Monday, August 17, 2015

Just Another food porn in Singapore

So, another Singapore. When was the last time I was here?? Sorry...dont remember, but I enjoyed every bit of it. Bowls of Laksa, the weather and the Merlion. But this time...??
Once checked in the hotel,I needed two things--food and sleep! And to eat, the wonderful room service menu had Laksa as one of the local fare. Bingo and in twenty minutes, a humongous bowl of piping hot Laksa-loaded with shrimps, fish cakes, bean curd puffs and scallops. You must be knowing, that I got a taste of it when I was in Chennai and love this irresistible curry soup. For a rookie in asian tastes, Laksa is a curry noodle-soup (Not that same Indian curry as you think, you "Indian food haters"!), traditionally with rice vermicelli or noodles in a curry based broth of coconut milk, chilli, turmeric, shrimp paste, lemongrass, shallot, garlic etc etc. And "laksha herb", which is nothing but dried, powdered coriander leaves. And voila! Just slurp till you get to the lick the bowl in privacy.... ;)

After a sound sleep for 3-4 hours, time to get out of the hotel and explore the city a bit. Err..sorry, time to eat. Alongwith fellow crew, we headed to Chijmes. Located off Victoria Street, Chijmes is a one of the historic buildings(and complex) in Singapore--the erstwhile gothic chapel is now turned into a hall, an art gallery and plenty of places to eat and drink! Sorry, forgot to say--it is a touristy place to eat ;)
Eat...Eat...People's Park Centre
A glass of diet coke/Coke light with Ice-lemon and some drinks for the rest of the crew, time to eat. To many members dismay, we headed to People's Park Center, located in the heart of Chinatown. Local food, cooked afresh and there you go. To eat here, you dont need break your bank SGD20.00 and I promise you can eat your stomach full--to sit you choose--outside or inside. Plenty of options to choose from--Malay, Thai, Singaporean, Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Seafood, only beverages--plenty of options to choose from. But my friend, if you fancy European or those german style road corner food stall- a sausage inside a bun, you'll be disappointed.

After a quick scanning, I opted for Chicken cutlet (almost like a Chicken Katsu or hainanese chicken) on a bed of flat noodles, followed by steamed pork dimsums. Saving the noodles (you know, I am reducing my carb intake), it was a delicious treat. I dont remember, when was the last time, I had some tasty dimsums. That was not enough. I wanted more. Some black pepper crab perhaps?? But it was too late, as many of the stalls started calling it a day. Stayed happy with some unagi(barbecued eel), sans rice.

Back to the hotel and well, it is time to sleep!

Being troubled by a jet lag (Singapore Time is 4 hours ahead of GST or +8GMT), I could leave the bed at 1200 local time (come on..thats like 8AM in Abu Dhabi). A quick snack and shower, I just prepared for an old school gastronomic delight--the very old fashioned Chicken Rice institution, "Chin Chin Eating house".
Hainanese Roast Chicken
Located behind Raffles amidst some restaurants serving haute and modern french or some turkish classics, Chin Chin Eating House has been catering the Singaporeans some classics like Hainanese Pork Chop, Steamed/Roasted Chicken, Hokkien Mee noodles and the like. I stepped in to order, "One Hainanese Pork Chop for SGD 5.00, One small chicken roasted for SGD4.00, One Hokkien Mee for SGD4.00 and One Hainanese Prawn Roll for SGD10.00...and no rice please". After a wait for about 10 minutes, plates started coming in. And you pay, just SGD24.00(including a pack of tissues). Wasn't it filling?? was. 
Hokkien Mee

Hainanese Pork Chop

I was craving for some fruits or some sweets later, but my stomach didn't allow me to do so.
Hainanese Prawn Roll
Off to Suntec City Mall...bought a duck, to cook it back in Abu Dhabi, in leisure and back to the hotel to come back to Abu Dhabi.

P.S. Carry a pack a tissue wont be given in food courts or hawker stalls (unless, you are fascinated by McDonalds).

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Singapore La(yover)..

"Nobody in Singapore drinks Singapore Slings. It's one of the first things you find out there. What you do in Singapore is eat. It's a really food crazy culture, where all of this great food is available in a hawker-stand environment"-Anthony Bourdain.

I was too excited to find that I was rostered for the Singapore flight. New destination for me after all, and before I went in there, I did my quick research of what to eat and what to see as a first time visitor and in my wishlist:
  • Eat the Decadent Chilli Crab
  • Eat Singaporean Laksa
  • Take Selfie by the Merlion
  • Eat in the Hawker style food park

Seafood Dimsums
But then, before you go to a place, you ask for recommendations and do some research. Despite asking for recommendations, I was readying myself for some impromptu meal choices!

We reached the hotel--Rendezvous by Bras Basah, about 1115 am--tired, sleepy and often yawning, ready to hit bed for about 2-3 hours and then out for the city tour, till someone complained of being hungry! So, there you go, "See you all in the lobby in 15-20mins was the call". After getting into my room, I was too cosy and too lazy to step out for some quick lunch, but then, the "Gentleman" has given his word--cant avoid! I changed my clothes and then off for some good lunch! When I say, "good lunch", I really meant a good one.
Singapore Chilli Crab
After a little bit of run around, we found a seafood restaurant right behind the hotel, with a decadent menu featuring fruits of the sea and and lots of asian delicacies! But then, I went there for something else...Singapore Chilli Mud Crab, oh yes please! The server took me to their aquarium to show me the crabs they have in stock, "live"--the Scottish mud crabs about SG$68.00(USD50) per KG(promotional price--original being 80SG$).
I also ordered some dimsums as my appetisers before I decided to hog in the entire crab!Dimsums were nice and then comes, the much coveted Singapore Chilli Crab. How was it? When you pay about SG$81 (USD60) it ought to be delicious. Not spicy as you would expect (and you know, I cant stand spicy food). I dont know how long did it take me to finish, but I was asking fellow colleagues, if they would like to try (and save some space before I get tired of cleaning up the claws and pick out the meat). No desserts except an ice-cream to finish it off and then off to sleep!

Singaporean Seafood Laksa
The plan for the evening was to have some laksa (meaning Lakh/one hundred thousand). I remember, back in my tenure in Chennai, I would often make Laksa, and since then had fallen in love with it--didnt get to have a good one since 2009 and Singapore made my wish come true. Just for SG$3.50(about 2.60 USD), I had a good bowl of Laksa with seafood.For dessert? I found a place churning premium homemade Japanese flavoured ice-creams--Macha with Redbean, one scoop in a cone.

After a short while, met some of the crew of the flight and had a quick chit chat with them--shawarma and some mocktails to go! By local time 11pm, I was too tired to stay up. Ordered some hot chocolate from room service and then off to bed!

Merlion of Singapore
Day 2

I was up by 7am--did my morning water ritual and had my breakfast--not much time I had for that day--needed to sleep for at least 2 hours before the wake up call and off for some walking around the city.
Merlion, or the "Sea-Lion", conceptualised back in 1970s, represents the name of the country, "Singapura", located in front of The Fullerton Hotel. And yes, I took my selfie and as almost like all the visitors, I did drink a lot of water!

Selfie done and then it was time to go to eat in a hawker style food park--where the food is cheap, good and lots of people around.I moved on to Chinatown using the inexpensive MRT(Singaporean Subway/Metro) and onto Maxwell Food Centre. You must come here to believe--arrays of food stalls, with people queuing up for some freshly crushed sugarcane juice or some cheap lunch, as cheap as just SG$4.00. Did I ever tell you, that in asia, if you need to eat good food, you need to come to these places?
I ordered a fried fish croquette and the laksa again. All I could hear was "slurp"!But then, FYI, most of these restaurants, never give you a tissue. Either you carry yours or else, buy one!
In this layover, I had been a complete glutton. I love the asian flavours (despite, I had been a lifelong servant of European cuisine)be it Hong Kong (where I would love to go over and over again), Saigon (You eat really good food, without even breaking your bank)or here in Singapore(where there is something for everyone).

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Valentine's Menu-2015

Sencha cured Salmon, Hass Avocado
If you have been following my blogs for the past couple of years, you must have come across similar posts, i.e. Menu for your valentine, my valentine or sort of similar posts. This year, probably, I wont go overboard. Since, I will be working on Valentine's Day (or just another day!), so perhaps I wont get the opportunity to cook all these stuff on the day itself. Chances are, I will cook all these probably as a 13th Feb Lunch or else, once I will be back to Abu Dhabi.

Escargot Fricasse, Hazelnut and Parmesan Biscuit, Piquillo
The menu for this year has been inspired by my recent visit to Paris (just a few weeks before), where I had "green tea cured salmon". Something different to my palate and I liked it so much, that I had to ask the hostess if she can speak to the chef and get me the recipe (and unfortunately, in the same restaurant, I had the worst creme brulee of my life!!).

Mushroom Ravioli, Topinambour
Dry aged Entrecote Ratte Puree, Thyme Jus
No, I am not presenting any oysters this year, unlike the last few years. Probably shift to something else, like escargot, mushrooms and  followed by Dry aged entrecote and then ending up with some chocolatey dessert.
And btw, the menu doesn't have any option for His or Hers--both will have to eat the same menu ;)

Le Saumon
Sencha cured Salmon, Hass Avocado
Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, Brut, NV
Les Escargots
Piquillos, Hazelnuts, Parmesan
Pays d'Oc, Chardonnay, 2013
Le Champignon
Le Entrecote de boeuf
Ratte Puree, Thyme Jus
Cour du Roy, Bordeaux 2012
Le assiette de Fromages
Sauternes 2009
Le Chocolat trois facons
Assiette de Fromage, Quince
Rose-white chocolate cremeux, Twix crumble, milk chocolate toffee sauce and dark chocolate shell
Variations of Chocolate

Well, I often miss cooking in the French restaurant, "Traiteur", where I have worked before (and to be honest, I loved working there!). As a homage to that lost love, I dedicate my main course for this menu to that restaurant..