Tuesday, February 5, 2013

V-Day--Cooking for your love (or my love too ;) )

"Wise men say only fools rush in,
But I can't help, falling in love with you..."

It is spring here again (though the deserts of Middle East have only two seasons "Not hot" & "Very Hot") everywhere- the season for the new grass, new produce & yes, season for love. And for some, this is the favorite season of all, mostly, in Europe where winter is harsh.

I was not even sure, that if I'll plan a menu for this Valentine since off late, I was busy with work & stuff. But then, if I prepare a menu, I make sure, I would rather cook all & gobble everything till the last bit. The only problem lies where I am just too tired to eat after the main course (and get drunk, if drinks included!!). So too make it less interesting, I just planned a small menu, which you can cook for your valentine (or me for mine or for myself even ;) ).

The entire menu is devised with seasonal inspirations for example, Beef is paired with vegetables of spring. Also my feelings had been incorporated in the menu, especially when I want to eat the perfectly cooked Salmon & when my heart is melting, which is further reproduced in the Chocolate fondant cake, in the shape of a heart. Without beating around the bush, let me propose my menu for this very Valentine' Day!
Les huitres declinaison- au natural, au gratinee et en raviole
Declination of Oysters three ways
Served natural, served gratinated & served as a raviolo
Saumon cuit au “sous vide”
"Sous vide" cooked Salmon
Fennel, Mustard, Tomato
Le filet de boeuf
Angus Beef Tenderloin
Ala Printaniere, purple potato, pepper sauce
Le Coeur au Chocolat
The Chocolate heart
Chocolate fondant, Raspberry sorbet

Wish you all a very Happy Valentine' Day!!:)

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