Sunday, September 26, 2010

Festive season....

The third quarter is about to end up in a couple of days [alcoholics, please dont get me wrong...] & lies the festive season ahead--Bengali's Annual Festival, Durga  Puja [though Bengalis have festival round the year] & followed by Diwali, Christmas & the new year & another year....
As usual, I will miss home, during this period, as I have not stayed with my family during Durga Puja, since 2008 & this year possibilities are remote, unless God wants so...
I am busy with menu planning for my own[yes, for my very own.....]Thanksgiving[who to thank to???], Christmas[Coz, every year I do so....]& new year may be...apart from weekly trials on my day offs...
This is it..keep on checking my blog, as it will be updated from time to time...weekly, if not daily....
Buona Giornata!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Interview ... :P

1.If you married the last person you texted, what would your last name be?
I being a male, it will remain unchanged

2. Were you happy when you woke up today?
Yes...I was. Its a day off..
3. What’s something that can always make you feel better? When did you need it last?
Honest feedback of people about me & my cooking. Yesterday, got good feedback from guests.
4. What are you excited for?
Planning to visit US next year...*fingers crossed*
5. What were you doing yesterday?
Working in the morning..n then groceries in the evening.
6. What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Hot chocolate
7. Have a best friend(s)?
Yes...I do.
8. Are you scared to fall in love?
Fall??or Rise???Yes, I am scared...I get hurt easily... :(
9. Do you think teenagers can be in love?
Can be...
10. Last person you wanted to punch in the face?
My colleague
11.What do you want right now?
12. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
Dont mostly, I take pictures of food.
13. Are you single/taken/heartbroken/or confused?
14. When was the last time you cried?
Whilst leaving home on July 31st, 2010
15. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes..mostly with my mother
16. Do you find it hard to trust others?
Yes...pretty often these days...when ppl pretend to be friends & finally cheat on you..
17. I bet you miss somebody right now..
May be...
18. Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
Yes...I am perfect!!: )
19. Tell me what's on your mind.
A 1000 things....
20. What are you looking forward to in the next three months?
A new season is approaching...followed by a new year...will usher in new hopes & surprises
21. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?
When I was 3-4 cousin sister's clothes
22. When did you last talk to your number 1 top friend?
I chat with him....dont talk to him..
23. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell anything to?
24. How's your heart?
Difficult to put it in words...but oneday it will become gold... :)
25. Have you ever felt like you weren't important?
26. Do you think somebody's in love with you?
Dont know....
27. What are you planning on doing after this?
28. When will your next kiss take place?
Dont know...
29. Have you told anybody you loved them today?
30. Who do you not get along with?
Many of my relatives & ppl who are not my cup of tea...
31. What are you wearing right now?
Shorts n Tees
32. Are you wasting your time on the person you like?
Sometimes, I think so..
33. How did you feel when you woke up?
34. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
35. Do you crack your knuckles?
When I have nothing to do..
36. What were you doing yesterday at midnight?
Sleeping probably
37. Who's the first B in your contacts?
Babloo mashi
38. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
39. Last awkward moment?
Gossips about me...yesterday
40. Are you afraid of the dark?
41. Do you have good vision?
42. Have you ever tripped someone?
43. Have you ever slapped someone?
44. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments?
45. Can you go out in public looking like you do?
46. Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
Depends on my mood
47. Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
48.Do you miss the way things used to be?
Change is the only constant
49. How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
50. Want someone back in your life?
51. Will tomorrow be better than today?
Why not today??
52.Does it bother you when someone lies to you?
53. Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
Dont know
54. Are you a naturally happy person? Or is your happiness forced?
the former..
55. Is there anyone you wish would fall in love with you?

Monday, September 6, 2010

Making Sushi..

I didn't know what it was before my senior told me in my first year. I was like "Ok..I will figure it out in due course". In my second year, I had the interest about knowing the global cuisines--Greek, German, Portuguese & Spanish, Japanese,Thai[my professor also insisted me on knowing Chinese, Mongolian, Korean too!!!]
"Sushi" & "Sashimi"--these are two terms often discussed in newspapers, magazines, journals, food columns etc. People would often confuse the difference between the two. Once, a person told me, "Sushi is all about raw fish"--he was verily wrong. Let's understand the concept of "Sushi" & "Sashimi".
"Sushi"--in simple terms is soured-rice[obviously, by the addition of vinegar]. Japanese short-grained, glutinous white rice is used & mixed with sake or rice vinegar once the rice is cooked. An array of toppings and fillings are used, often a portion of this rice is put on a sheet of seaweed, called "Nori"[this is edible].The toppings, fillings range from vegetarian to meats, seafood, omelette etc.
"Sashimi"--simply put, raw fish & garnishes, obviously with the traditional accompaniments, like pickled ginger, soy sauce & wasabi.

I didn't know that I will have to learn making sushi, until my boss insisted me on learning this Sushi, or I can put it in other words, "Learnt on compulsion".The colleague who used to make Sushi, was going on vacation,so who will make in his absence. The sushi chef, had issues in joining at that time, so I had to learn it. With an injured index finger[the one before the middle finger...], making sushi in the inital days was difficult[the index finger plays a bigrole for making sushi..if you are right handed ], but learning something new was fun. Overcooked rice, undercooked rice..n perfect rice. I was like playing with the rice most of the times...but as a Sushi master, one must know how to cook the rice perfectly. Washing the rice for about 10 times & soaking in water cooks the rice faster & also u need less water, whilst washing it for 10 times & then putting the rice in the rice cooker, will definitely take some time to cook, however, it has the capability to absorb a lot of cooked vinegar.
Making the california rolls[heavily influenced by Californians may be, an influence Japanese chefs could not resist...]were easier than making the Nigirisushi[pronounced as Nigirizushi], specially making the tuna nigiri[maguru, bluefin tuna], salmon nigiri[sake nigiri]& cooked prawns[ama ebi nigiri] & then eel[unagi] & japanese omelette[tamagu]...

Making wasabi...
Oneday I saw something green in colour & I asked my colleague, "Is that pesto cream cheese?" & he said,"Yes..". It was so green I was stunned by the colour of the pesto cream cheese & wanted to taste it....& the result was disastrous....It was wasabi....the kick, the sharpness...can't put it in words...
When the old stock of wasabi[i.e. the powdered wasabi hydrated] used to finish, I had the task of preparing the wasabi. Initially, I didn't know how to stop crying, sneezing whilst preparing wasabi, but gradually, I tried this trick...keeping my face away ...... goes one more attribute to my repertoire...I can make sushi... :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cook your steak...

Since I hail from a hindu family[ family members...] having a steak in a restaurant[forget about cooking at home...]& later flaunting about it at seriously a taboo. Yes, hindus are not supposed to eat beef[i.e. cow's meat!!]due to religious reasons. So I didn't eat it, since my father would not allow us to have beef outside, when we used to go out for dinner every sundays or weekends, when I was a student.
Post-joining the hotel management institute, we were supposed to taste everything[I dare not to eat snake, rat, insects & human flesh!!!]The so-called strict hindus wouldn't eat beef, but I was interested in tasting the first preparation I made with beef, i.e. Consomme & next was Tournedos ala portugaise. Tournedo, a cut from the tenderloin of beef, grilled & cooked, well-done in a tomato based sauce with peppers.However, it was bland for me, however, ever since I started visiting "Olypub" a  popular resto-bar in the most happening place of "Kolkata", aka Calcutta, I always used to have Chateaubriand, a popular cut of the tenderloin, which was served with some fries & some grilled onions...if I can recollect. It was always served well-done,[well, Indian beef, should always be eaten well-done!!!]
Frequent visits to Olypub, added by daily consumption of red meat in the form of Lamb Biryani, increased the protein level in my blood & thus high uric acid, resulted in multiple control red meat!!!!
Well,from 2006 till end quarter of 2009, I didn't eat beef. Yes...for a long, long time. Excuse I used to give is that "I am a Hindu" or sometimes more subtle,"For obvious reasons, I dont eat beef...medical grounds!!!".
I had Angus beef during my service in Chennai. It was Irish Black Angus, perhaps, it was Sirloin part, that we got in the hotel. Though I restrained myself from eating for a long-time, but the colour of the meat was irresistible!!!So, one fine night, I took the courage of taking one out of the chiller & cooking for myself & yes, cooked medium done. By the way, I have seen guests having rare done & when the plate comes to the kitchen, it is neat & clean..not even a drop of blood...Anyways...seasoning..simple salt & pepper..& no sauce. Taste..well, beyond words to describe. People say about Kobe beef..need to try it next....

Coming to Dubai..well, I didn't have for several months, though the meat available here is of superior quality...yes, all chilled & imported from Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, USA, & also from India & Pakistan. Though, I used to give the same excuse, but one fine day, I bought some 200 gm of Australian Rib-eye steak & then it became a habit...a weekly ritual on my day off. Few friends, were stunned to see that I have started eating spite of the restrictions.

Now today, after a long time[after 1 month I guess...], cooked a steak for quenching this "hunger", since I was craving to have a steak, of recent..badly!!!I got this wonderful meat, NZ Rib-eye steak this thursday from Spinneys Supermarket & cooked it to my satisfaction.
Rule No.1--->Let your steak be in room temperature. I mean in raw form...else, the heat will never reach inside, unless you are going to have a 500 gm steak, well-done, which means you will have to finish it off in the oven, specially a cut from tenderloin.
Rule No.2--->Season with crushed black pepper & salt only on one side. That means, salt on the presentation side & the other side can be seasoned when you are cooking your steak.
Rule No.3--->If you are grilling in a pan, let it be very hot...yes, very, very hot, put a spoon of oil & then put the steak. You will hear when it sizzles.

I like my steak, burger...medium done. Rest all meat, including lamb...must be well-done!!!
So today's menu....[Just another blasphemic act... lols...]
Grilled Rib-eye steak
Fondant Potato, Grilled Tomato, Redwine-Balsamic Reduction
Fondente al cioccolato
Gelato al Pistacchio