Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron Man 2:A Review

[As I expressed in my previous post, that I am not a movie critic. So any comments in this post, should be enjoyed for entertainment purpose & any risk arising is the sole discretion of the reader!!!!]
I wanted to see a movie for long, as I have not seen a good movie for long. A good...a real good movie, which I can watch or love to watch over & over again. I think, the last English movie I saw in a theater was "Percy Jackson" on Feb. 28 & last Hindi Movie in a theater was "Ghajini", in December, 2008[Thats too long!!!]. So I made a plan today with a mate, to watch "Iron Man:2" in the evening after work. Why Iron Man:2??Well..firstly, I got a good review & secondly, I love action movies[My favorite action movie is still "True Lies"].
The movie starts with a scene in Russia, an old man dying with his son Ivan around & before dying he tells his son some *secrets*, whilst in the television, and we can see Mr. Tony Stark introducing himself as "Iron Man". Ivan consoles his father to believe in those bullshit!!!
What follows next is power-packed action, with sci-fi to win or lose. Mr. Tony Stark has been motivated by his father--to fulfill his father's dream for a better Universe & make a peaceful world[He was claimed to have been successful too!!], whilst the US Govt. wanted Tony to handover all the armour & technologies.Ivan, an antagonist of the story sees all these in the TV & tries to replicate the technology, by which Iron Man was working & in other words, he wanted to challenge Iron Man, claiming that the technology was stolen by Tony's father, Howard Stark from Ivan's father. In reality, Ivan's father, seems to be a partner of Howard, however was deported to Russia & died of poverty. He was using a lot of technology & so was Ivan, & supplying ammunitions to Pakistan!!
In between, Ivan came up with his own way of using technology to have an open challenge with Tony, in the Grand Prix at Monaco. Tony could save himself, barely. Thanks to his briefcase armor, as whip like weapons of Ivan was too hard to be digested by Tony & made him to think how to improvise himself!
In the meantime, Ivan was picked up by Mr. Hammer, a weapons dealer. Apparently, a friend of Tony, but was playing a game against Tony. Reason, simply put it's jealousy!!However, Hammer was comic relief.
Do you want me to tell you the story???Or you wanna really check it out??I think the latter is a better option.
Anyways, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark was really amazing, the way he throws his dialogues, his expressions etc. Scarlett was visual relief too. Never saw her in such an avatar in any of her movies. Difficult to put my likeness about this movie in words. It's really a wonderful movie to watch & would love to see it over & over again. :)

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