Thursday, January 17, 2013

Looking back through the year 2012...

"Always maintain a daily journal...stating what you did throughout the day and then make a note of what you learned"--which my parents always used to say when I was growing up. But as usual, I seldom paid any attention to their words, which is why, I dont quite remember what I did on January 1, 2012--the first day of the year. Was I at home? Or I went out somewhere...

Looking back at the year 2012, sitting here in my room on the first day of 2013, makes me think how did I manage to finish this year so fast! Year 2012 was real fast.

The worth mentioning events were, I went home twice in a gap of three months & that too during Durga Puja. I was longing to be in Kolkata during Durga Puja, since 2008 (I am out of home since 2008)...and in 2012 I was so much longing for it.

The year started off well, with my interest to search for the other half, but then...I was wrong. It was again some time wasted..Otherwise, merry making on day offs with friends--going to eat in a lot of restaurants (even those, which I never dreamt of/heard of ). Also work was going fine....till the Argentinian promotion hit the restaurant. It was a...err a lot of work..but then fun. Getting to know & learn a lot of things about a cuisine which I never imagined of cooking.

On the same time, cooking at home (my infamous photo album), my another activity off work also moved on well. Trying new dishes & combinations that I always loved to try & loved to cook at home. And gradually things just moved to the higher level, so much (especially from my *likers* of the album) that expectations were high. Just a grilled chicken or a pan fried salmon for example was not enough. So, when I prepared the menu for Christmas at home (alas, it was for me only) that I really had to think a lot before, I presented the menu in my blog, albeit after a lot of editing the menu itself.

In March-April, 2012, perhaps I got the opportunity of working in the most coveted section of a chef--the sauce section (or in French as you'd say Chef Saucier), thanks to my chef, who gave me the chance to excel in preparing the sauces. However, the recipes were based on the advice of one of my mentors, who is now well settled in France. In the sametime, cooking fish, hot starters as well...Umm, well, it was challenging but when my boss said once, "Once again it is proved that I didn't make wrong decision by putting in sauce section", I was relaxed! (I worked with different sauce recipes afterwards, but I can tell you, nothing like the sauces that I used to make, following the mentor's recipes--those sauces were like truth testified in every drop of the sauces.)

However, smooth seas never made a skilful sailor. And every work colleagues will never be super nice to you(which unfortunately, I always expect!). There were a couple of misunderstandings with a few of them, which made think again & again, whether am I in the right place? Sometimes, even felt like running away. But then, everywhere it will be the same. And secondly, these are just simple misunderstandings which we further complicate. So, I had to compromise with my own self, my attitude & ethics & just let it go.

 In July, 2012, I had the opportunity to visit home. I was super excited of course, cause I didn't visit home since Jan 2011. Which means catching up with old friends, of course my best friend (who had been my best friend since 1997), relatives, family members & of course my dear Kolkata. I also had plans to visit Goa, made a reservation in one of the leading hotels of Goa a month before, just want to utilise my complimentary room nights, thanks to the company where I used to work then!
I was just upset, to find out that the promises by my so called best friend, seldom kept his promises. Even couldn't catch up for 5 mins. So, with few others!! However, to my surprise, I caught up with friends, with who I never imagined to meet or even planned. Well, thats how it was!

Once back to Dubai from Vacation I had two options left with ...either find a job by September 15, resign, go to Kolkata for about a week or else, go to Kolkata during Puja holidays (about which I was not sure). In the sametime, I had plans for being in the next level. But what if the employer is not ready!! :/
Job search was hard..some doors were closed and some doors I will never open. Kitchen trials, interviews everything were on. Especially with a position I was looking for back then. Some people rejected outright, some called in for interview & then rejected whilst others offered my lesser than what I asked for.  So "Lets go to Kolkata during Puja holidays", I told myself, since I missed Durga Puja of Kolkata since 2008. Well, to my surprise, it was great catching up with just an *internet* friend in the virtual world! Thanks to her for coming all the way to airport just to catch up with me in Mumbai & staying through midnight. It was great to be in Kolkata during Durga Puja & to round it off in a sweet note, met a bunch of friends, with who I studied till grade 10-- and met some of them after like 10 years. Again, whilst coming back to Dubai (which was again via Delhi), met one of my classmates after 10 years, thankful to her for coming all the way to the airport to receive me on her day off!!

Well, back to Dubai, "But I dont want to do one more Christmas", was the motto of the year. So, job search was on, "By hook or by crook", whilst my boss would often ask me about my plans. I understand everyone's necessity since, he never wanted to lose me when business is up, restaurants are almost full & every night is busy. For another gain, will never dump my present employer. So I just promised him one fine evening, "Whatever happens, I can promise you, I will stay here through December 31". It was my calling, so despite I had an offer for a chef de partie position, with another leading hotel brands in Abu Dhabi. I gave a good, long notice to my employer & conveyed to my the then "future" employer cannot join before December 31.

As my notice period passed, life was different. I was taking my work with more patience, care & with 100% dedication & involvement. Just never wanted people to talk behind me, "Gaurav resigned, so he doesn't care anymore!!". Of course, people will say so, even if I do 101%!! What I actually didn't care much about during my 45 day notice period, was the people with who I worked. If they do or dont do, was not my concern. "I will do 100%", was my motto.

And then was the last day & my last evening in Dubai, December 31, 2012. The last service I did in the position of a commis, the last service of the year 2012, my last service in the company & last service in Dubai. It was a touchy moment for me, wearing the uniform for the very last time.
"Just be calm & composed", I told myself before the service start. It was a gala dinner for around 86-90 people. And finally the last service in Dubai was DONE!!!
It was just a great way to say GoodBye to 2012!

Now looking back at the year...well, I have gained & lost a number of things at the same time. I have lost my best friend, who doesn't want to keep in touch with me. Sadly, I hardly have very close friends in Kolkata!, "You will really have a happy new year", one of my friends commented hearing my new venture in Abu Dhabi in the new year. I really hope that I will have an awesome year ahead. Life always throws challenges & the winner is the one who can accept it & always comes out a smile! To my critics, "Please go ahead with your criticism", as one said the other day when he got to know that I am a chef de partie, "Positions dont matter", well if positions dont matter, then why is there a hierarchy in the kitchen?
My well-wishers, thank you for continuous wishes & blessings & to everyone, heartfelt wishes for your continuous support!!
So, one step up with professional life is done (and many more to go), but now I should also think about my personal life...can I??? :)

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