrukh Khan's movies, since I dont like him. Let me be straight. There may be millions of fans of Shahrukh Khan, but I dont like him. I would rather see a movie by Amitabh Bachchan or by Amir Khan.Perhaps, the last Hindi movie I saw in a theater, was Ghajini. Hindi art films are better than the commercial ones.
Bengali movies--I prefer ones by Satyajit Ray--he did some real good art films. Of late, Bengal movies are "funky" type..not my taste!!

As I said, I am not a movie buff--sometimes, I may see movies in a theater everday or every week...or every month...n sometimes..may be once in a year. Television...I have somewhat lost interest, except News channels & Culinary shows...as rest of the time, I am typing something or the other in my laptop. Either chatting with a friend, new recipes, maintaining my blog...or sometimes, just entering the webaddress or watching a movie... :)

Cooking...Thai Again....

I haven't written for the last one week...I was busy, hectic schedule, tired...less sleep, too much work+pressure, mental tensions..tensions at work..& what not..I was totally stressed out!!!
At last..I got sometime today to write...& also cook Thai..
I think I cooked Thai food..in December of 2008..Since then..only a couple of Ala carte orders at work..Thai vegetable curries & stuff..but never a full course Thai meal..
Fortunately, in Dubai, we got a Pastry Chef, who is Thai. It inspired me, to get my basics of Thai Cuisine *rechecked* by her, since she is Thai.
So what did I cook??Well...the menu was thoughtfully prepared...I cooked Jasmine Rice, Chicken in Burmese Curry, Pork Curry with little Spinach, Stir-fried vegetables [Pad Pak Ruam Nit] & Dessert??It was Sangkaya.
After the meal...I asked our *pastry chef* to give me a written feedback about the food [A habit, which I have developed in course of time, to get the feedback documented, instead of keeping it verbal!!]
Here it is "Very Very tasty & yummy, it is Thai flavour, very delicious. Thank you so much for inviting us to come & taste your food. Well done!!!"
Well, when such a feedback comes from a Thai citizen, I should work hard for betterment...!!!What do you think???
Recipes...later..now I am tired to type....tomorrow is my off...Lets see what shall I do...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kolkata....Calcutta....Kolkata again...

"It is a dying city", someone commented about the City of Joy many years before. Yes..thats the other name of Kolkata, "City of Joy". Who named it or why did he name such...I dont know!!All that I know, it is my hometown. Calcutta, as "Kolkata"[pronounced like a typical bengali will do...]was formerly known was the Capital of British India. Looking back to the history of Kolkata, it was actually a village till late 18th century. There was a river, flowing by[& still...!!]Ganga, dissecting the separating the city from the other side, Howrah. Historians & intellectuals are always discussing the origin of the name. Some people say, the name of the city is derived from "Kalighat", a popular old temple in the heart of the city. Anyways...
The East Indian company, a company, whose mission was to conquer other countries & turn it to their colony started their camping from Kolkata only & then turned the city into their capital. Since then, they started builing massive structures of the Victorean Era.Once the news spread that Queen Victoria is going to visit India, & in a couple of months, they built a palace for her to stay. Now its just a showpiece, a memorial, a museum..known as "Victoria Memorial".
Moving few steps ahead, is the most happening place of the city "Park Street". It is named such, as there was a "Deer Park". What do you find here??Well...restaurants, the Asiatic Society...the famed cake shop, which was famed in Asia "Flurys". Yes..these all are here. The area around--Chowringhee, Dharmatala [Esplanade], Sudder Street--all these are happening places!!! The English left their memoirs & legacies here, still enjoyed by the present generations....
Comes the New Market, a few kms north of Park Street.  Shopping [you can really get reasonable stuff here!!!], or eating, or watching movies...or your groceries or simply freaking out...an ideal place is "St. Hogg's Market" or "New market", as it is known now.
Now head towards South....& stop at Gariahat. If Park Street is the happening place, Gariahat is another would-be happening place!! Malls, markets, shops, stores, grocers, n wut not??Almost all u will find here, with the traffic too!! The traffic is overly crazy...the bus conductors..shouting at the top of their voice to allure the passengers..police...X Gen & Y Gen!!...Restaurants....hawkers on the footpathn so many stuff....[My home is just a few kms away from this place!!]
Now further south...n stop at South City Mall. Its truly the biggest mall in Eastern India!! Almost everything you will find here....food court to hypermarket!!Bookstore to Apparels selling the latest fashionwear & the "in" thing...
Now...if you want to experience the old kolkata....go straight..until you stop at North...Shyambazar. The roads are narrow...lots of shops, people around...buses overloaded with people..sometimes hanging out the bus, grasping the rods tight...n traffic too!! Many temples, aristocratic people, traditionalists..mostly, all these are residents of this place...

The People of Kolkata
The citizens of this city are not the same what it was 100 years before. Now the citizens are mixed, meaning original residents of the city & people who crossed the borders post Indian independence--so culture is different. My forefathers belong to the latter category.Though Calcutta is usually open to all,however, people, belonging to my clan[i.e. people with roots from present Bangladesh] are warmer than the rest of the Calcuttans. Kolkata is a cosmopolitan city though--you will find people from every corner of the country residing here for months, years, decades or for generations, as this was one the business hub of India.
For reasons unknown, Kolkatans are more prone to philosophy, education, humanity, intellect & poets. Perhaps, there are as many poets in this city, like in every poet. Who can forget the great poet Rabindranath Tagore?
You win heart of a Kolkatan, he will die for you. You betray him...you are actually taking a risk!!!Jokes apart...what a Kolkatan will admire is to chat with friends...the colloquial term being "Adda". A group of friends flocking together in the courtyard of a house, or in a park or their favorite bar,restaurant..or simply the food court & chat for hours after hours..
Kolkatans love their tea...they carry it from morning till the time they go to sleep..Tea for every occassion...even "Tea Parties" too..Kolkatans love their football & post-football match, their comments become worth listening, specially if they were in place of the actual football player, what strategy they should have taken...bla bla....talkative..perhaps, thats why I am so talkative..
Few Kolkatans are heartless...but rest are benevolent. They good for people, society, for a good cause...what I dont like, is their lethargic way of treating things. Undoubtedly, few of the Kolkatans are in their laid back mood "Going on...Going on" mood!!!This is what pisses me off..
Another thing,I dont like is that Bengalis of Kolkata, cannot stand another Bengali...strange..but a true fact!!!

It is said that a Bengali loves to eat & loves to feed too...It is a fact. You give an occassion to a Bengali, he will use that *excuse* for eating or for throwing a party[for eating in real sense!!]. A Calcuttan, will love his "Chicken Tikka" from a Punjabi restaurant, "Chilly Chicken & Mixed Chowmein" from Chinatown, "Biryani" from Shiraz in Park Street, "Kosha Mangsho" from Golbari in Shyambazar, & endless sweets from dozens of shops selling rasgullas & lots of sweets..
A Kolkatan, will not forget to buy an egg roll while chatting with friends or simply a student on his way back from school/tuition. Any chat is incomplete without unlimited supply of tea, moori[bhel/puffed rice], chanachur[a salty mix of fried dumplings] & pakora!!!
For a typical eating out on Weekends is a weekly occassion, whilst for others, Sundays are fundays. Eating something special at home..or eating with family, friends...
Thanks to the entrepreneurs that the palate of a Kolkatan is not limited to his home cuisine [Bengali being...], Mughlai Cuisine[the traditional royal foods...mainly from North India], Chinese Cuisine[Come on...we also have Chinatown...2 Chinatowns in two corners of the city!!]--He now savours Italian Cuisine, Lebanese Cuisine, Cuisine of Thailand, Mongolian & Cuisine of Far East too--Japan. Now Pizza is a common thing.
Kolkatans were craving for a Mcdonalds for long, however, unfortunately the communist was too hard initially to Americans!! McDonalds could enter Kolkata in 2006 though...too late!!! Now Kolkatans drop in to their favorite McDonalds outlet & bite in their favorites[No beef burger in India!!!].
When it comes to booze, almost all Kolkatans can swear by their favorite resto-bar.."Olypub". Many kolkatans including me, were initiated in boosing in this pub. Very old, rugged, A/c is almost not working, Beer, whiskey, Vodka & even the bill/check comes in the same glass[bad though]...but people never stop visiting their favorite pub!! However, what is favorite??I love the mixed grill here...the quality of steak has become bad here. Spend hours after hours here...There are many in the same row...choose yours & drop in...

Kolkatans/Calcuttans are lovers of Music.From old gramophone records till the latest Ipod...all are crazy to play their favorite title. From Rabindrasangeet to folk songs, & latest album by Britney Spears, Gaga, Guetta, Akon...you will find admirers of every singers in this city....should you want to buy your favorite album..dont hesitate to visit the closest "Music World" ...

Bus[private & state owned], taxis, autorikshaws[tuk-tuks], are the modes of transport. Apart from these, the underground transport system, i.e. Metro, first in India, the outdated Tram service, handpulled rikshaws & cycle-rikshaws are also other methods of transport. Whenever, you are in the city, you will find diversions for something or the other reasons...Protests, some renovation, for which road blocked, festivals or any damn reason!!Also traffic...wait for hours after hours...however, in monsoon everything gets screwed, though the municipality commits "From next year no water logging" but they forget their committment. Sad though, that we suffer!!!

Is it a dying city???Or the city full of life, vibrance, vigour..always boiling with energy??

I leave it for you to find out....Its Kolkata...its the city..I belong to....

[On the occassion of Noboborsho--Bengali new year]

Monday, April 12, 2010

Off-Day cooking...Alla Italiano!!! :D

Perhaps, by now you know my long drawn romance with Italian. Its with the cuisine only..nothing else. Never met any Italian women as of now..but met few Italian Chefs--one from Mainland...from Genoa in Ligure to one from the mafia main island...Sardinia & Sicily!!One has been too good..other one...well!!!Let it be a mystery....
I was planning to cook fish for my lunch today, since I didn't have fish for a while[I love fish...especially, if it is without a bone!!!] & secondly, wanted to cook fish alla Italiano.So for fish its Branzino al Forno[description & notes below]
Dessert???I remember, when I joined Grand Hyatt, I had this dessert. What do you call it??Chocolate Fondant cake. But I used to forget the name. What is it??Molten Chocolate Cake??Lava Cake? Numerous names...Tortina di Cioccolato is what you call in Italian. I have asked numerous people for recipes ...but all told me....& I was fool enough to forget. Now..I am trying it for the first time...hope the recipe works out..& my process!!!It will be accompanied by a sweet & sour compote...made of strawberries & cherries. I badly wanted to buy one ice-cream maker & make my own ricotta ice-cream or mascarpone ice-cream. Well, now I am desperate to buy one...perhaps after Panna Cotta, this is the luscious dessert that I can fall for...Tiramisu is too sweet sometimes!!!
So today's menu
Branzino al forno
Roasted Sea Bass
Tortina di Cioccolato
Chocolate fondant with strawberry & sour-cherry compote

Branzino al Forno
In Italian, sea bass is a very common fish. Advantage of this fish--doesn't get overcooked. Branzino, which means Sea Bass in English[the former being in italian], is a saltwater fish, abundant in Mediterranean, Eastern Atlantic ocean & Black sea.
Secondly, it is a perfect Summer meal in Italy--even here in Dubai too..its the wild heat..chasing us!!The white flesh is aromatic & valuable flesh. The flavours can be accentuated with herbs, white wine & a perfect meal!!
For aromatics, I am using onion, some fennel, a garlic crushed, little vinegar, since I dont have white wine, & some dried herbs like thyme, some lemon & its juice & Voila...no sauce, as the drippings will be an integral part of its sauce. Here is the recipe
Sea-bass[scaled, cleaned & gutted. Preferably, one fillet whole off the bone]- 200 gm
Seasoning- As required
Lemon- 1 no.
Dried thyme- a pinch
Fennel bulb- 50 gm[medium dices]
Onion, diced- 50 gm
Extra virgin olive oil- 25ml
Garlic- 1 clove
Sundried tomato, chopped- 10 gm
1. Heat all but 15 ml olive oil in a pan & saute onion & fennel till lightly coloured.Take of from the heat & allow to cool.
2. Season the fish fillet with salt, pepper, herbs etc. Put a few slices of lemon on top. Squeeze the juice & mix with remaining olive oil & pour over the fish. Scatter the chopped sundried tomato on top, crushed garlic. Wrap it in aluminium foil & cook at 200 Deg C for 20-15 minutes.
3. Once done, open the wrap & serve immediately.

Tortina di Cioccolato
The specialty of this dessert is that, it looks like a simple cup cake or a muffin, up-side-down, if you serve it without a mould. But when you cut it with your knife or dessert spoon, all the melted chocolate oozes out. Reason being it has high amount of chocolate in the mixture & very less amount of flour, so you get an ultimate souffle like texture!!There are recipes which doesn't use flour at all, while recipes with very little amount of flour also thrives well. The recipe I am following used flour, which helps in giving it a stable body-else there are chances for it to deflate, once you put it in the plate.
I am serving this luscious dessert with some homemade marinated strawberries & cherries compote, which will balance the sweetness of the dessert. Here is the recipe

Dark Chocolate,with at least 60% cocoa- 60gm, broken into pieces
Butter-40 gm
Eggs- 1 no.
Flour- 30 gm
Sugar-60 gm
Vanilla Essence- few drops
For the Compote
Strawberries- 75 gm, washed & hulled
Aged,Balsamic Vinegar- 25 ml
Sugar, granulated- 1 pinch
Cherries in syrup- 25 gm
Sugar- 2 tbsp
Lemon juice- 1/2 of a lemon
For the chocolate fondant
1.Preheat oven to 200 deg C.
2.Grease 2 muffin moulds.
3.Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it with butter over hot water.
4.Beat the eggs with sugar and mix with flour.
5.Slowly fold in the melted butter and chocolate.
6.Bake at 200 degrees C for only 8-12 minutes; the outer part should be cooked and the inner part liquid.
For the marinated Strawberries
1.Put the hulled strawberries in a bowl & drizzle the balsamic vinegar on top. Dust with sugar & allow to settle for 3-4 hours.
2. Heat the cherries in a syrup with sugar, if required. Cook until the syrup thickens. Finish off with lime juice.

Buon Apetito!!!

My way of cooking

As I wrote in my previous post, that Culinary happened perchance. But now, it has turned into a passion--I go somewhere, I always crave for food...as I am ever hungry often.. When I land upto a bookstore, I always check the section where they have books on Food & Drinks[I am less into drinks, more into food]. If I visit a supermarket, I will rush to the section where I can foodstuffs..less into clothings...
There are innumerous culinary professionals in this world...may be all are cooking same stuff..but the end result is obviously different. Take this example, when I was in Mumbai, we had this ala carte menu, "Chicken Tikka Masala". Biju & I both used to make, following the recipe, procedure, but the end result is different obviously, which I often jokingly refer as the "magic of hand". Since, my cooking initiation was in Grand Hyatt, as my first employment, my cooking style is much simple, homestyle & no fuss. I always stress upon using fresh ingredients & almost everything homemade---brown stock/jus, vegetables, breads & so on & so forth...I understand making everything homemade, means additional time, extra mise-en place & capable staff too!!
Even when I cook for myself, my food is simple..not spicy, since I cannot eat spicy, despite being an Indian by popular belief. I also dont prefer adding a lot of masalas or herbs, which will mask the original flavour of the main ingredient(s)--let the natural flavour prevail with a sutble hint of the flavourings/aromatics. When it comes to presentation, my presentation style is old-fashioned. Yes, many people commented that my plating, presentation is old-fashioned. I take that as a compliment!!Old fashioned is always classy..not trendy & it has carved out a unique niche for itself in Gastronomy.
Regarding classical french cuisine---its really old now. Or, if we can retain the same name, the same ingredients, but put it in a different way. For example, Poulet Saute Chasseur[Chicken in the hunter's style], where the sauce is made of demi-glaze, shallots, wine, tomato, mushrooms. Instead of regular tomatoes,how about introducing semi-dried or sundried tomatoes?Button mushrooms can be substituted with wild mushrooms...the options are endless. Then comes a all new approach!!
"Think out of the box"...well, I always try to think...& I had been trying.My basic european cooking has been heavily influenced by that of Italian & French[even my own eating often...perhaps I was born in Europe in my previous birth!!]
In desserts also, I cook simple stuff--panna cotta, yoghurt mousse, chocolate souffle, pot de creme, creme brulee, creme caramel & like. I dont go to complex stuff!!
End results???All I can promise..it will definitely be unique experience, if you try my cooking. C'est formidable!!!! :)

A simple recipe....
Grilled Chicken with garlic mashed potato, grilled zucchini, buttered peas & peppercorn sauce
For the Grilled Chicken
Chicken breast-1 no[ 200gm to 250 gm]
Seasoning-as required
Oil- 20 ml
Dried Thyme- 1 pinch
For the mashed potato
Boiled potato- 1 no.
Butter- 20 gm
Milk-20 ml
Cream-20 ml
Roasted Garlic paste- 20 gm
Seasoning- As required
For the vegetables
Zucchini-50 gm
Green peas- 50 gm[shelled]
Butter- 20 gm
Seasoning- As required
For the pepper sauce
Demi-glaze- 100 ml
Crushed black pepper- 5 gm
Tomato Ketchup- 15 ml
Seasoning- As required

For the grilled chicken
1.Marinate the chicken with the required ingredients for about 15 minutes.
2.When ready to cook, grill them in a hot grill & finish off in oven. Keep hot.
For the mashed potato
1.Grate the boiled potato. Heat butter in a pan, add in the grated potato, & cook till heated through. Add in the roasted garlic paste, cream & milk, if using. Season well & keep hot.
For the Vegetables
1. Thinly slice the zucchini & season well & drizzle oil. Keep aside, until ready to grill. When ready, grill it in a very hot grill & turning them & till cooked through. Keep hot.
2. Blanch the shelled green peas. Heat butter in a pan till almost brown. Pop in the blanched peas & keep on tossing until well coated with the butter. Season & keep reserved.
For the sauce
Heat the demi-glaze till almost half. Add in the tomato ketchup, & crushed black pepper. Adjust seasoning & keep reserved.

Put the mashed potato on the base of the plate & put the chicken breast on top, skin side up. Put the peas & zucchini around & drizzle the sauce around.

Bon Apetit!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

100 truths about me...

1. Dating status: single
2. Nickname(s): GG, Guddu, Ghosh, Dada
3. Eye color: Looks like black..but its brown actually
4.Male or female:Male, obviously....
5. Elementary School:Lycee
6. Middle School: Same
7. High School:Hirendra Leela Patranavis School [B.H.S.]
8. Hair color:Black
9. Long or short:Ultra short
10. Loud or Quiet music:Quiet
11. Sweats or Jeans:Jeans
12. Phone or Camera:Phone
13.Health Freak?Sometimes, specially when my tummy comes out...
14. Drink or Smoke:Drink
15. Do you have a crush on someone:Yep...
20. Been in a mansion:Nope
21. Been in a car accident::Nope


23.First piercing:None...
24. First best friend(s):Sritama when I was in nursery
25. First award:Cricket, for being the captain of winning team
27. First hug:Dont remember...
28. First heartbreak:hmmm...


29. Last person you talked to in person:Papa, my room partner
30. Last person you texted:Noel
31. Last person you were on the phone with:My mom
32. Last food you ate:Khichri
33. Last text?Pick up the store tomorrow
34. What was the last song you heard on the radio: Dont remember..
36. Last person you hugged:Ali


37. Food: Bengali, Italian
40. Sport:Cricket
41. Movie:So many...but to name a few...The Da Vinci Code, Sholay, The Reader, Silsila
42. Colors:White, Blue, Yellow
43. Book: Great Expectations
44. Class: Cooking!!![thats so obvious!!]

45. [y] Went to a different country.
46. [x] Celebrated Halloween.
47. [y] Lost someone who meant a lot.
48. [y] Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [x] Had someone question my sexual orientation.
51. [y] Hated someone.
52. [x] Having or had a baby.
53. [y] Did something you regretted
54. [y] Broke a promise.
55. [y] Been on a plane.
56. [y] Pretended to be happy.
57. [y] Met someone who changed your life.
58. [x] Pretended to be sick.
59. [y] Been to a different state.
60. [y] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked
61. [y] Cried over the silliest thing.
62. [y] Ran a mile (walking counts).
63. [y] Beach with your best friend(s).
64. [y] Got into an argument with your friends.
65. [y] Stayed single a whole year [N still too...]
66. [X] Did your own piercing.


67.Eating: Khichri
68. Drinking:Nothing
69. Listening to?Nothing
70. Talking to:Chatting rather with Nilanjana
71. Plans for today?Time to sleep
72. Waiting:Yes...for Nilanjana to reply
73. Want kids:Not now...
74. Want to get married: not now...
75. To who: my soulmate...
76. Wearing:Ts n Shorts..


77. Shorter or taller:Same...
78. Eye color:It doesn't matter
79. Dark hair or light:in between
80. Smarter or dumber?Smart...I am smarter...
81. Hook-up or relationship:Relationship
82. Looks or personality:Personality


83. Lost glasses/​​contacts:​​Neva...
84. Broken a bone:Yes...
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense:Nope
86. Killed somebody:Uh noooo
87. Broken someone's heart:Nah, dont think so...
88. Been arrested:Nah
89. Cried when someone died:Yeah--so many people passed away, first I cried when my mother's father passed away, when I was 4.


90.God:I do!! He is my pillar ...
92. Love at first sight:Yes....
93: Lust at first sight:Yes
94. Santa Claus:Used to ^_^
95. Sex on the first date:Yes...
96. Kiss on the first date:Yep...
97. Is there someone you hate right now:Hm...yupp
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life:Yes..I am...but craving for betterment!!
99. Who do you like:Its a public platform...cant disclose :)
100. Post as 100 Truth:Yes..... sure.. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

If Culinary had not been my profession....

I was chatting with a friend in the end of the last month & we were discussing about a quote by Socrates[I have this habit of putting up quotes everywhere-facebook, yahoo messenger, gtalk etc--sometimes they resemble my thought process or sometimes, its for nothing!!].It was regarding the quote of Socrates which states that if you are married to a good wife, you are happy & married to a bad wife then you are philosopher. My friend asked me, "So are you inspired to be a philosopher or happier person?". I replied, "It actually depends till I get married". He replied, "Well, till then you are an astrologer".[Many people are aware that my hobby is astrology].
I replied, "I am a chef", to which he reciprocated, "Sirji, ..many caps - astrologer, chef, son, lover, author, student, guide, philosopher, spiritualist "
Well, I dont mind carrying a lot of talents with me.
Sometimes, what I would have been if I had not taken culinary as my profession?
I remember, when I was a kid, I used to dream of joining police service, quite contrary to take up medical as a profession. My maternal uncle used to be in Police service & watching the detective shows in the television, I sincerely thought of being a Police.I remember my maternal uncle used to scare me by telling, "Well, if you want to be a police, you have to consume 100 bullets, pistols, & so on"--but I never got scared.
In due course, when I started growing up, I discovered few more talents within me. One of them being mimicry. I remember, once upon a time, I could copy any politicians of India. Doing mimicry in the school was my *specialty*.
I was given to learn Tabla, an Indian percussion, which I was learning well & then stopped. When I was about to join high school, I was sure enough to be a chemist. I had so much enthusiasm that I started writing a book on Chemistry, while teachers used to praise me openly in class. I was a mediocre student in Science--strong in Pure Chemistry, Biology but equally weak in Physics & Mathematics. But to be a scientist, one has to be strong in Chemistry & Physics too. So I decided to take up Science stream in the high school[In India, the studies are bifurcated after middle school in three streams, viz., Science, Commerce & Humanities]. I was all set  & started seeing myself & as a successful future Chemist & a University Blue [A dream of my grandmother...sigh!!].
However, my best friend Samrat pursuaded me & changed my minds. I remember, whenever I used to call him, he used to bitch me about Science & wanted me take up Commerce stream. In both holistic & realistic view he was correct--If I flunk in high school badly, future in Science will be at stake. Tab na ghar ka, na ghat ke..
So I opted for Commerce. As a positive effect, I was good in accounts, commerce & equally, economics was a dry subject initially. Business mathematics..I was poor in it!! Bengali..my mother tongue....I could never afford to be weak in this subject. I could feel, that my bengali teacher in school, had a special affection for me--he was good also.
Then I used to wonder, I would take up MBA in future or may be Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant or Company Secretary--since my thought-process was commerce oriented. I was good in accounts too...but as I wrote before, Culinary just happened perchance.....

I always used to see myself as a top executive of an MNC...never wanted to be an engineer[as my father wanted, who himself is a mechanical engineer]---I have got all talents to be a good administrator too...

On the other hand,its the business I used to think on...Business is in my blood--my forefathers, ancestors are into business, trade--so are few uncles too, except my father & few uncles too...

Again, research & analysis used to beckon me. Inventions, creations, modifications & coming up with discoveries, like the alchemists & magicians.....[my astrologer wrote many years before, I would join an industry involving research!!..bingo...:P]

In spite of people claiming that I can be a successful & famous astrologer of future, I can never think of Astrology as profession.

This is a simple thought...if I had never taken Culinary as a profession. Despite committing some mistakes in selecting companies, position...I can foresee a great future for myself & a successful professional[Do note my words & wait & see for the next 5 years & then from 2015 onwards....I am not kidding!!].

Rest....I have left it for God to take care :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bengali's Annual Festival--Durga Puja...

[This post is dedicated to all fellow bengalis, who love to attend Durga Puja in Kolkata or fortunate enough to celebrate it in Kolkata every year(despite the traffic). Also for those, who are admirers of Durga Puja--Bengali or not!!]
"Yaa devi sarvabhuteshu maatrirupena sansthitaa,
Namastasyai, Namastasyai, Namastasyai Namo Namah||"[Shree Shree Chandi]
--I pay my obeiscance to that Goddess who is in her "Motherly" form in every human beings. I bow to her over & over again.

A bengali is often linked with his annual festivity that is Durga Puja. When the entire Hindu community celebrate the Navratri[a period of Nine days, post the new moon in September-October of every year], the Bengalis rejoice themselves in worshipping the Mother Nature in the form of Devi Durga. The word Durga is quite significant. In shabdakalpadruma,a treatise on Sanskrit words, the meaning of Durga has been given "Dukkhena gamyate, yaa prapyate, saa Durga"--What you achieve, after going through a lot of sorrow & pain is Durga.
Today morning I was going through a couple of old videos of Durga Puja, & it made me write on Durga Puja. Traditionally, it is celebrated twice in a year, once in Autumn[September-October] or else in Spring[March-April].If one notes, this festival is celebrated when the farmer is ready for harvesting his grains, crops etc. Thats why, alongwith Durga, who is worshipped in the form of an idol, a bunch of 9 plantings are also worshipped. The Idol of Durga is of a female, who has 10 hands & carrying 10 different weapons. She is killing a demon, Mahishasura & is being assisted by her mount, the fierce Lion. In Bengali community, Durga is also worshipped with her so-called four children, viz., Kartika, Ganesh, Lakshmi & Saraswati. Kartika, is said to be the chief of divine army, Ganesh is the leader of all Gods & is supposed to take off all your obstacles. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth & prosperity & Saraswati is the goddess of learning.A picture of Shiva- the lord of destruction is also put for worshipping him, as he is said to be the consort of Devi Durga.
As per the customs & belief, Durga is supposed to be the daughter who has come to visit her parents with her kids. Thats why, the folk song, "Jaao Jaao Giri aanite Gouri, Uma naaki boro kedeche" [O Giri, go to get my Gouri, I heard she had been crying]& many such songs are sung in the preliminary days of Durga Puja.As it happens in a family, when the daughter is going to visit her parents, every one in the family celebrate this period, with all festivities---similarly, it is celebrated in Bengal, specially when it is performed in household.
Durga Puja means a lot of austerity & is expensive too. Few articles are required for performing for Durga Puja are also difficult to obtain. It is considered to be the "Ashwamedha Yajna"[A Vedic horse sacrifice] of this age. It is also referred to as "Mahapuja"--Big Puja, since it consists of Goddess daily bath, worship, yajna etc.
The puja commences on the  sixth lunar date of the waxing moon, known as "Bodhan". Hindus consider that in a year, Gods sleep for 6 months & remain awake for 6 months, thus 1 earthly year=1 divine day. Since this puja is performed in the Goddess' resting phase, she is awakened through a special prayer called "Bodhan". The meaning of the mantra, which is recited is: O devi, please wake up, in the evening of the 6th bright phase of the lunar month of Ashwin--as Lord Brahma did on the request of Shree Ramchandra to kill Ravana"---thus the Durga Puja commences. However, in few old households, who are traditionalists, they perform this ceremony 15 days before.
On the following day, Goddess is invoked in a special collection of 9 plants & plantings, as discussed before--this is duly bathed in river/pond & then with an array of articles, few of which are difficult to collect.
On the following day, Ashtami, Goddess is worshipped like the previous day, bathed as per rituals & many other gods & goddesses are also worshipped. In the conjunction of two lunar dates--Ashtami & Navami, a special puja is performed, known as "Sandhi Puja", which lasts for 48 minutes. It is said, that Goddess is very much present in the idol, in which she is worshipped in this time---any prayers will never be unanswered.
On the following day, Navami, the worship is performed like of Ashtami, however, the puja is ended with a Yajna--fire sacrifice. The evening of Navami, indicates that the festivities are about to end the following day, the poet writes, "O Nobomi nishi aar pohaayo naa"[Let the ninth night never end..].
The Dasami, the following day, Goddess Durga is worshipped with rituals & then requested to return to her abode & revisit the following year. After various prayers, a mirror is placed in a pot of water, colored with turmeric & is given a virtual immersion & the idol is immersed in a river or a pond nearby.

Festivities in Calcutta

Calcutta being the hometown of numerous Bengalis, it is celebrated with much pomp & glory. To a bengali, Durga Puja is often known as "Puja" or "Pujo" simply & any bengali long to visit Calcutta. Mahalaya is significant, as it is the last day of ritual oblation to ones ancestors before Durga Puja--so all bengalis throng the rivers & ponds, to offer their prayers to their ancestors before the auspicious period. AIR[All India Radio] also airs a special program "Mahishashurmardini", glorifying the Goddess and her deeds to save the earth & Gods. I am sure, any Bengali will swear by it :)
Mostly, all bengalis start their *shopping* for new clothes during Durga Puja even till the last moment [I always do in the last moment]. It is altogether a different feeling in Calcutta--one who has been during this period & witnessed it can only tell--I cannot express it in words...
Since the various clubs, organisations have started celebrating Durga Puja for public, flocking the Puja pandals have been one of favorites for the Calcuttans during this period. New concepts of making the idol, Pandal[a temporary structure for God's seat] etc have risen due to various competitions sponsored by few Companies.
Another favorite for youngsters, people in teens & tweens is "bird-watching" for hours after hours. Eating out, catching up with friends & also prayers to Devi Durga is also another activity. Sometimes, prayers to Durga in the form of idol, is to get a "living" Durga!!
On the Ashtami day, most of the Bengalis prefers wearing Dhuti[It is a rectangular piece of unstitched cloth, usually around 7 yards long, wrapped around the waist and the legs, and knotted at the waist] & a Kurta. Sometimes, Kurta & Pajama too, while women generally wear Sari.Also on this day, offering special prayers to Durga with a handful of flowers is a custom.
Though the Bengalis, who have their roots in Kolkata prefer to eat vegetarian on this day & have no rice, however, people with roots from present Bangladesh, like me, prefer to eat mutton on this day. I remember, eating mutton after mutton on this day, when I was young...
Dasami means the puja is over. People meet their relatives, friends with sweets & an array of salty foods too. It is altogether a festive period, when people relax for few days, schools, offices remain closed during these days too.
Badly, I have missed Durga Puja in Kolkata in 2008 & 2009---I want to attend it this year, if "Maa" wishes me to attend.
A picture of Durga, Belur Math.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Classic Club Sandwich

"The Club sandwich I had, in Hotel ********* in Mumbai--their room service version, is the best one, I ever had in India".
This is not what I say, but eminent food critic & journalist, Mr. Vir Sanghvi wrote in the Sunday "Brunch" of Hindusthan Times, in their Mumbai edition,back in August 2008. What is their in a club sandwich & what is its history?
History says that an old man, returned home & was hungry. He opened the chest freezer & found some bacon rashers, some cold roasted chicken, he toasted some bread, put some butter, mayonnaise, & topped it with bacon, chicken, lettuce, tomatoes & had this for to fill his stomach--he was delighted so much that the following day he went to his club, Saratoga Club & shared his experience with the fellow members!! Everyone tried this & then the sandwich came to be known as "Club Sandwich".
It is a triple decker sandwich, which has gone through numerous modifications, round the world, according to individual Standard Operating Procedure[S.O.P.].
Some most important ingredients of this sandwich:-
1)Bread--Of course, white jumbo bread, if you are not health conscious, when you choose Brown bread. The bread is always toasted on both sides.
2)Spread-Mayonnaise, butter & numerous spreads are there. People can also use pate for spread, cocktail dressings. However, Mayonnaise has its disadvantage that it makes the bread soggy fast. Solution will be immediate service or else, drizzle the mayonnaise lightly.
3)Greens- Lettuce, like iceberg gives a crunchy texture when you bite the sandwich. You may try lollo rosso, or some romaine or even mixed greens to add some colour. But iceberg is the best.
4)Tomatoes--Put as sliced!!
5)Eggs-- Almost everywhere a couple of eggs, over-medium or over-hard are put. Most obnoxious thing I have seen when people put sliced boiled eggs!!!
6)Poultry- Turkey or Chicken???A long debated question. Some people put thinly sliced smoked turkey, some put cooked chicken breast. Horrible, if someone puts pureed cooked chicken mixed with mayonnaise. This is pure bullshit!!!
7)Bacon-- A couple of rashers of bacon, improvises the taste of the sandwich. People who are restricted to eat pork, can substitute it with turkey bacon, veal bacon or beef bacon.In some places, they also put ham, instead of bacon.

A Recipe of "Club Sandwich", which I learnt when I joined the industry, & trust me..it is the best one, till now!!
White bread slices- 3 no
Mayonnaise- to spread
Tomatoes, sliced thinly- 5 nos
Ice-berg lettuce- 3 leaves, crunchy
Chicken breast, into flakes- 3 flakes
Egg- 2 no
Bacon- 3 rashers, cooked
Seasoning- As required
1)Toast the breads--meanwhile fry the egg & cook the chicken breasts.
2)Spread Mayonnaise on all the three slices. In the first slice, make a layer of lettuce, followed by sliced tomatoes, & fried egg.
3)In the second slice, make a layer of lettuce, cooked chicken & bacon.
4)Cover & cut off the crust & then cut the sandwich diagonally into half. Serve immediately.
[This picture depicts that an ideal sandwich will have all layers clearly visible.]

I remember, when I was in Mumbai, I was taught this sandwich-we used to toast our breads in Salamander, so the total time to make the sandwich was 15 minutes, including the time for french fries. Later when we got toaster, we reduced the time to 9 minutes!! In Chennai I was accredited to change the shitty club sandwich to a better one.
By the way, I forgot to tell you something. Do you know who made the Club Sandwich for that food Critic?? It was I, who made it for him... :)

Off Day cooking-- Perfect Italian meal!!!

"What is for lunch today??", I was asking myself in the morning. Well, how about a pure Italian meal. I have some quails, some parma ham, a sponge cake, which I made yesterday, also some edible stuff. Let's cook Italian today.
I am not interested in Antipasti right now, since I would love to have it with a dry white wine, may be Chardonnay[but I dont have license to buy alcohol]-so dropped the idea of making an antipasti for *myself* [Antipasti for one????]. My favorite antipasti is bruschetta[pronounced as "Broosh-ketta", not "Brooshetta"!!] with endless toppings. I remember a guest wanted some bruschetta--I made the basic one--with tomatoes, chopped basil & little balsamic reduction--she enjoyed it than the pizza she ordered!!
Another favorite is deep-fried calamari & prawns with alioli [Garlic mayonnaise].
So I started off my meal with the primo piatto & it is "Risotto alle Fragole "--Risotto with strawberries. When I told a colleague about this, he said its perfect for Valentine's day--true, but strawberries in season. I never made it in my life--how about giving it a try???

Following to the next...Quagliette Bardate con polenta e verdure mista grigliata --Quails wrapped with pancetta, cooked with little stock & then served with mixed grilled vegetables, polenta & roasting juices. It is another simple stuff!!!

Finally "Il Dolci"---something to sweeten the mouth--Zuccotto, the tuscan ice-cream cake

So today's menu
Primo Piatto
Risotto alle Fragole
Secondi Piatto
Quagliette Bardate con polenta e verdure grigliata mista

Recipes??It follows next with the pictures!!
Risotto Alle Fragole
Italian Arborio Rice- 100 gm
Butter- 50 gm
Onion- 20 gm[chopped]
White Wine, dry- 50 ml
Vegetable Stock- 300 ml
Seasoning- As required
Fresh Strawberries- 8 nos.
Cream- 20 ml
Parmesan Chese, grated- 15 gm
Heat all but half of butter & saute the onion. Once translucent, discard the onions & add in the rice till it crackles. Add in hot vegetable stock in batches.
Wash the strawberries. Reserve two-three pieces for garnish & slice the rest.
When the risotto is almost done, add in the strawberries & cook till done. Finish off with parmesan, reserved butter & cream. Serve hot.

Quagliette Bardate
For the roasted quail
Quail- 2 nos
Seasoning-As required
Pancetta-4 nos [or streaky bacon, if you dont get one]
Carrot- 1no.
Oil- 50 ml
Celery- 1/2 stick
Bayleaf- 1
Parma ham, chopped- 20 gm
White Wine, dry- 100 ml
Brown stock- 200 ml
For Grilled Vegetables
Asparagus, woody- 3 nos
Red Bell-pepper- 1/2
Yellow Bell-pepper- 1/2
Baby corn- 2 nos [cut into half, lengthwise]
Oil- as required
Seasoning- As required
Prepared polenta- 30 gm[cut into long strips]
For the Quail
Wrap the quail with the pancetta. In a roasting pan, place the the quails & scatter the rest of the ingredients & pour the wine on top. Roast at 200 Deg C for about 20-25 minutes. If the wine dries up, pour in the brown stock.Reserve the drippings & use it for sauce.
For the grilled vegetables
Cut the vegetables into batons. Peel the asparagus & par-boil the babycorn & reserve. Marinate with oil & seasoning & grill till done. Keep hot.
For assembling
Put the grilled vegetables on the plate & top it up with roasted quail. Put the polenta on top of quail & drizzle the sauce around.

Recipe for Zuccotto??Next time, when I make it the best way!!
Buon Apetito!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Know your guests before you cook..

[Warning:All personal comments, should not be taken personally!!!]
"Your aunt doesn't eat chicken. She is allergic to seafoods. Jash doesn't eat seafood--he is allergic too. Your father's sister would prefer fish, she doesn't eat eggs etc.......", my mother was telling me, when I was planning to cook some Thai delights for my elder aunt & her youngest son, Jash.This was the first time, I was cooking for them, so I had to be careful before planning my menu, before going in what to cook & what not to cook.
It is really difficult to cook for guests who are unknown to you--your friends, relatives or even hotel guests. They may not like something which you are cooking for them. Sometimes, you may end up with orders like "Omelettes, but no egg!!".
Whenever, I cook for friends, I always brief them a little what I am going to cook for them--unless I want to give them a surprise, in that case, I will always try to draw as much information I can, through casual talks!! For rest, I may mention, which cuisine I will be focussing on--Italian, Indian, French, Thai, Bengali or the simple Mughlai Biryani.

Knowing the preferences of your relatives, friends are easy, whilst that of outsiders is a difficult task. However, there are few common preferences, famous worldwide. Indians, Thais will prefer to have their food spicy[In spite of being an Indian, I cant eat spicy though..]. As a matter of fact, green chilly was never grown in India, until Vasco da Gama came to India with chillies, potatoes & tomatoes. Prior to that, Indians used to spice up their food, with black pepper--it grows in plenty!!
Europeans, as the trend is, will not prefer spicy foods.Again, their taste buds will change if they stay in South East Asian countries for a long time. I remember a German guest complaining that the omelette is not spicy, even when I put two spoons of green chillies in his omelette...

However, I had most of the toughtimes, when serving fellow indians [To my countrymen---Please take no offence. It is a true fact!!!]. Most of the Indians, consider themselves as the *King* when the enter the restaurant or the hotel & then starts their drama..."We want this & that"..."This is not good".."I expected this........" & lots of stories. NRIs[Non-Resident Indians] are better than the Resident Indians, of course, there are exceptions to it--for which I said "Most of the Indians."
Members of Far East---Eastern part of China, Japan etc have been "okay"..a couple of them finicky though!!! Europeans...well..served a lot of English guests as of now & they have been wonderful. If you run 10 miles for them...they will run 20 miles for you....if you dont run the extra mile for them, expect complaints!!!French guests are okay, as long as they find their cheese, bread & wines!!!Germans..people say they are racists...well...I have no comments. Served many german guests & they seem to be pretty fussy!!!
Americans...members around The Golden Gate bridge to the "Big Apple"...have been amusing..to the extent some guest told me "Sir ..you are a magician!!!"

So, when you cook next time, make sure who you are serving, before landing up into trouble!!!

Kitchen Conversations...

Date: March 19th, 2010
Time: Around 1300 hrs
Place: Anon Hotel, Dubai

[We work--real hard work, when we dont have even time to have some fun at work. However, sometimes little jokes we crack, which become a cause for some humour!! A conversation follows...]
I came out of the Pastry Chiller, in pastry kitchen.
Pastry Chef told me, "GG, today your bananas are not good."
I replied, with a usual tone of doubt,"My bananas???"[My meaning was something else, since nothing belongs to me--all belongs to the guests]
Everyone starts laughing out..
Pastry chef continues, "Do you have a bananas?"
I replied, since I didnt have anything else to say, "Yes..I do!!"[Everyone continues laughing...dont forget, most of the pastry staff including the pastry chef are members of fair sex!!!]
Some other associate said, "Well Gaurav, your banana is smaller than this one,"pointing towards one banana.
I said, "Well...Aaah..yes".
Pastry chef interrupts, "Oh.now you guys are talking nasty".
The same associate told Pastry Chef, "Well chef...you started it all..."
I left the Pastry kitchen for good...was a little embarrassed.. :P

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Waiter & Chef--two members of Food & Beverage & their old feud...

As the title reads...it is a known fact to the members of the food industry that "Chefs" & "Waiters"--to most important members are always in their "fighting" mode throughout. A popular joke:- The chef asks the waiter, gently, "Brother do me a favour". The most obedient waiter asks the chef, "Yes chef". The chef bursts out, "Please f*** off!!".
Chefs are always in their attacking mode [Seriously, they dont get the customer in front of them to attack, else when they meet the guests, they always put their facade on] whenever they see a waiter. Even I used to do, when I was in hot kitchen. Once a waiter came to me with the order "One cream of vegetable soup please". I asked, "What??Is it in the menu????". He said,"No, but guest wants!!". I became angry, & asked, "Is he your brother or friend?" The waiter got irritated & started "How much time will it take??". I said, "F*** off, I am not making it". Unfortunately, my exe. chef was roaming around & told me "We are not in a position to say no to a guest". So I had to make...its when the waiter won the battle..
As a matter of fact, he was not an ideal chef. I always believe, an ideal chef should be one, who will always cover the ass of his team members in front of others[even if be the same kitchen deptt. but to different sections too...].I remember one small incident during my employment in Mumbai. Some waiter complained that the orange juice is mixed with water. The chef de cuisine of the concerned deptt. got to know the complaint--He scr**** all his team members in his kitchen---keeping the kitchen closed & later he covered their ass saying,"No...they didn't do anything wrong!!". Well...this should be an attribute of a chef--not a naive one, dependent on comments by waiters...!!!
Just now I recollect, a small incident I witnessed last week. Some waiter came to the main kitchen regarding a dessert order. The waiter asked the chef, "Chef, the guest is asking for his dessert." The Chef replied, "Tell him to wait". The waiter, reiterated after a couple of minutes, "Chef, the guest is again asking for his dessert". The chef now said, "Tell the guest he has to f***ing wait". The waiter got irritated on hearing the abuse. "The guest has been asking for time-to-time", the waiter got annoyed. The chef then justified, "Dont you know that this dessert takes ....minutes?". "No...I dont know, I was not told before". The Chef was also angry, he kept on saying "Tell the guest he has to wait...even if he is the President of United States..he has to wait..."

I was smiling then... :)

A thoughtful post on being self-reliant!!

"Why did you allow him to go alone?That place is so long from here--if something happened to him?", my aunt was complaining to my mom--reason being my mom allowed me to go to a pilgrim spot, which is around 25 kms away from home in Calcutta.
My mom replied,"Well, if he doesn't go alone, how will he learn to move alone & be self-dependent."
I remember, when I was around 9-10 years old, my father was ill. Doctor came home to treat my father & presribed a couple of medicines. My brother was 4 years old & my mother had to take care of my afterborn. Doctor advised my mom to send me to the medicine shop & buy the medicines he prescribed. My mother was a little afraid, whether I could buy it properly or not. Doctor told mom, "I am sure, he will be able to get all, as required," & I did.
Since then I have been able to *perform* my own chores & also works for family, as & when required. Going to grocers, going to shops, doctor when required for self & for any family member & then when time demanded, queueing up for taking admission in high school, for buying books for self & for school, applying for passport & so many. Also travelling alone!! Sometimes travelling alone is the best way to travel, since you dont have to *carry* anyone & will not suffer from carrying that *extra luggage*!!
I learnt how to deal with my problems & solve my problems too--by being self-reliant. When I am away from home, my mom always worries about my health[since childhood, I have suffered a lot, healthwise--fever, eyes, surgeries & so many...]--however, I boost her confidence "I am alright!!!!"
For example, last year--I was in Chennai, & after reaching my "wisdom tooth" started giving me trouble--so that I become *unwise*. I went to the dentist & removed three wisdom in one go!!Mother was worrying too much...that she gets high BP sometimes for me...
What made me write this non-sense post??? Well, yesterday I went to the doctor, for a review regarding my wrist. It had been giving me trouble for the past 2-3 weeks, with tremendous pain & affecting my production. Yesterday I made up my mind to go for an injection on my wrist bone[& finally did so]. Few people would have got afraid & would have asked for assistance of someone to be present over there. But I am strong, self-reliant & I can always help myself... :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Life in Dubai...

"Boss...you are enjoying an excellent life man...find a job for me in front office...I would love to join you,"Rishav was telling me last week. Is life really excellent in Dubai???
"So, its been how many months you are here now?" Bernice asked me last month. I replied, "Its 4 months here now", she said, "Four months nothing....".
True, four months are nothing, compared to people staying here for more than 10 years or say people living here since 80s. I remember that very evening, when I landed here in Dubai International Airport, Terminal 1[which caters to all international carriers except Emirates]. After a number of *security checks*, they put the entry stamp on my passport & I was waiting for some chef to pick me up from the airport. Though I was waiting for about an hour[since, no one had information about my time of arrival], I was enjoying my waiting time. I could see many emiratis, dressed in traditional khanduras & abayas, & also many europeans, asians, africans & citizens of around the world. Dubai is truly a multinational city....
On the way to my new address here in Dubai, I was shown the tallest man-made building in Dubai, which opened later on Jan. 4th, 2010, "Burj Khalifa", formerly known as "Burj Dubai". Roads..well, much & much clean as in India. Thank god, here people dont piss in the corner of the road [No offence fellow Indians--its a fact!!]. Flyovers--well a lot. Actually yes it helps a lot, specially when there is a lot of traffic congestion, else, Dubai is quite peaceful, fast & as many claims one of the safest places in the world.
Few things, which I could never get in India, I got them in Dubai. First thing, which I had been longing was a pasta machine. I could never get in India--I always wanted to buy, so that I can make my own pasta[sometimes making pasta is fun..] & also it can be a good longtime investment[My longterm plans...]. I bought myself the pasta machine for AED 155.00[eq. to around US$40], once I got my first salary here. Another of my favorite, which is hard to get in India, specially Calcutta, is Australian Lamb. I love this meat, since it cooks pretty fast. Tastewise, nowhere closer to mutton, but I love lamb. Now I can buy it, whenever I want..& cook the way I want [Ohh..I know how to cook :P] So many supermarkets...
On most of my off-days[weekly once, I am entitled to get an off!!], I spend my time in Dubai Mall. Reason?It is a good timepass--since there are so many shops to explore & still I am not done yet in finding out all the stores. However, I will always drop in Waitrose to see, whether anything special I can buy--if nothing special, may be I will buy a couple of eggs or may be milk. Also another place that beckons me is "Book World" by Kinokuniya. There are so many books...but I am very boring sometimes. I always lookout books of my interest..other books??They are meant for other people!!I will always find out any impressive book on Food & Beverage or sometimes, astrology. I am not at all shopaholic--neither I have a love-hate relationship with shopping. I just shop when I want to, of course within my limits. Sometimes, I cannot resist myself, but so many clothes are still lying in India--which I could not carry with me this time.
I remember once I was telling my mother after coming here "Maa, I saw one blazer, by Dolce & Gabbana..costs around AED 7000"..she started telling, "Dont waste your money by spending on these stuff..", I immediately changed our topic.

Another thing...the beach. It is so close to my place & my hotel...is on the beach itself!! As of now, wherever I have worked, its near the se--be it Mumbai, be it Chennai..even I was born close to a river, which flows along the City of Joy--Calcutta!! Now in Dubai....is it a co-incidence??

"So, how is life in Dubai?", a guest asked me few days before. I replied,"Yes..its easy, easier than India". Still, so many things are unexplored here..I wish to explore all...specially Dessert Safari or Dhow Cruise & once I explore, will share the experience with you all...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kitchen Conversations...

Date: April, 3rd, 2010
Place:Anon hotel, Dubai
Time: Around 12:45 hours.

An associate from Pastry comes to me ,"Mr. Gaurav, our Pastry Chef has given this to you". I see its a small *artwork* made with almond paste [marzipan]. I couldn't understand what is it..I followed him on his way back to pastry.
I ask his Pastry Chef, "Chef, you sent me this?"
She said, "Yes".
I asked again,"Chef what is this?"
She said, "Thats a lady, in swimsuit"
I replied, "Oh..I couldn't understand".
Another associate, who is ever silent in the kitchen, passes on his comment, "That means you are still a bachcha[meaning kid] that you couldn't understand" & we started laughing..

Friday, April 2, 2010

Career as a Culinary Professional!!!

[Reader(s), please make a note that I am not experienced enough to comment how life is as a culinary professional, however, if any change, will be updated in the forthcoming times. Thank you!!!]

Before I joined the hospitality industry, my father told me,"So I will have to my colleagues & friends that my son is a cook!! Cooks die like a sandwich!!"
A few days before, a colleague told me, "You shouldn't have joined Kitchen--you should have joined Sales & Marketing. You joined Kitchen only to eat."
I have been interested in cooking since I was in middle school. Following recipes in recipe book, making burgers at home, with a pathetic cole slaw & *failed* mayonnaise. I remember Discovery channel[there was no Discovery Travel & living then..] used to air a daily program on hotels & restaurants, across the world, mostly in Europe, known as "Inntimate Escapes". Most of the kitchen techniques, when they used to display, I remember, I used to make a note of that & copy them back in my kitchen. Problem was that I couldn't do them in my mother's presence [I have been a kitchen nuisance at home--as per my mother]. I remember making pasta at home--right from the scratch with eggs & flour. It was good though..
Looking at my cooking achievements or disasters sometimes, many people suggested me, "Why dont you join hotel management??", I used to think on that advice & later, "Ok...let me see". I had an ambition to be a chemist & later it changed to "I will be either a Chartered Accountant or I will do MBA". Joining hotel industry I think just happened perchance.
I remember, in the end of high school, a classmate asked me, "Gaurav, what are you planning to do next?", I replied, "May be B.Com & then C.A. or MBA..". He told me, "Why dont you do hotel management?On this date there is a national examination for Hotel Management College....& ....". I said, "Ok fine...but what kind of questions do they ask?". He suggested me a book...I bought that one, though he used to take a private tuition for the national examination. We both appeared for the examination & finally when the results were out..I secured rank 393 in all-India basis & he got some 5000+ rank!!!It was incredible for him..but a fact....

During my training period, specially in Kitchen I was about to experience how life in kitchen is. I remember, I joined the Halwai section of a five star deluxe property in Calcutta. I worked there for a couple of days-came to experience & experiment with different types of people, with different attitudes though--changing in a couple of minutes. In a few days time, I was put into butchery. I had special interest as because, I wanted to learn, at least the basics of it, so that at any corner of the world, I can cut meat or fish...
It was full fun in Butchery, the Butchery Chef didn't make any level difference between he & I--more than work, we used to crack those *nasty* & *dirty* jokes throughout the day..and as usual, I used to burst out with laughter.Sometimes, he would leave the butchery in my hand & leave for the day & at the end of the afternoon shift [which used to end at 23:45 hours], I used to pick up my gala dinner from main kitchen. Mostly, it was mutton biryani, some curry, one indian sweet, specially hot rasgulla/gulabjamun, & a glass of pepsi/coca cola. This was my daily dinner!!!! Since the butchery was located in front of the bakery & pastry, whenever I used to feel hungry, I used to plunder the bakery & eat...& the people in pastry were generous enough sometimes to come to butchery & share whatever fresh they used to make..[I always share a good relation with pastry--one of the reasons being continuous supplies of carbohydrates!!!]
When I joined the industry as an employee, it was a bit different. You are more responsible & will be questioned for your actions. Any complaints ...people are ready to stab or ready with sharpened knife!!!
"I never had complaints"--I would lie if I say this. Yes, I had a number of complaints. I always take complaints in a positive way, never negatively. The complaints you get are actual your areas of developments!! Sometimes, guests complaint for getting something complimentary--its a fact!! But complaints are also for valid reasons."Roast chicken is cold inside" or "The grilled sandwich is served cold"--these are the few most repeated complaints, however valid. It may so happen the chef didn't heat the roast chicken through or the sandwich was lying outside for a longer time, which made it cold from hot. Remember, most of the guests never complain, assuming that we will turn a deaf ear to them or shrug our shoulders off...guests who are really concerned complain!!
I remember, during my employment in Mumbai, once I was doing night shift. There was an order of Caesar Salad with grilled chicken. The order was served. After sometime, a waiter came with the plate & told me "Chef Gaurav, guest is telling too less dressing & the chicken is under-cooked". I said, "Ok fine.. I will make a new one..". I re-prepared the salad. Again..complaint...same!!Now I went to speak to the guest & asked about the issue. The guest told me...too less dressing & chicken is undercooked. Here, I must tell you that chicken is such a meat, which cooks so fast, that there is always a possibility of having it overcooked!! Also, you can make out visually whether chicken is undercooked or not..
I didn't argue with the guest, I made it again...& again the same complaint!!I asked again, but guest said..No more.its ok. Later I came to know that they complained to the reception & wanted it complimentary...certainly, I couldn't do anything more than what I did...

Kitchen as a career, has growth--it will be a false statement to say that it doesn't have growth, but it has, which is slow. Due to complexities of hierarchy, too many people, tough competition, experience factor & many matters makes the career growth pretty slow. However, once one starts moving up in the ladder, there is no falling down. But a healthy attitude & keeping oneself cool in worst conditions must be there in a budding professional. False ego, swearing & abusing are certainly unprofessional approach in front of the heat. There are so many things to learn, one who claims that he has learnt all, must need to visit a doctor or should open his own establishment..

As far shift times are concerned, it keeps on changing. I remember doing few crazy shifts till now..for example, doing a shift from 7 pm till 9 am following morning & then coming to shift by 2 pm!! Sometimes, from 12 am midnight till 3 pm afternoon & then coming again at 12 midnight. Sometimes from 6 am in the morning till midnight & then following day at 6 am!! "When does my shift end??"--perhaps this question has no answer.

Finally..its on eating. Yes, we eat a lot in kitchen, jokingly I put it as "Tasting", "Nourishing myself" or "Quality Check!!". We eat the freshest of the stuff, we eat the best stuff & sometimes, we cook for ourselves. Sometimes, when I am hungry, I pick up something from the pastry or may be some bacon. Sometimes a small sandwich for myself..with whatever I can get..
As a matter of fact...the more I talk, I become more hungry & often tell people "I am hungry" & they bounce back "You are hungry everytime..."
A colleague was telling me last sunday,"I see you making omelette & eating it. Then you go to the cafetaria & you have your tea. Then at 12 noon you have something from cafetaria, & then in the afternoon lunch. So many times you have food...I am sure you have joined this industry for eating". I started laughing, well..I do this even when I am at home...
But these days..I am eating so much..n specially sweets--I am afraid, someday I will die of overeating.. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Few mistakes of my life...

Location:Anonymous hotel in Dubai.
Date:March 24th, 2010
Time:12:45 hours[approx].

I was shaking hands with a colleague, when he has come to his shift. He asked me,"Gaurav, whenever you shake hands, do it strongly, have a good grip, why so softly?". I smiled. He then said,"What does this indicate??". I replied, "One shaking hand softly, indicates lack of confidence". He smiled & told me, "Well, you know it, why do you do such mistakes". I started making a move from the kitchen, putting my *fake* smile on, "Well, people commit mistakes, mostly knowingly, & seldom unknowingly".
Mistakes we all do, for the sake of learning from our mistakes."To err is human"--Human beings commit mistakes or rather subjected to commit mistakes. Take this example of handshake or for example, marriage of people. They get married thinking of they found the right partner in their life, but ultimately, when things are not within ones control, they find they got married to the *right mistake* of their life...
Pretty often I have committed mistakes,screwed up things & later realised what I should not have done & what I should have done instead. Sometimes a spark is enough to cause a hazard, so is a mistake. When I was in elementary school, I always preferred to sit in the aisle seat, as it was easier for me to put my legs out[Come on, I have to show supremacy, as because I am Leo!!]. But who would know that a small thing will lead me to be suspended for a day & later parents being summoned to school??

After a couple of years, I was being accused of abusing my school principal. Certainly, I didn't!! However, few of my classmates formed a group against me and day & night they had only one work-conspiring against me. Every word I used to utter & every actions were closely monitored & then a conspiracy against me. Bad thing was that they used to tell my mother about all those. I was afraid of my mother since childhood [hopefully, no more :) ]. My mistake was trust. I trust people easily, but of late I have learnt & have been learning how to believe people, less!! I used to believe them & never knew that they are just finding ways to backstab me.

Again few years later, when I had keen interest in Numerology & Palmistry, one of my friends gave me idea,"Why not make money out of your talent?"..I said, "Ok..fine". I started a small business, but this was not taken in good taste by few of my classmates [or jealous classmates??]. What they did, was that they complained it to the teacher??And then???Being jeopardised in front of all classmates. I wish I had not done that...

Days went, months went on & so the years...sometimes, I have acted foolish, sometimes crazy, sometimes eccentric & sometimes intellectual, intelligent & meritorious..& sometimes too talkative. Most of the report cards used to have ,"Gaurav is most talkative boy in the class, but he is intelligent & bla bla...". It did not matter to me...but in the long run, I felt its disadvantage. Too much of talking is not good---a bengali proverb, in English would mean, "One who speaks too much--speaks rubbish". But still..I couldn't get over it..

Regarding matters of *heart*[I think when the word is asterisked, I dont need to explain in detail], I have been a little foolish, un-intelligent, inexperienced & so on & so forth. Whenever, I have liked a girl, I took an extra time & may be when I was ready to express, I was afraid. In school, I was afraid that if my parents get to know, I was sure to be whipped [Though my mom was open to it, provided I could afford to do well in examinations]. Also I have been fussy with girls. Here is this difference with my best friend Samrat. Suppose, we both will never like one girl at one time. If I find a beautiful girl, Samrat will certainly never find any beauty in that girl [though it gives temporal relief, as I will be alone in the competition ;) ]. I remember, when we were in High School, Samrat used to like a girl, who I could never like, except being a friend. Similarly, I was a secret admirer of another girl, who was not as per Samrat's criterion...even when I was in a BPO, I used to like a girl, in who Samrat couldn't find anything..
Anyways, coming back to it, in matters of *heart* I have been little analytical, sometimes indifferent. My friend commented, "One day your indifference will kill you". May be...may be its a mistake I am committing & I will try to get out of it...

Few mistakes in employment too. I remember, I was working with Hotel Grand Hyatt-a mammoth in Mumbai, India. Pay was low, & living in Mumbai with low salary was really difficult. My mother used to send me money, so that I can live an easy life. Still I wanted to move out of country, I started applying for companies overseas & came the offer from Atlantis, in the Palm Jumeirah, Dubai. I put my resignation, without any confirmation about the visa. I returned Kolkata, waiting for the visa & after a long wait for two months....the company said its not in a position to hire anymore..Was it a mistake???Or Blunder???I learnt from this mistake & then onwards, always put my resignation on receiving the visa.

Ultimately, mistakes on making friends. Unfortunately, I am quite open to all & easily trust people. Simply, if someone tells a kid "I will give you toffee, if you do this for me etc"--I am like that. Sometimes I trust people so much & in the end find myself that I am nowhere & I was being cheated all along..since day 1--I met him/her.

A question I always ask myself--"Do I learn from my mistakes???". My brain says, "I am supposed to learn.." whilst my heart says, "I am meant to learn..."