Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day....Best wishes from the Chef

I am not going to tell the story of St. Valentine or his martyrdom, his origin or anything related to him. Just trying to recollect, how it was in my life as of now. When I was a child, I didn't know what Valentine's day, or even then, there was not enough craze!!
Greetings card, gifts, eating out, dating, one night stand, & what not crept into our culture & ultimately in us. However, dont misunderstand me as an orthodox, conservative hardcore--I always go with the flow, of course keeping my dignity, my integrity & my values[Am I not sounding philosophical or intellectual???].
However, when I started reaching my teens &then my tweens--I could understand the essence of " St. Valentine's Day" & its stories.
But to me, it has been any other day!! Be it lonely or be myself---Its just another day--studies & moving around when I was in school/college or work, when I entered the industry. This is the first time, I will work in St. Valentine's Day. The fundamentalists in India will keep on burning cards, effigies of any Saint or plundering any store, upselling Valentine's gifts. Dubai will be far from the reach of the fundamentalists---thanks to the Liberal Govt. of Dubai, for being equal to all religions!!
One of my friend posted her status as "Yet another lonely Valentine's Day :( "....such is the level of frustration!!
If you are a regular follower of my blog, you must be knowing, that with girls I am a little shy. I have had a number of crushes from Class-8 till now...but could never express---I was always afraid of a tight slap[Interestingly, I saw in a hindi movie a guy proposes a girl on a Valentine's Day, "Will you be my timepass?" & in return he gets a slap....still..are these realistic??or holistic??]. When I was in school, I was afraid that my parents will be complained & I will get some *strike* from mother.But now???Still I am shy--but for what??I dont know!!! :)..
So I rediscover myself, seeing myself amongst the couples---who are fighting with each other, teasing each other, yet, they have love for each other...perhaps, things keep on happening everywhere, except from exceptions...
Anyways, for the couples, who are my readers or who are in love with someone special, can go through my archives and revisit the special three course menu for St. Valentine's Day. Feel free, if you want me to cook for you. Cost???Only AED 250.00 [Or US$80.00] per couple. I will go & cook for you.

By the way, few days before I was chatting with a senior of my college, obviously regarding my personal matters & we suddenly started talking about Valentine's day. She told me, "Valentine's Day is a pressure", I asked "Monetory pressure??" She replied, "No. Its a mental pressure for being single", I started giggling....
Anyways...Happy Valentine's Day---Best Wishes from the Chef. But play safe ;)

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