Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Way back home…again..Part 2

Aargh...I was sitting in the airport for more than 4 hours..for nothing. Today, I didn't take a shower...which is not me...My flight to Kolkata was scheduled at 18:30 hours [I wonder, whether it will leave on the correct time or not...].Most of the time I was sleeping in the airport..occasionally gulping down some water, to quench my thirst, having some chocolates[I had a bagfull, when I left Dubai] & visiting the restroom, to relieve myself.
Finally, when the boarding gates were opened, I headed towards the security check. By then, the brie de meaux & camembert de normandie, which I bought for home---melted. I was more than frustrated, still, I had patience to go through the rigorous security check. I was hungry...what to do...what to do...I needed a mini chicken snacker--assumed that it would keep me full till dinner was served in flight....

I boarded the flight by 18:10 hours, but such early boarding was of no use---it was expected & eventually, the flight departed at 18:45 hours. I went to sleep again...except when the not-too-old air hostess asked me for the inflight meal..the dinner was served at around 19:30 hours...n after eating that, I went to sleep again...[These days, I have started hating the in-flight meals!! :( ]...
I got up around 20:30...only 1/2 hr was left  to reach Kolkata...
And, finally the flight landed in Kolkata....the temperature outside was 19 Deg C....I was back to the ever polluted Kolkata, with the political unrest...

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