Saturday, June 5, 2010

Me, Myself & I--Part 2

Sometimes I love to write about myself...dont perceive it to be "self-publicising note"...
Looking at me, people assume that I am too matured...but whatever, I do..I feel I am not matured enough. Being the first child, I was burdened with lot of responsibilities when I started growing up--going to grocers, going to the market...n also going to the bank for withdrawing[thanks to modern technology--we dont need to go to banks for withdrawing money!!].I have never been afraid, rather boldly & with confidence handled such situations, including myself, when I have faced odd situations, health, wealthwise.
Since our family is a little conservative[& I am not!!!], certain things are meant to be taboo. Even though I am not conservative, I have always remained within family norms & customs, whenever I am amongst them.For example, in any hindu family, having beef is an act of blasphemy. I eat beef, but never at home. However, I told my parents that I have beef....but seldom!!
My parents put a lot of restrictions on me, when I was growing up, specially to stay away from odd & bad company. Also seeking their permission before any decision n nature, I am friendly, however,I am leo...the born king of the jungle. People of my nature, attract me--I never thought that Samrat would be my best friend. When he joined us in school in 1997...I did never talk to him, however, certain situations in school, brought us close...n since then.....I remember, once telling him, "You are my bosom friend....".
In a couple of months, I will completing 25 years & head towards 26[this birthday is coming so fast...]. To maintain human race, to keep generation & family of "Ghosh", I will marry ...sooner or later[God knows...who she is..still trying to find her out...]
Seldom I am unhappy--only when I am pissed off with a bunch of people...either my way...or no way!!!When I am in the limelight, I get certain pleasure, which u cannot imagine-& I always love to be... ;)

Coming here in Dubai...yes...sometimes boring..nothing to do...specially on day offs, except cleaning the room[I used to flunk in housekeeping!!!], cooking...n if terribly bored...going for a long walk....or to the mall....thats it!!!Few weeks before, I went out with a friend, who wanted to see the beach. I took him out...n while on our way back, he was telling me, "Gaurav, you need to have a girlfriend". I was like, "Hmm..okkk!!!Let's see..if it is in the cards"...It is not like I am afraid of them, since they come from a different planet[i.e. Venus].It is not I hate girls, like M.C.P.s...but there is always this "But". I remember, when I was Class-8, I liked this classmate[names withheld for obvious reasons]. But I couldn't tell her...when she got to was too late..she got married[but still, I am in touch with her & her hubby..who also knows...].
Second time, it was in the final year of high school...I dont know why I liked the  I asked her out on my real birthday[I was damn nervous..]n she dint turn up & fortunately, Samrat was there...
Thirdtime, when I was in HSBC...I liked this girl...I walked upto her n asked her name[ improvement!!!]& then started doing a background research-however, the research results were not fruitful..she already had one boyfriend..n older to me by 3 years!!!![Thats mean!!! :((]
Who is next???Even I dont know. But I always believe, God has always selected & reserved the best one for me. The best product is always offered to God...isn't it???
[Never mind if this post doesn't make any sense to is just a powerful overflow of spontaneous feelings]

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