Friday, June 18, 2010

Rumours, Scandals n Gossips...

Of late, I have been irregular in my posts, as days have been busy, less time for writing..more time is invested at sleep[get tired easily these days, don't know why]....
Since childhood, I have been involved in rumours & scandals. In school especially, when I was in the elementary school, my name got involved with various kind of affairs. Specially rumours floating that I wrote a love letter, addressed to my classmate & later I tore it off[of course, this happened at home], but how come the journalists[i.e., people spreading the rumours] go to know, since everything happened at home?A question, which I never asked them.
Such things kept on happening & continuing...sometimes, it was a fact & sometimes, some false reports by those reporters!!!I let them carry on...if such gossips give them a little pleasure...I have been aloof--"Don't break the rhythm", my grandfather used to say.
When I was in middle school, people got something to gossip, especially when I let them my crush/infatuation on of our class mates. Some went to create stories & history also...I enjoyed them.
Today afternoon, someone told me, "Gaurav, I heard you ......", I asked him back, "Who told you?", he replied, "For the last 1 month everyone knows, but never got an opportunity to ask you". I said, "Am I mad or what??" & we closed the matter right there.
Hmm...what is the outcome???I was in the limelight a couple of months before for some reason & someone asked, "Are you over with it?", I gently replied to him, "Hopefully, but invariably they make you famous & popular"...Good for me, if I am becoming famous...afterall, what is the use being Gaurav???

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