Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Lost years of my childhood..Part 1

I actually don't know from where to start with. Will it be the one when I actually chewed down my grandfather's sleeping pills??Or walking (rather forced) home barefoot on a scorching summer afternoon, when the pitch was almost melting (I was just 3-4 years old then!!)??
Or shall I say when I flunked for the first time & got a red ink in mathematics when I was in standard 3 & actually didn't understand the "value" of the red inked number??
I was only 2 years old then, I guess

There are a couple of incidents which I remember pretty clearly & there are some, which I actually dont remember happening but I hear them as "stories" from my parents or family members.

Perhaps,the one that I can recollect clearly is chewing down my grandfather's sleeping pills. Since on his final years, he became a patient of nervous breakdown (I find it more like Alzheimer's now) he was prescribed to take sleeping pills.I was around 3 years old I guess when my mother took me to my grand parent's house (or "Mama-r bari" as we say in Bengali) and I was just playing around. Perhaps you know by now that how found I am about sweets. It was a regular day & I saw my mother carrying a tray containing some tablets. One strip was interesting--9 out of 10 tablets were white & one was red in colour. She came inside the bedroom & put the tray on top of the television (so as to keep it away from my reach). As soon as she left the room, I got myself a chair, climbed upon & wanted to eat that "most interesting tablet", wondering it must be something sweet. But to my surprise it was bitter in taste. I was like "eww" crying to my mom what I ate. My grandmother who was preparing for lunch, was terribly upset & gave a hard blow on my back, "Why do you do all these here?". They knew that I just chewed down a sleeping pill!!
My mother took me the family physician, who told not to panic, "He will just sleep a lot, nothing to worry. However, if you really want, can take him to the hospital to pump the medicine out". But then...I quite actually didn't fall asleep..
There is another incident which I must share with you. The first day of my school when I was admitted to the kindergarten. It was a great day--I met a lot of people & friends (and also my childhood crush I may say, about who I have no clue anymore!!)But when my mother came to pick me up, she was surprised!! I actually took my *shorts* off, threw the shoe laces away & I had a small box--which I broke completely. Well, it was taken care of, however, I had this daily ritual of throwing shoe laces away. Still, I don't know, why I used to do that, but I completely see myself throwing it away in the afternoon (It was my mother who used to tie my shoelaces..and not me!). It was really problematic for her everyday as she had to find a pair of shoelaces every day! So one day she decided to punish me.
It was a scorching afternoon of summer. As usual, I opened my shoelaces & threw it out of the window. Once she picked me up from the school she told me to open my shoes in the middle of the road. I was quite surprised as how I would walk barefoot when the pitch was almost melting. And once I started walking, I started crying out loud, "I will never open my shoelaces again..I will never" & walk for about sometime till we reached home. Our neighbor hearing my loud cry came out to see why was I crying & on finding out the reason ridiculed my mother. They immediately got some ice water for me, to dip my feet. I actually didn't open my shoelaces again. Such was my mother' punishment (which were very tough I must say) when I was only 3.5 years old..

More stories to come...

1 comment:

  1. It is the story quite common in one way or the other for most children at that age; I appreciate that you got time to pen down your experiences. I wish you all the best in your future attempts.
