Monday, May 31, 2010

Me, Myself & I

Yesterday evening I was chatting with my friend, who I know since I was about to leave middle school for high school & over so many years[10 yrs may be] & she was inquiring about my well-being, since I was badly injured last friday[Thank god..I didn't lose my finger!!]. She was asking me yesterday, "What are you having for dinner?", since I couldn't cook for me. I replied, "Mixed Noodles", she was surprised & said,"Every night??". I replied, "Noodles...never become boring for me". She sighed & replied, "At last, I got to know what you like--We have been friends for so many days & years, still it seems, I dont know you well--your likes & dislikes".I laughed...
She took some vain attempt to find my favorite colour & during our conversation I just taunted her a little, & she said, "You have attitude". I immediately jumped n said, "Well, I dont have an attitude problem, but you have perception problem". She took it seriously when I was kidding..n I made my point clear, "I am never wrong", to which she got pissed off...n started telling me,"Gaurav, there is some problem with you---you need to calm down, cool down" & many lesssons for me...
Ahh...well...I told her to stop, it was enough for me & asked her to resume when I meet her in person during my vacation...
Well, people dont know me well--its just their will to know me or not--to dig in or not. People sometimes perceive me as "Jack of all trades", "Egoistic", "Poor attitude", "Attitude problem", "Bossy", "Boastful" & many many attributes. Take this example, Joydeep, he is a friend, since I joined college--I have kept fighting with him over small issues. For example, why doesn't he pick up the phone when I call him or when I tease him, since he is a bit unmanly ....but I never learnt to bend down in front of him, seeing which he says, "You have a lot of ego". Well, if it is, I am born with it [Perfect Leo???]--no matter I try, I can't change it. A lion wants people to bend down in front of him--if they can't, they better face the consequences--this is just an analogy, not a pun!![By the way, Joydeep is another Leo, 1 yr 15 days older to me!!!]But still we are friends, I often call him[I dont expect a call back!!!] for any advices I need from him.
Perhaps Samrat has never pointed fingers at me saying, "You are this n that...". He said oneday,"I couldn't understand you". Well, I dont want people to understand me--what I say & what I dont say, what I do & what I dont do--if you dont understand my silence, you will never understand my words....
But in the end, "it doesn't even matter". Birds return to their own nest, sun sets & ushers in the night & I ...still remain the same. Feel bad, since people couldn't perceive me correctly & took me in a wrong notion. Well, I am not here to please anyone...if you are good to me, I will be the best person---if I am not handled with care, never mind, my trust, confidence & faith on you is very fragile.
You may say "It is a boastful post"--I never mind whatever you write in your comments--will be accepted. And I hope, my friend will read this post....

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