Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Chasing the hobby of capturing moments aka Photography

“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.”

My history of taking photograph, probably in early 90s, when I was as little as 5-6years old, was more or less related to this camera, "Hot Shot", owned by my father. I would fiddle around with this piece without realising from where shall I put my eyes or what is the mechanism. Later he got another one, Minolta from US of A and yet it was another article that was beyond my reach to understand. I dont remember which model was it, but it was still back in the days of good,old film camera. You take pictures assuming they would come perfect and wait for the printed copies of the pictures take--only to be put inside the albums. Interestingly, the camera came with a small manual with some marvellous pictures!
I got a film camera from my elder uncle, back in the late 90s, as a gift, and started taking pictures! Buy a roll film, stick it inside and there you go! Some again would come nice whilst mostly would be disastrous.
My first camera was Agfa digital compact camera!Cheapest camera that money can buy. I reckon it was a defected one as mostly the pictures would come terrible. I moved on and bought another one, Panasonic Lumix in the year 2012, to take better pictures. I would capture whatever comes in front of my eyes. People, things, subjects, objects, caring little about the background or foreground(though I used to take pictures mostly of food---cooking at home or at work!)
Fast Forward!
Year 2019, JUN 25th to be precise.
This Blog needs a reboot...essentially!
P.S.: I will start writing soon