Monday, May 31, 2010

Me, Myself & I

Yesterday evening I was chatting with my friend, who I know since I was about to leave middle school for high school & over so many years[10 yrs may be] & she was inquiring about my well-being, since I was badly injured last friday[Thank god..I didn't lose my finger!!]. She was asking me yesterday, "What are you having for dinner?", since I couldn't cook for me. I replied, "Mixed Noodles", she was surprised & said,"Every night??". I replied, "Noodles...never become boring for me". She sighed & replied, "At last, I got to know what you like--We have been friends for so many days & years, still it seems, I dont know you well--your likes & dislikes".I laughed...
She took some vain attempt to find my favorite colour & during our conversation I just taunted her a little, & she said, "You have attitude". I immediately jumped n said, "Well, I dont have an attitude problem, but you have perception problem". She took it seriously when I was kidding..n I made my point clear, "I am never wrong", to which she got pissed off...n started telling me,"Gaurav, there is some problem with you---you need to calm down, cool down" & many lesssons for me...
Ahh...well...I told her to stop, it was enough for me & asked her to resume when I meet her in person during my vacation...
Well, people dont know me well--its just their will to know me or not--to dig in or not. People sometimes perceive me as "Jack of all trades", "Egoistic", "Poor attitude", "Attitude problem", "Bossy", "Boastful" & many many attributes. Take this example, Joydeep, he is a friend, since I joined college--I have kept fighting with him over small issues. For example, why doesn't he pick up the phone when I call him or when I tease him, since he is a bit unmanly ....but I never learnt to bend down in front of him, seeing which he says, "You have a lot of ego". Well, if it is, I am born with it [Perfect Leo???]--no matter I try, I can't change it. A lion wants people to bend down in front of him--if they can't, they better face the consequences--this is just an analogy, not a pun!![By the way, Joydeep is another Leo, 1 yr 15 days older to me!!!]But still we are friends, I often call him[I dont expect a call back!!!] for any advices I need from him.
Perhaps Samrat has never pointed fingers at me saying, "You are this n that...". He said oneday,"I couldn't understand you". Well, I dont want people to understand me--what I say & what I dont say, what I do & what I dont do--if you dont understand my silence, you will never understand my words....
But in the end, "it doesn't even matter". Birds return to their own nest, sun sets & ushers in the night & I ...still remain the same. Feel bad, since people couldn't perceive me correctly & took me in a wrong notion. Well, I am not here to please anyone...if you are good to me, I will be the best person---if I am not handled with care, never mind, my trust, confidence & faith on you is very fragile.
You may say "It is a boastful post"--I never mind whatever you write in your comments--will be accepted. And I hope, my friend will read this post....

Sunday, May 30, 2010 grandma

Yesterday, I was going through my calendar, to check whether I missed any birthdays or anniversaries. But I thought that I missed something, it was difficult for me to recollect--so many thoughts in mind. Oh yes, it was 27th May, the day my grandma [my mother's mother]passed away, on this date, 18 years before.
I still have the glimpses of what happened on that day. I remember, on 26th May, my grandma was in serious condition, so we all cousins had to stay in our neighbours, & my mom, maternal uncle & few other relatives including the doctors were taking care of grandma.
On 27th morning, I got up from bed around 6 am. One of the family members of the neighbours told me, "Your grandma has gone to heaven"--I didn't understand what she meant. I had a glass of milk & came to my maternal's house. I saw many people seated in the drawing room. I gradually walked upto the room, where my grandma used to stay. I couldn't believe what I saw. Everyone was crying--my mother, few relatives & many...immediately I left the room & came out of the house.
After a couple of minutes, I went again, saw them & then I started crying, my cousins were also there & they were also crying.It was such a painful--the person who loved me the most passed way on that day. Later many people used to tell me,"You were your grandma's beloved". I was only 7 yrs then.
My grandma was suffering from the deadly malignant breast cancer & before doctors could do anything, it rapidly spread on her body--brain, stomach etc. Still, on her last days, she would talk to me & used to tell me, "I want to see you as a University Blue"...perhaps, it would still remain to be a dream. Whenever, I used to get any hardtime from my mother, I used to complain to her & later I used get some *happiness* when my mother was scolded....
When I was a kid, my *play* used to be worshipping God...n my partner in this play was grandma. Whatever, I wanted for my daily rituals, she used to buy it for me, often carrying me in her arms.Whatever used to happen around me, I used to share with her, with exaggerated expressions. I remember, my mother used to tell me the hindu mythological stories & I used to share those with my grandma, of course with exaggerations.
I used to call my grandma as "Sonamoni", which was actually meant for my cousin, daughter of my maternal uncle. My grandma used to call her as "Sonamoni" & I got it wrong...till her last day, I used to call her as "Sonamoni" & to her I was "Jairam".
Summer vacation, winter vacation --any small holidays were opportunities to visit her, as home was quite far than her house. We stay in the southern part of the city, whilst her house was in the far north!!!
What more can I write??Really, I miss her...she couldn't see many of my achievements, merits & many good things, which my mother often laments, "I wish your sonamoni was still alive....".
She is one of those many, who has deeply influenced & inspired me....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sunday offs....making pasta at home.

[My apologies for this delayed post. I wrote it yesterday, but forgot to publish...]
As I said before, taking up Culinary happened perchance. However, I dont lament on selecting this profession, but now that I am passionate. Before I joined the college, my repertoire was limited to Indian Cuisine[even that was very limited!!!] however, later my passion was solely Italian oriented. Any menu planning for any event, will not be complete without anything Italian--Pasta, Pizza, Risotto, Soups, Roasts or grills, or even desserts. Sometimes, I would rather have a complete Italian Menu[as a matter of fact, I have never been to an Italian restaurant as a guest!!!].
I remember, when I was in middle school, to be precise in Standard 8, I learnt how to make fresh pasta, from scratch. It was tagliatelle or fettuccine I made, as far I can recollect. Whatever I made, I saw it from the TV[back then, Pasta was not a craze...] & made the fresh pasta, in my mother's absence[Most of the cooking has been in her absence, lest she would start scolding]. Well, with all humility, it was good. However, I never made fresh pasta at home, after those trials, since I wanted to have a pasta maker to make stuffed pasta or lasagna[I am not good in using the rolling pin!!]. When dry fettuccine, spaghetti etc are there in market, why take the trouble to make the fresh one at home??
Coming here in Dubai, I think the first thing I bought was a pasta machine. It is a longterm investment, I guess & such things are difficult to get in India, specifically in Kolkata. Initially, I made lasagne oneday,n the other day, I made blue cheese ravioli, but for the past one week, I was planning to make pumpkin ravioli[roasted the pumpkin for it a week before]. So today is another off, why not make pumpkin ravioli???
To follow, I also had some quails, lying in the freezer since Easter. I have to finish off those stuff, before I go on vacation. Also polenta, risotto etc are always with me. I also bought some chicken bones yesterday for making brown stock[Yes, I am running short of brown stock!!! :((].So the Carte de Jour
Ravioli con Zucca
Pumpkin & Parmesan Ravioli, Tomato-basil sauce
Quagliette Arrosto
Pan-roasted quail, polenta, buttered vegetables & pan-juices
Recipes???...Hmm...well..on request!! :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Coastal Regions of South India--2 days short trip

[When I was young, my parents insisted me on writing daily events, incidents in a diary--but I barely, paid attention to their suggestions. Later, when I grow up, I started, but I was too reluctant on maintaining it on daily basis. Today, I am writing on a small trip, which I undertook in 2009, travelling around the coastal regions of South India, during my employment in Chennai]
Date:August 15th, 2009
I left for the Chennai Central station to catch "Rameswaram Express" around 4:30 pm from my residence. I didn't carry much luggage. A backpack, filled with clothes & toileteries, some books ..thats it. Additional burden is my laptop.
I reached the station around 5 pm & headed towards to the reservation chart, to see the status of my ticket--whether, my ticket is confirmed or not, since I had a ticket with Waiting list 156!!! That sucks bigtime, specially the electronic tickets have rare opportunity to be confirmed!!!
Shucks...the reservation chart has final status of Waiting List 5!!! Now, what to do?? It was an overnight journey, I was already tired & sleepy as I did a night shift+morning shift & then headed for the station. Only solution was buying a general ticket[it is cheap, but seating conditions horrible--you may not even get to sit, forget about sleeping!!!].
Taking the name of God, I bought a ticket & boarded the train & found a seat for myself. While the train left the station around 20:30 hours, let me tell you the story of my destination, "Rameswaram". It is a historical, mythological temple, which houses a Shiva Lingam[a symbolic image of phallus of Lord Shiva], worshipped by mythological Shree Rama, before he went to Lanka[Present day Sri Lanka] to kill Ravan[a demon]& also worshipped on his return to India. This temple is located in an island, known as "Pamban" in ancient times. Since Ravana was a brahmin, Rama was advised to worship Lord Shiva, in order to get rid of the sins. Rama sent his disciple, Hanuman[a half man & half monkey] to get a Shiva Lingam from Kailasa. Rama was waiting for him to get the desired Lingam within a stipulated auspicious time, however, Hanuman could not make it on time. So Rama made a Lingam made of sand & worshipped Lord Shiva in that Lingam. Whilst Hanuman was late, he was quite disheartened when he found that all rituals are done. To console him, Rama installed the lingam Hanuman brought & ordered that the Lingam brought by him should be worshipped first. People say, it is made of pure crystal.
August, 16, 2009
I dont know, when I went to sleep & I got up around 5 am in the morning. The coach was all messy..with people sleeping around. The experience of sleeping in a general coach can never be explained in words.The journey started getting beautiful. In a while, the train was proceeding to the extreme tip of the mainland. The scenery was beautiful & I could see a lot of peacocks around. The season is monsoon & the peacocks reminded me of Shri Krishna.
At around, 9 am in the morning, the train was passing through the Pamban Bridge. This is the bridge which connects the island of Rameswaram & mainland of the country. There is another bridge meant for vehicles though.It was a wonderful experience.
At around 9:30 am the train arrived in Rameswaram station. Many North Indians started getting down from the train. It was an auspicious month, Shravan[the fourth solar month], important for Lord Shiva & it was the last day too, August 16th, 2009.
I took an autorickshaw to reach the main temple of Shree Rameswaram & also to find a hotel for myself. The area around the temple was terribly crowded, long queues to enter the temple & to have the holy visit of Lord Ramanathswamy.I could visualise Lord Rama worshipping here in this site, centuries ago. After a having a holy visit of the Shri Rameswaram, I went to the see the sea. Here the sea is known as "Setubandha", reason being Lord Rama is said to have built the bridge to connect to Lanka from this site. Co-incidentally, the sea is very quiet & smooth here & not rough, compared to other places. I sprinkled some water on my head, since this water is considered very holy. Many people take bath here.
I started my quest for finding a room. It was difficult, since it being a peak time, many pilgrims, devotees come in this month. Secondly, hotels are reluctant to rent out a room to a single person or pay for double room!!!
At last, there was a way out. I met a tout, who allow me to use their bathroom for sometime, obviously against a fee & offered me a trip to Kanyakumari & Madurai. I was unwilling to Madurai, but Kanyakumari beckoned me for long. I took a bath, changed & again had the holy visit of Shree Ramanath.
After the visit, I just roamed around & had a quick lunch, as I was hungry. After lunch, I caught up with the tout again, & paid him lumpsum for a bus trip to Kanyakumari. Later, I found out, I was being duped!!!
It was a long journey in bus--9 hours. I was so tired, I think I slept most of the time. At around 11 pm, I reached Kanyakumari. I was hungry for dinner..had a quick dinner & then started checking out hotels for me. It was again difficult, even the bengali hotel owners.Some were blunt enough to tell me, "We dont rent rooms to single guests!!"...well...I could find one at last. It was a nice, decent, clean room, the bathroom was also nice. However, I should not complain--anything that comes in such a crisis period, specially a shelter for a night is a blessing!! The city was very windy & it is the Southernmost tip of the country. While listening to music, I went asleep....
August, 17, 2009
I got up very early in the morning, though I went to bed pretty late. I got up early to see the sunrise. But the weather was bad...the sky was not clear ...
Dumped the idea, went back to my room, took a bath & headed for a local sightseeing. Rented a small cab to see the places around, the fort, some temples. Also a milestone, showing that Thiruvananthapuram is just 90 kms away. I planned of going there shortly. After all the small temples, I came back to the hotel & then headed for a trip to Vivekananda Memorial Rock. Here, Swami Vivekananda is said to have meditated for three days continuously, to find out the reason & also a solution for the problems India have been facing since the british rule. The rock also bears footprints of Devi Parvati, who is said to have performed extreme penance, standing on one foot.
There is a ferry service going to the Rock & it was wonderful journey. It takes around 10 minutes from the mainland to the rock. in the midst of the sea. A temple is there dedicated to Devi Parvati & also a memorial building dedicated to Swami Vivekananda. After roaming around, I came back to mainland to visit Kanyakumari Temple[Kanyakumari-Virgin Goddess], but alas, it was closed!!!So I was strolling around the beaches & also saw the wonderful confluence of three seas. I dont know, whether this is present anywhere else or not, but in Kanyakumari. Three seas--Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal & Indian ocean meeting together. A rare glimpse, a rare phenomenon....
So I had lunch, checked out from the hotel & took a bus to Trivandrum, around 1500 hrs.
It was a 3 hour journey from Kanyakumari & reached around 1830 hours. The sole reason for going to Thiruvananthapuram[Trivandrum in short] was visiting the temple of Vishnu, known as "Padmanabhaswamy Temple". Since, I dont know the place well, I took an auto to reach the temple & contacted the office in the temple. As a custom, male pilgrims have to wear a dhoti[a loin cloth, wrapped around the waist] for visiting the god. I took one on rent, deposited my belongings & went inside to have a visit of dear lord. It was very dark, near the sanctum sanctorum--the only source of light were oil-lit lamps.
I entered the main room, where Lord Vishnu is residing. He is in his sleeping posture & the idol is 18 feet long. It is really big & the visit was truly inspiring. After offering my prayers to Lord Vishnu I sat in the courtyard of the temple & recited Vishnu Sahasranaam. After recitations, I changed my clothes, collected by belongings & headed towards the station.
Once I reached the station, my next activity was to find out a train to Chennai. train leaving for Chennai, before 3 am the following day.Where to sleep????
I bought a general ticket & asked the station master, if they have single room for a couple of hours. Fortunately, I got an air-conditioned room, a small room ..but enough for 6-7 hours.
August 18, 2009
I got up around 2:30 am in the morning...took my belongings & left the room to catch the train. Once I boarded I asked the travelling ticket examiner if he can give me a confirmed berth. He was able to & I reached Chennai around 9 pm in the evening. After reaching Chennai, I called up my boss, "Chef, I am back. Shall I come in morning shift tomorrow??", he replied, "yes".
Back to work.... :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cooking for the date??or Dream Dinner with your date...a new menu

You know, I love to cook. Sometimes, for friends, for colleagues, for family members, specially the loved ones[though in my family, whatever, I cook ...all goes to my & my bro's stomach!!] ...equally, these days I dislike cooking for myself[Better buy it from outside ...n have it!!!].
How about cooking for your date???Cooking for the date is always sexy & romantic too. No matter how poor you are in cooking[I definitely consider my readers are not as versatile as I am in culinary skills, except those in the business & the *wannabes*], even if you give it a try, I am sure your date will be impressed. Keeping in mind that date will lead to romance[unless, you are dating a poor guy or a hopeless girl!!!], I am interested in putting aphrodisiacs in the menu. For long, seafoods have been considered aphrodisiacs[If you dont know the meaning of this word, "Aphrodisiac", please go through your dictionary!!!]. I have included them in the first course--both oysters & scallops.
The next course...mains. A simple stuff...slow roasted pork[I love pork..n also cooking pork!!However, make sure your date is not a muslim, rastafaria, or 7day adventist!!] with a glaze of honey. To go alongside, spinaci alla romana,with apple confit & jacket potatoes.
For desserts??I love desserts as you know. Here I come with trio of Chocolate[Chocolate is so sexy..isn't it??Some people also call it as aphrodisiac!!]
Your question may be..have I cooked for any date?? as of now. But I would love to cook this menu for my date[Sigh... :P] & impress her...[U never know... :)].Recipes...below. Dont ask for pictures. I haven't cooked it...but if I cook it ever, even for me & not for my date, I will put up the pictures & share with you all!!!
So the menu is
Oyster & Scallop Soup
Homemade Tagliatelle
Slow Roasted Loin of Pork
Apple Confit, Spinaci alla Romana, Jacket Potatoes
Trio of Chocolates
Chocolate-Lemon Pannacotta, Chocolate Orange Sorbet & Mini Chocolate-Passionfruit Tart
Oyster & Scallop Soup
Fish stock-100 ml
Fish Veloute-150 ml
Home-made Tagliatelle-50 gm[or ready made]
Peeled Cucumber-1/2
Oysters- 2 large, shelled & juices reserved
Scallops- 2 large
Lemon juice-1/2 of a lemon
Chives- 1 tsp, finely chopped
Butter- 2 tsp
Seasoning- As required.
Caviar-5 gm
1. Cut the cucumber in 2 inch lengths & slice off the four edges around the seeds. Discard the square seed block & cut each slice in thin julienne strips & keep aside.
2.Poach the cucumber in little stock for about 2-3 minutes & keep warm.
3. In a heavy saucepan, bring the fish veloute, rest of the fish stock to a boil. Add in the reserved oyster juice & turn to very gentle simmer. Poach the oysters for about 30 seconds. Add scallops & cook for further 30 seconds. Add lemon juice, chives & season. Set aside in a warm place
4.Cook the tagliatelle in boiling water. If using fresh, then for about 30 seconds or if using ready-made dry, then for 6-7 minutes or al-dente.Drain & lift up a half of the pasta with a fork & roll into a spiral.
5.Push the spiral off the fork into the centre of a large, warmed soup bowl, & then put some cucumber strips on top.
6. Using a slotted spoon, remove the oysters & scallops from their poaching liquid & arrange them neatly around the pasta. Bring the soup back to boil & spoon it over the shellfish & garnish with a little caviar on top of the shellfish. Serve immediately.
Slow roasted loin of Pork
For the pork
Pork Loin- 400 gm
Seasoning- as required
Melted butter- 50 gm
Thyme- 1 tsp
Honey- 2 tbsp
1. Marinate the pork with seasoning & herbs. Preset the oven to 150 Deg C. When ready the roast, put in the oven & keep on basting with melted butter till well-done. Once ready, brush with hot honey & keep warm.

For the Apple confit
Granny Smith Apple- 2 nos.
Lemon Juice-1/2
Sugar- 1 tbsp or more if required
Water- 100 ml
Cinnamon Stick-1 no.
Butter- 10 gm
1. Peel & core the apple. Reserve the core & peel.
2. Bring the water to a boil with cinnamon, core & the peel.
3.Cut the apple into medium dices. Heat the butter in a pan & brown the apple a little. Once browned, pop-in them in the boiling water & add-in the sugar also. Cook till done, but not mushy.
4.Let it cool down in the water itself. Keep aside.

Spinaci alla Romana
Spinach- 500 gm
Olive Oil- 25 ml
Pork Fat- 25 gm
Pine Nuts- 10 gm
Raisins-10 gm
Seasoning- As required
1. Trim, wash & blanch the spinach. Refresh in cold water & drain again. Remove the excess water out of the spinach, but dont make it dry.
2. Heat the oil in the pan & render fat from pork. Remove cracklings, if any.Add the spinach, pine nuts & raisins till hot.
3. Season & keep hot.

Jacket Potatoes
Potatoes- 2 no.
Aluminium foil- enough to wrap each of the potatoes
Seasoning- to taste
Parsley- to garnish
Sour cream- 2 tbsp
Melted Butter- 2 tbsp
1.Preheat the oven at 175 Deg C. Wash & wrap the potatoes with aluminium foil.
2.Cook the potatoes in the oven till cooked. Keep it warm, with the wrap on until ready to serve.
3. Once ready to serve, cut a cross like "X" on top of the potatoes & squeeze from the bottom of the potatoes with four fingers, until some cooked potato comes out.
4. Dot with the melted butter, seasoning, a blob of sour cream & garnish with chopped parsley or chives.

Onc ready for plating, slice the pork loin in thick chunks & put them on the bed of spinach. Saute the apple confit till colored on sides & put them around the pork & the jacket potato on one-side.

Trio of Chocolates

Chocolate-Lemon Pannacotta
Fresh Cream-150 ml
Dark Chocolate- 25 gm
Sugar-40 gm
Gelatin-15 gm
1.Soak the gelatin in enough cold water to cover & allow to bloom. In the meantime, heat the cream & add in the chocolate, till well-dissolved. Add the zest of lime, while cream is hot & add in the sugar & mix well.
2. Add the gelatin & mix well with the cream & allow to cool in a bed of ice & keep on mixing. Once cold, add a squeeze of lemon juice.
3. Pour them in prepared ramekins/moulds & allow to set for at least 3 hours in freezer.

Chocolate-Orange Sorbet
Zest of Orange[Ideally Mandarin]- 2 nos
Sugar- 50 gm
Water- 125 ml
Cocoa Powder- 25 gm
Dark Chocolate- 45 gm
Salt- A pinch
Essence of Vanilla - 1/2 tsp
1. Heat 75 ml of water, sugar, cocoa, salt all together & bring to a boil, whilst mixing all of them. Once they come to vigorous boil, allow to boil for a minute & take it off the heat & mix in the chocolate, vanilla & the orange zest.
2.Pass the mixture through a blender & chill. Process the rest in an ice-cream maker, as per manufacturer's instructions.
[N.B.:This will yield 200 ml sorbet & you need only two scoops of it!!!]

Chocolate-Passionfruit Tart
Readymade tart-shell- 2 nos[10 cm diameter]
Dark chocolate- 40 gm
Passionfruit- 1 nos
Eggs-1 nos.
Sugar- 20 gm
Flour- 20 gm
1.Heat the chocolate in double boiler with the rest of the ingredients, till the mixture starts to thicken. Once thick, allow it to cool down.
2. Once cold, pipe them in the tart shells & serve cold.[Optionally, you can heat them & serve them warm].

In the dessert plate, demould the pannacotta & put the tart on side of the pannacotta. Put a scoop of sorbet in between & garnish with fresh mint & assorted berries.

When I write such stuff, it reminds me of a small incident. This year on V-Day[Its a kind of a D-Day...!!] I was chatting with a fellow staff, who was interested about my valentine[I hope he is not a gay!!!!]. I said, "No, I dont have". He said, "Why chef...??You are good...". Haha..I know..that I am good..sometimes too good.... :P

Enjoy the dinner with your date....

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wraps n Rolls!!!

No..its not Rock-N-Roll of Tenessee!! I am very clear about it, it is Wraps n Rolls. I feel & I think, every cuisine have their own "Wraps & Rolls", which delights the hungry stomach & pleases the eye too. Being born in Kolkata, I was always fascinated by what you call "Kathi Rolls". Options were pretty limited initially, for example Egg Rolls, Chicken Rolls, Mutton Rolls & for vegetarians, Veg. Roll. It is nothing but a wrap, made of paratha[an Indian flatbread, shallow fried in a griddle], topped with various stuffs, like fried eggs for Egg roll & the like, and topped with some condiments like sliced onion, cucumber, assorted sauces, a squeeze of lime & a pinch of salt. Rolled, wrapped with a paper & voila...
I have always preferred one with potato stuffing apart from the eggs or egg-chicken.
Also Rumali Wrap, which I learnt in Grand Hyatt. It is almost same, but a Rumali Roti[Handkerchief-->Rumaal] is used instead of oily paratha. It is meant for *fat-conscious*.

Coming out of India, perhaps I can talk about Spring rolls. Its another snack,of which I am fascinated. I love duck spring rolls, chicken spring rolls so much, that I hate vegetable spring rolls. Given the choice of fried version & the fresh version, I will opt for the former[Since it is fried, it gives some taste!!!].
Mexicans got their own wraps too...all going around Tortilla[Not the Spanish omelette with potatoes!!]
Here, in Dubai...well, I can tell you only about Shawarma. I prefer the chicken version--it is a kind of a doner kebab. If you want to know more, the internet media is opened to you....

Happy *Roll*ing :)


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday Offs..n what's cooking???-2

As I promised in the previous posts that I will put the recipes. I am putting them right away, lest it is too late for me to memorise & write them...
So the menu is:
Risotto con Zucca
Risotto with Pumpkin
Char-grilled ribeye steak with pepper sauce
Jacket potatoes, steamed broccoli & glazed carrots
Pumpkin Risotto
Italian Arborio Rice, Superfine- 50 gm
Hot vegetable stock- 200 ml
Chopped onion-10 gm
Chopped garlic-3 gm
Butter-25 gm
Grated Parmesan- 15 gm
Thyme- 1 pinch
Cooked pumpkin flesh-50 gm
Seasoning- As required
1. Heat all but 15 gm of butter & saute onion-garlic, until translucent. Add in the rice, till it starts to crackle.
2. Add hot vegetable stock, to cover the rice & cook till the rice absorbs the stock. Add the stock again & continue cooking until the rice is almost al-dente. Add in the cooked pumpkin flesh and thyme & continue cooking till rice is al-dente.Season.
3. Swirl the butter in & mix in the grated parmesan off the heat. Adjust seasoning & serve hot.

Chargrilled Ribeye steak
For the steak
Ribeye steak- 200 gm
Extra-virgin olive oil- 5 ml
Salt-2 pinch
Thyme-2 pinch
For the sauce
Brown sauce- 50 ml
Crushed black pepper- 10 gm
Tomato Ketchup- 1 tsp
Seasoning- As required
Butter- 10 gm
For the glazed baby carrots
Baby Carrots- 6 no
Butter- 10 gm
Sugar- 1 tsp
Seasoning- As required
For the steamed broccoli
Broccoli florets- 20 gm
Seaoning- As required
For the Jacket Potato
Potato, small round- 1 no
Aluminium Foil- to wrap the potato completely
Butter- 10 gm
Seasoning- As required
Sour cream- 2 tsp
Parsley- for garnish
For the steak
Rub the ingredients on the steak & keep aside till ready to cook
For the sauce
Heat the brown sauce, add in the crushed peppercorns, ketchup & season.
For the glazed baby carrots
Heat butter in a pan, add in the baby carrots & rest of the ingredients. Add enough water to cover & cook covered till done.
For the steamed broccoli
Bring a pot of water to boil & season the water. Add the broccoli florets. Once done, strain, refresh in cold water & strain again. Reserve.
For the Jacket potato
Heat oven at 175 Deg C.Wrap the potato completely & cook in the oven till done, for about an hour. Keep hot.

Final preparation
Once ready to cook, heat a pan or cook the steak in a hot grill, as per desired doneness. In the meantime heat the sauce & check the consistency. Once desired consistency is achieved, finish with a blob of butter. The carrots will be a little saucy & heat the broccoli in boiling water & keep hot. Once jacket potatoes are done, make a slit like of "X" on the top & squeeze from four bottom sides of the potato, so that it puffs up through the slit. Put in the butter, seasoning & sour cream. Garnish with chopped parsley.
Once ready for service, put the steak on the plate with the sauce drizzled on top. Put the jacket potato on side & the vegetables around. Serve immediately.

Bon Apetit!!

Sunday Offs..n what's cooking???

I think its been almost a year that I got a weekly off on a Sunday. In India, getting off on Sunday is like bliss. I remember, when I was in Chola, I worked with such a scheme, that I get an off on Sunday. Come on, its a holiday...& I want to enjoy the holiday!!
When I was a child, school used to remain closed on Saturday & Sundays. So the activities on those days were homework & in the evening going out with brother & parents to entertainment park[Kolkatans know Nicco Park very well] else, sometimes going out for long drive[the city was really less congested those days & also less pollution]. However, in due course when I started growing up, it was more like going out with friends. Still, compared to many of my friends, I go out very less, unless it is imperative for me to get some fresh air & enjoy life.
Eating out, boozing, movies, shopping or ordering some pizza in the food court of malls & then non-stop chatting with friends [Bengalis call it "Adda"!!]. Since I developed interest in cooking[I remember, I was in high school then]Sundays were meant for cooking. Perhaps my cooking disaster was Murg do-pyaza[It means chicken cooked with onions, added twice]. I substituted n re-substituted many ingredients & the ultimate product was difficult to swallow down!! Ultimately, I had to eat all :((
Ever since then, cooking on Sundays have been special[though my mother swear am a total kitchen nuisance]. If I am not cooking anything for lunch then I must cook something for dinner. Before I joined culinary school, my repertoire was limited to Indian cuisine[I so much hated Chinese cuisine as in India it is so cliched & I loved their Prawns in Hot Garlic Sauce & Mixed Hakka noodles but without soy sauce!!]. After joining hotel management, my Sundays were only devoted on hanging around with friends and cooking was totally devoted to Continental Cuisine. is a Sunday[& its a good day!!!]and I am off. What to cook???This is my question while I was having my *traditional* breakfast. Well, I got some beef yesterday, australian rib-eye. Apart from that, some broccoli, some baby carrots. I also have potato, aluminium foil. Apart from these some pumpkin I have, also risotto rice etc. How about cooking risotto with roasted pumpkin followed by grilled rib-eye[I prefer to eat between medium to well-done] with jacket potato, glazed carrots & steamed broccoli & pepper sauce[I still have some brown sauce, which I made in the beginning of this year] & for dessert???Well, I think I still have some of my gelato, with coconut milk & galangal with a hint of kaffir lime-leaves--homemade. I think I should finish it off first before going on to my next experiment of Chocolate & mint gelato.
Recipes...coming soon.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Iron Man 2:A Review

[As I expressed in my previous post, that I am not a movie critic. So any comments in this post, should be enjoyed for entertainment purpose & any risk arising is the sole discretion of the reader!!!!]
I wanted to see a movie for long, as I have not seen a good movie for long. A good...a real good movie, which I can watch or love to watch over & over again. I think, the last English movie I saw in a theater was "Percy Jackson" on Feb. 28 & last Hindi Movie in a theater was "Ghajini", in December, 2008[Thats too long!!!]. So I made a plan today with a mate, to watch "Iron Man:2" in the evening after work. Why Iron Man:2??Well..firstly, I got a good review & secondly, I love action movies[My favorite action movie is still "True Lies"].
The movie starts with a scene in Russia, an old man dying with his son Ivan around & before dying he tells his son some *secrets*, whilst in the television, and we can see Mr. Tony Stark introducing himself as "Iron Man". Ivan consoles his father to believe in those bullshit!!!
What follows next is power-packed action, with sci-fi to win or lose. Mr. Tony Stark has been motivated by his father--to fulfill his father's dream for a better Universe & make a peaceful world[He was claimed to have been successful too!!], whilst the US Govt. wanted Tony to handover all the armour & technologies.Ivan, an antagonist of the story sees all these in the TV & tries to replicate the technology, by which Iron Man was working & in other words, he wanted to challenge Iron Man, claiming that the technology was stolen by Tony's father, Howard Stark from Ivan's father. In reality, Ivan's father, seems to be a partner of Howard, however was deported to Russia & died of poverty. He was using a lot of technology & so was Ivan, & supplying ammunitions to Pakistan!!
In between, Ivan came up with his own way of using technology to have an open challenge with Tony, in the Grand Prix at Monaco. Tony could save himself, barely. Thanks to his briefcase armor, as whip like weapons of Ivan was too hard to be digested by Tony & made him to think how to improvise himself!
In the meantime, Ivan was picked up by Mr. Hammer, a weapons dealer. Apparently, a friend of Tony, but was playing a game against Tony. Reason, simply put it's jealousy!!However, Hammer was comic relief.
Do you want me to tell you the story???Or you wanna really check it out??I think the latter is a better option.
Anyways, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark was really amazing, the way he throws his dialogues, his expressions etc. Scarlett was visual relief too. Never saw her in such an avatar in any of her movies. Difficult to put my likeness about this movie in words. It's really a wonderful movie to watch & would love to see it over & over again. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cheeni Kum:A Review

[Caveat:I am not a movie-critic, nor I have the intention to be a one. I always share my thoughts with you, which has always shakened me or I am just amused by such things. My opinions must not be taken personally. Reading this article is the sole risk of the reader' discretion]

I remember year 2006-2007 was  bad year for me, since I lost a year in college & then I joined HSBC Group Service Center as a Customer Sales Executive. For one year, I lost my interest in Kitchen[Yes, it is a fact] & never used to turn my culinary books & brush my basics. They were almost ready to be for display in the museum. In the beginning of 2007, my company told me,"Gaurav, you will have to go to Manila to give training in HSBC Groups Service Center, Manila, due to a process remigration". I was in Cloud 9...I was delighted to go & give training[I love to travel & give training, deliver lectures..etc!!]. But, in between I saw this movie & regained my lost interest in Kitchen. Further, my mother told me to focus on studies & finally I dropped the plan of visiting Manila.

"Cheeni Kum", literally means, "Less Sugar". It is a story of a chef who owns a high end Indian restaurant in the heart of London. His kitchen is ever busy & he is a true master of Kitchen, who believes in professionalism & always rates his restaurant serving "Finest, Authentic Indian food in London". However, he is very rigid in his rules, specially when he advises the junior chef to add lemon juice after 30 seconds, off the heat or the role of adding,asafeotida, followed by Onion etc. However, a problem crops up, when he was flaunting about his restaurant--a food has been returned by a guest "Hyderabadi Zaffrani Pulao"[An Indian rice-meat preparation with mutton & saffron rice, not a Biryani], since it has sugar in it. When he turns upto the guest, who is from India, regarding why the food has been returned, & couldn't get a single word out of her mouth[Yes, a lady guest], he becomes a little egoistic, specially when he says, "We are ready to learn!!". The guest came with her sister, who stays in London & finally tells the chef as "Psycho", whilst the chef mutters, "Bloody Indian tourists!!!" on his way back to Kitchen.
The following day--the waiter who brought the Hyderabadi Zaffrani Pulao as being returned by the guest, brings in another plate of the same pulao inside. He goes ahead & tastes the Pulao & gives the entire procedure of this Pulao & finally says, "There is not a grain of sugar..Our Hyderabadi Zaffrani Pulao is the finest.." when the waiter interrupts, "This has been sent by the guest".He was stunned & walks into the restaurant...while the lady walks away..
The lovestory of the "Too young 64 yr old" Chef starts with "Too old 34 yr old" Woman...& carries on with a lot of drama.Oneday, they decided to go out on a date, whilst the Chef buys a Versace designer glass, on his way to the date to impress her date. The lady catches the reason[all women are so cynical about men's intentions!!!], whilst he kept on lying that he just bought it like that!!
The Chef is a pure vegetarian & when asked since he is vegetarian & had to taste the Pulao[which has meat] she made,his reply, "God forgives a sin in life!!" & many funny stuff.After the first half[You get an interval in the movie theatres of India!!] the movie became boring & lengthy & fortunately, it came to an end.
Few funny moments, like the girl's father is 6 years younger to the groom, however, the groom's would be father-in law thought the Chef is already married & well-setlled in London with children & grandchildren, when the Chef was about to talk to her father regarding their marriage. Interestingly, the girl's father was a follower of Mahatma Gandhi so to impress him, he cooked pure vegetarian food for him[Mahatma Gandhi=Non-violence=Vegetarian food!!!] but he was ashamed when the girl's father said,"If I haven't eaten chicken for dinner, what have I eaten then??"
Finally they tie the nuptial knot in the end, inspite of the father's protests, since his son-in law would be older than him!!
Amitabh Bacchan, performed the role of the "Chef", as Buddhadev  & Tabu has "Neena", the lover of the old man. Amitabh as usual did a great performance, with his intended puns in between & the way he throws them.On the other hand, "Neena", remains subtle throughout the movie..she delivers her dialogues, being cocky & funny too..Music was nice, rendered by Ilaiyaraja, specially Cheeni Kum etc.
This is a movie, that I would love to see over & over again..perhaps this movie, will never be old to me, like few other movies I have listed as my favorites.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Icecream, gelato, frozen desserts & some words...

I dont remember when I had ice-cream for the first time[I wish I had written the date or my age when I had it for the first time], but I love ice-creams. Here again, I am choosy too about ice-cream too. I wud rather have simple vanilla ice-cream, but I would rather not have chocolate ice-cream!!!In Calcutta, specially in summer having ice-cream is a luxury & in occassions it is the must for the meal to be rounded off with something sweet. However, when I was 11-12 years old, I went to a party & I had butterscotch ice-cream[before this I didn't know what it was, as I was happy with vanilla ice-cream but equally hated strawberry ice-cream!!!] for the first time. It was like a Wow!! I kept on having it over & over again..n finally I fell in love with butterscotch ice-cream[A question..why people fall in love??why dont they rise in love???]. However, in between I was told not to have ice-creams since I was getting throat infection[in other words, used to catch cold]. So, I had to wait till the ice-cream melts & comes to room temperature, only then I could have it. Such a torture!!!
Back when I entered my teens [& now I am in my tweens!!], there were not much branded ice-creams. I could recollect "Kwality", "Vadilal's" & few more, which I can't recollect!!!However, when the market expanded, globalisation also affected the Indian Economy, we could see "Kwality" becoming "Kwality Walls", Baskin Robbins & few more....then having an ice-cream was like a simple thing..a necessity but not a luxury anymore. Sometimes, when I used to feel hungry & my body temperature is high, specially in summer, buying some chocobar or Cornettos[Oh..I love it so much!!!] & having it on the way back home or to my destination..
Sometimes, eating out with friends..the simple ice-cream used to be the dessert course or every Sundays to Indian Hobby Center in park street & selecting the scoops...[miss those days!!!]
Once I joined the hospitality industry, my thoughts on ice-cream changed completely. I am always open to new foods now or new type of ice-cream. Any average Indian will acknowledge that he doesn't know what a gelato is, but he may say what "Mamma Mia" is all about[A popular chain, specialising on Gelato!!]. We were taught about gelato in our final year pastry classes[though I missed the practical classes!!!] but I never had it in Kolkata..not even anywhere else, but had it for the first time, made by me[Let me keep it a secret & keep on scrolling down, till you find the secret!!]. In my training days, my dinner used to end with an ice-cream often[1 scoop is good, 2 scoops are better!!!], whilst when I joined as a professional, I used to sneak into the italian kitchen & try the ice-creams by Movenpick!!Of course above the world experience, specially one with coffee & the other one with caramel. Again, when I was in Chennai, my late night dinner used to finish off with 3 scoops of butterscotch ice-creams. Also I had jackfruit ice-cream for the first time. It was marvellous!! But my mom told me not to have that ice-cream, since it will increase the purine level in my blood. Well..what to do!!!! :((
Coming to Dubai...I had the Pistachio ice-cream for the first time [Yes, really!!!] with a friend. It was delicious!!! Few days before I made gelato & had it too.It has got some odd combination of flavours & you will start frowning upon, if I tell you...
It has hints of galangal, a little of kaffir lime leaves & the wholesome coconut milk. What I wanted to do is that give the Italian Gelato a Thai touch!! The advantage of a gelato is that it is smoother than ice-cream & secondly it is less sweeter & less fat!!Yes, it was really good. It can team up well with some chocolate based desserts, specially chocolate souffle with a hint of orange or chocolate pot-de creme or banana based hot desserts...
I always wanted to buy an ice-cream maker, but I think if I buy it, my mother will dump it away[so many equipments are now lying around in Kolkata], but it is always a pleasure to have custom-made ice-cream!! Making my own ice-cream & having it too..with all sorts of odd & strange combinations & suprise people around!!! If I open a cafe or restaurant, perhaps my unique selling point will be ala minute ice-creams!!!Customers can choose their flavourings, nuts etc in their ice-cream & Voila....
But I will have to buy an ice-cream maker soon[I am looking for retailers ..let me know if you know any!!] & enjoy my own Gelato..may be with pineapple & rosemary!!!! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eggs...Eggs...n Eggs again!!!

My friend Rishav was telling me a day before, "Boss..update your blog". I said, "I will". True, I haven't written for a I was busy & when I was getting time, I was rather concentrating on taking care of myself, cleaning my room[now it looks less messy than before!!!], ironing my clothes[they were lying around..], my wrists[they are giving me hardtime] ....even I haven't cooked *good* for myself for long. Apart from all these "non-sense", I have been pretty busy too..which deterred me from writing & keeping my blog updated.
Rishav also had a request, which was pending for a while--it was a post on Eggs. Like Rishav, there are many people who are Eggetarians. Eggs of course, is a wonderful source of nutrition & nutritionists & dietecians advise that "Egg is a complete food". Undoubtedly--Protein in the form of amino acids, fats, Vitamins etc are there in an Egg.[Life starts from an egg too!!]
Apart from cooking the eggs for breakfast, there are numerous preparations from one country to another. Foe example, in Kolkata or anywhere, if you dont have anything...boil some eggs hard. Shell them & deep fry the eggs & lightly simmer in a gravy & you get "Egg Curry". Aandaa Bhurji is the Indian Scrambled Eggs whilst the Mumbai Version is "Aloo Akuri", which means an addition of Potatoes & served with Paratha.
Quite contrary by the original meaning, "Poached Eggs" in the repertoire of Bengal's kitchen, means "Fried Eggs". My mom always used to serve these "poached eggs" to me, in the form of fried eggs--till I found out the meaning of "Poached Eggs"!!!
Boiled eggs are very versatile...truly. You can have them as it is, or chop them coarsely or neatly & mix them with mayonnaise & some assorted aromatics, onion, celery, leek for example or even shaved fennel bulb, some mustard & then mix all together. egg-salad  for lunch...toss in some greens to make it full of proteins, iron etc. Also use it as a spread for your sandwich. A better sandwich than what you have for your "omelette sandwich". In culinary classes we were taught "Oeuf Farci" in our first year. It is nothing but stuffed eggs, with assorted stuffings of course!! Devilled Eggs, what you call in English. Boil the eggs hard, peel & cut into half. Scoop out the yolk & keep it aside. Mash the yolks & mix with mayonnaise, chopped bell-peppers, chopped parsley, basil, olives or even cooked meat & pipe them in the hollow egg-whites. Garnish & got a nice appetiser!!
When I think of Fried eggs, I can only imagine them in between two slices of bread & getting treated like a Sandwich, unless you are interested in Huevos Rancheros. You know what it is???Well..if you, ignore this part & move to the following para & those who don't, keep on reading it. Huevos, yes thats what you call "eggs" in Spanish[Quite akin to its Italian equivalent "Uova"] cooked in ranch style-which implies it has to be in some rustic style. Ideally, served with corn tortilla[of course, this is so Mexican!!] & tomato-chilli sauce. You must have this with lots of gusto!!!However, this egg-preparation is from Mexico, not from Spain!!
Moving onto scrambled eggs or "Brouille"[this how you pronounce in French] or "Ruhreier"[this is German!!] I always love it well-done, no matter I consider myself as a Continental chef or Italian chef[After all, I am Indian though I joke with my colleague at work claiming that "I am Italian"!!]. The Aanda Bhurji[Aanda for eggs!!!]in its own Indian style is perfect for anytime meal, served with some paratha. All you need some onions, some tomatoes, some garlic, some chillies according to the hotness desired, a pinch of cumin & loads of chopped coriander....!!!! Also some indian masalas, as usual...cumin powder, coriander powder, chilli powder & turmeric powder. And eggs of course!!!! Heat some oil in a pan, temper with cumin seeds, chopped garlic n chopped chilli. Add in the chopped onions, tomatoes & cook till the oil leaves the masala.Add in the powdered masalas & keep on cooking them until the oil leaves the masalas. Pour in whisked eggs[as much as you can eat!!!]& keep on stirring them, until they get kind of *overcooked*. Adjust salt & add in freshly chopped coriander. Eat it right away with paratha!!

Omelettes...well..many..many. What fascinates me is the omelette -salad of Italy. Make a flat omelette, preferably not-too thick one & cut them into thin strips & dress with some fresh tomato sauce...n then start shouting... Bella...Bella..

I think...enough of eggs today...I am yet to write on Thai Recipes....till then.. A plus tard