Monday, February 28, 2011

Belated Valentine's Menu....

It was difficult for me to make out sometime & write a new menu for the day dedicated to lovers [I wonder sometimes, if there was a day dedicated only for the singles]. One of my last menus, dedicated for the partners was cook for your dream date--fortunately, one of the followers of this blog, tried this out for her husband [she lamented poorly, if she had tried this out for her lover...before getting married...]and thanked me...and now its time for others I try out something. Since this year, I didn't work on Valentine's day--I announced an open offer...I will cook for a couple...3 course menu @ only DHS 500!!! Unfortunately...I never got a chance to cook for, but for myself!!

Anyways, the menu that I have planned doesn't have too much of the so called "red" for valentine's[as other people depict]. I understand that "red" is the color of passion, but does that mean all your food has to have something in red???Can't you express your passion through, oysters, lobsters, passionfruit [aphrodisiacs in other words]???

Here is my offer...
Beetroot Salad with Hazelnuts & Raspberry
Lemon Dressing, Pureed Pistachio
My Surf & Turf
Lobster Ravioli, Slow-cooked pork belly, Wild Mushroom Jus, Asparagus
Warm Passionfruit Curd, Passionfruit & Milk Chocolate Jelly, Passionfruit Pumice Stone

Stories behind each foods...
Beetroot Salad
I saw this salad in one of the episodes of "No reservations" by Anthony Bourdain. Beetroot & Raspberry may sound odd---but combines well.
My Surf & Turf
It just came to my mind....I had some slow cooked pork belly lying with me...cooked sous vide at 70 Deg C for 8 hours. How about making a lobster ravioli & serve with it?? It goes well too..
It needs a lot of mise-en place, lots of running here & there.It needs patience. But the end result is well-worth. I made a jelly of milkchocolate with passionfruit & you may ask why. Well, the answer is to cut down the tartness of the passionfruit.I tried it once, making it in a professional kitchen. It is really good. The pumice stone???Well, I borrowed this idea from the concept of frozen foam.

Enjoy reading.... :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Campus Interviews..

"What is his name, sitting next to you?", the professor aka Baap of IHM asked a student.
"His name is ......., " the student replied.
"And what relationship do you have with him?", Baap asked the same student.
"Sir, he is my best friend....", the student said.
"Well, will he be your friend during campus interviews also???", this was Baap's third question & hopefully the last question.
There was silence...pindrop silence in the Students' Dining Hall, abbreviated to S.D.H.
Campus interviews are perhaps, the most threatening period for a student, who was struggling to reach this stage. Its a period---do or die. Either you get it...or you don't. You fight for win it...if you dont, you lose it to someone else. No friendship during the interviews, during group discussion. If you are fortunate enough, you can work with your best friends...
When it comes to my Campus interviews...I will share my part of the story..the most crucial stages, I went through. Crucial to the point, that I used to sleep for only 3 hrs those days...Personal problems, problems in family, low attendance in college & work..many many things etc.
If I recollect properly, the first campus interview I appeared for ...was for Kingfisher. In any case, I was never interested to join any airlines for a ground staff or whatever. I was interested to have an experience for the "interviews" & "group discussion". I was poor in group discussions..most of the times, when my turn came,  I was put off by some other "friend", who tried to establish his fact was correct & ultimate..and ultimately, the entire group was disqualified.
After was with Oberois. If you get a job as OCLD [as a management trainee], its like a dream come true. If you dont get have some other options....or may be nothing. We went to The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata. The then Training Manager, Mr. Deepak Malhotra greeted us & we had a first round. It was introducing each other, career aspirations. Thank my english[I think it was good] & my pronunciation, I was shortlisted for the next round...when it was already 2 pm. Time for lunch...& when my turn came for the next was almost 7:30 pm. I was getting bored in the ballroom, there were not enough good looking girls chat!!
Finally, my turn came. This turn is like you make it...or you break it. Either you get shortlisted for OCLD...or operational trainee.. or simply put...kicked out.
I dont remember the chef's name now...he was a Sous Chef, a muslim guy. First he asked me about myself [now this is so cliched!!] & finally the place where from, I did my training. When I said, I did from ITC Sonar, he started asking me which outlet & what was the most selling dish. "Murg Malai Kabab", I said.
He started shooting, "What is it made of?", I started guessing...and said, "Yellow chilly powder". He was surprised, "Yellow chilly powder??or white pepper powder". I was strong, saying, "Chef, it was yellow chilly powder", it seemed I couldn't convince him. Then he asked me, "What is Shah Jeera in english?". I was good in European cuisine and equally dumb in Indian cuisine. A person who can tell you the basic gravies & some talks on North Indian food...but when it came to basics...I was a disaster. "I dont know", was my humble reply. "What is Kalonji?", his next question. Complete surrender. "I dont know", I said.
"So, which cuisine are you focussing on, Indian??", this was his question then, when he found me dumb in the indian section.
"Chef, I am into Continental", I was ready for him to ask me questions on Continental Cuisine.
Then it was my turn to answer all questions, correctly, to his questions. I guess, he was asking me questions from all around the world, but Indian. I was smart enough, to showcase my knowledge too...Moroccan, Spanish, Italian, French & many many stuff..
His final throw, "If I shortlist you for an operational trainee position, will you come for a food trial?"
I, having no offers in hand, said, "Yes".
"Ok..what will you prepare?", he asked me.
I gave him a three course menu & he asked me, how shall I prepare each of them. And then, I left for the day.
I was ready after two days..for the food trial. I reached The Oberoi Grand, Kolkata, located in the busiest part & the most happening part of the city, with its grandeur & old fashioned form...existing for over a century. After having a brief interaction with the then Executive Chef, Chef George K. George, from Kerala, I started off in the La terrace kitchen. Thank god..the kitchen was not busy enough, but when I look back from now, my menu was nowhere close to contemporary menus. Neither, it was expected from a fresh college passout. A person, having no experience in working in any professional kitchen, it was difficult for me, to run from one kitchen to another. My soup was "Cream of Mushroom with Ginger", salad was "Russian Salad", & Main course was "Grilled Chicken Aurore, Aurore sauce, steamed broccoli & Duchesse potatoes," apart from Hollandaise sauce, which everyone had to prepare to show the culinary skill.
I was fighting with my overcooked...undercooked potatoes, to mash them. I was afraid, my hollandaise was a failure & my chicken was getting overcooked.
Finally, the presentation time came. If I was selected, it would have been grace of God...if not, I was ready for it.
"What soup is this?", Chef George asked me.
"Its Cream of Mushroom with ginger", I said, my voice was weak.
"Aah...that means Indian style," He asked me with a smile.
"Umm...I mean I saw this recipe in BBC", I said, quite an excuse.
"If people can become chefs after watching BBC, why do we need catering colleges?", he said.
I had no answer to his question. He tasted the other foods, and said nothing. After tasting the food of the other mates, informed us to have Lunch in their employee cafetaria & later meet him in person.
We were waiting outside to meet, after the lunch. He called me in, "Gaurav, Is this your first trial?".
I said,"Yes".
"What do you think of it?"
"It was not good, "I said.
"Well, I am sorry, we wont be able to proceed your application any further. Its not that you cannot work in kitchen, but it is not as per Oberoi standards".
I was expecting such outcome, "Thats ok Chef...Thank you.!!" I left his office...

The next one...was, well...with The Taj. It is a is a game by Amitava K. Sen, a senior lecturer of third year classes[generally] & also placement-in charge. If you are in his good books, if you have praised him a lot[Butter..get me right, Butter with some nasal tone]you are for The Taj. If you are not, the end period is not for you.
The Taj conducted a written exam, on the basics followed by a Group Discussion. I said a few words in the GD...but in the end...disqualified. Nothing much to say in this case...
Next came The Park group of Hotels. The GD was fine...I said only one line...& was quickly shortlisted for the Personal Interview with Mr.Siraj Mukherjee, the then Training Manager of The Park Group of Hotels. Once I entered his room, his first question, "Gaurav, which cuisine are you focussing in??".
"Continental", was my reply, not knowing whether I should be specific.
"Continental...well, be specific...French, Italian, Spanish....??" he asked me.
"Italian, to be specific", I fumbled.
Then started a rapid fire round...perhaps, the best rapid fire round, when it comes to interviews. He was shooting me questions...& I was able to tackle him--a few mistakes here & there. I forgot..what was scamorza... :(
After a couple of days, he sent the results & I was shortlisted as a Kitchen Management Trainee[subjected to further interviews in Mumbai], but never forget this was the same person, who rejected my application for Industrial trainee, in December, 2004.
Campus interviews were becoming a daily thing...some happy faces..some unhappy faces used to appear at the end of the interviews...Some got what they wanted..Some never got what they wanted, & Some got what they never wanted...Some people, who will backstab....some green eyes...some surprised faces...and so many...
For someone like me...who doesn't have a Godfather in Hospitality industry...getting an offer during Campus interviews was difficult. I didn't learn the art of flattering, which would have secured me a better offer--may be the most coveted position of Kitchen Management trainee. Neither, I was an excellent or outstanding student in college.
I remember, attending the Pizza Hut interviews. I succeeded in the GD & then personal interview. I was rejected in the Personal Interview...perhaps, the personnel manager, assumed I am meant for Kitchen..not for service.
Next was Hyatt..I succeeded in the GD, followed by a psychometric which I passed & followed by a personal Interview. I succeeded in that too...offered a position of Commis chef position in the gigantic Grand Hyatt, Mumbai. But salary???I guess, it was peanuts back then.
Next & perhaps, the final one I attended was "The Imperial Hotel", in New Delhi, a majestic hotel in the capital city of India for over 70 years. I succeeded in the GD...followed by an interview with the Personnel Manager. He was impressed with my vast knowledge in Italian cuisine...& shortlisted me for the further rounds in Delhi....a meeting with the Exe. Chef. Which ultimately, never happened...he left that hotel!!!

This was a pain...cracking the interviews in the college...The Park group of hotels didn't hire any student from our college that year...ITC Park Sheraton didn't revert back on what happened to the food trial we gave in ITC Park ultimately, I had no other option than joining Grand Hyatt, Mumbai...for a meagre basic salary!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

An evening in Olypub...

"Gaurav...let's go to Olypub", Kaustav was telling me, once we were done with our classes.
"Fine..but where the hell it is??", I asked him.
"It's in Park Street--let's boose", Kaustav added. Two more members of this crime--Joydeep & Joydev. The date, I faintly remember, it was somewhere in the end of January of 2005...from when, officially I started "boozing"....
Well, to describe Olypub, it will be real difficult. People swear that nowhere you will get the same ambience like Olypub. The people...mostly dropping in after college, after work, in the midst of work for some *quick relief*,  or just for a casual affair. Olypub is a place for everyone & for everything..
Those waiters, overworked...looking for more & more tips..even if by the means of extortion..
Those same old glasses for everything--beer, water, liqours & even for the check..
Those dingy, shabby getup of the resto-bar...
Even,I started eating beef[the low quality of Indian beef, compared to Angus, Kobe etc] from this place...
No sooner, did Kaustav initiate me in the "booze" business, I became a fan of this place. Frequenting this place after classes in college, in the weekends, after exams...or sometimes, during fests etc.
I went to Olypub this time, on January 16th, 2010 to meet two of my friends...Joydeep, who stays in the city & William--who is a NRI like me.
"Gaurav, dont puke 4 bottles after you drink one bottle of beer", was Joydeep's cautious statement, when I ordered one bottle of Budweiser, alongwith Chicken ala kiev[Kaustav's favorite], whilst Joydeep had a pint of Kingfisher and William had whisky--shared a mixed grill[my favorite too..but too much fat!!!].
It has really been a longtime...since I stepped out of this dingy, little place..the ambience has changed drastically...we've changed, the patrons of Olypub has changed..and so are the waiters[One of my friends used to call them as "Dushman", meaning, "Enemy"...his justification,"If he had been my friend, would he have charged us???"..we all agreed to his conclusion...perhaps...]
Our discussion over there was mostly based on our work...a little a personal life...and ended up with dirty talks....who kissed whose ass...who slept with who...whilst William indulged in more & more alcohol.
At around 9:45, we had to call off...settling the "bill"/ check, whilst, the waiter had the same poor attitude---charging us extra for tips--with which we never agreed--same life before & then headed to find a cab--yes, too reach home, though William was reluctant to go home rather wanted to go somewhere else, for physical gratification.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tasting Menus in Vacation....II

There was yet one more menu, that I wanted to cook for my mother & brother. It was a little elaborate--a five course meal. The meal kick started with a soup, followed by a pasta, main course, cheese course & finally a trio of desserts.
It was a challenge for I thoughtfully planned this menu...focussing on ingredients, generally easy to get...easy to cook...but on the next level....many things, I was trying till I put them on the plate together...eventually, they still need to be refined!!
Here is that menu...
Cappuccino di Funghi
with Wild Mushroom
Ravioli di Zucca
Pumpkin ravioli in tomato-basil sauce & parmesan foam
Branzino Locale
Fresh water seabass, green pea mousse, poeled potato, Sicilian pesto
Selezione di Formaggi
Brie, Camembert, Goat Cheese...served with apple & walnut relish
Trio di Citrus
Warm Lemon-Almond pudding, Lime pannacotta & orange-chocolate fondant with blueberry sauce & marinated strawberries

Recipes???If you ask for it... :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tasting Menus in Vacation....1

I planned my menus a week before I went for vacation. Ommissions, editions, modifications & all sorts whilst keeping in mind that I will cook something unique, something different, which my "guinea pigs"[meaning, those who will taste my food].
So, here it is, the Tasting Menu #1, I did for my mom & my brother.
Creme de carrote
avec foam de orange
Ravioli de Mozzarella
Buffalo Mozzarella, anchovies, olives & basil
Poulet Roti Forestiere
Wild Mushroom & Bacon fricasse, Saffron Mashed potato, Port wine glaze, buttered brussels sprouts
Cinnamon Pot de creme
with Spiced Apple chutney

Cream of Carrot [For 4 people]
For the soup:
Carrot-200 gm[medium dices--middle rib removed if possible]
Shallots-30gm[finely chopped]
Garlic-10 gm[finely chopped]
Butter-20 gm
Cream- 30 ml[hot]
Salt & Pepper- to taste
Vegetable stock- 400 ml[hot]
For the Foam
Orange Zest- of two oranges
Cream- 100 ml
Soy Lecithin-1/2 tsp
For the foam
1. Scald the cream with the orange zest. Season a little & allow to infuse.Keep aside.
For the Soup
1. Saute shallots followed by garlic in butter, till lightly colored. Add in the carrots & saute for sometime, till the carrots are lightly colored. Season with salt-pepper.
2. Add in the vegetable stock--barely covered & simmer till carrots just fall apart. Blend to a puree.
3. Reheat the puree of the carrots & adjust the consistency. Season the soup. Once ready for service, add in the cream & check the seasoning.
Pour the soups in hot espresso cups with a breadsticks. Blend the cream for foam to get the foam. Collect the foam with a spoon & put it on top of the soups. Serve immediately

Ravioli di Mozzarella[For 4 people]
For the ravioli:
Flour-150 gm
Eggs, whole-2
Egg yolk-1 no
Salt- To taste
Buffalo Mozzarella,fresh- 250 gm
Olive Oil-1 tbsp
For the sauce:
Anchovies, mashed- 1 tsp
Garlic-1/2 clove
Olive Oil- 20 ml
Butter, frozen- 20 gm
Cherry tomatoes- 100 gm
Kalamata Olives- 20 gm
Basil- 15 gm, chopped
For the pasta:
1.Make a well in the center of the flour. Drop in the eggs & mix in slowly until you get a moist, smooth dough. Add in the salt & oil. Keep on kneading till you get a smooth dough and your hands starts paining. Cover & allow to rest for at least 30 mins.
2. Roll out the dough to the desired thickness[dont make too dough, or your pasta will break, when you stuff & roll].
3. Cut the buffalo mozzarella into sizes of 20 gm each[you will get 12 pieces].
4. Arrange them neatly on the rolled pasta, keeping spaces in between. Put another sheet on top & them into 12 raviolis each. Press the edges, while removing any air inside. Blanch the pasta for 30 seconds & keep aside till ready for service.
For the sauce:
1. Heat the oil in a pan, add in anchovies followed by garlic. Toss in the cherry tomatoes, olives & basil. Cook for sometime, till you get the flavours, add in the salt & pepper. Finish off with butter.
Final assembling:
Blanch the pasta again for 30 seconds & toss them in the sauce. Serve hot.

Want the rest of the recipes???
Email me.... :)